
Are you looking to enjoy smoking cessation benefits? Your life will improve in so many ways once you quit smoking. Some people try and try but never manage to stop smoking. But there is a technique that can almost guarantee your success. I will tell you more about that in a little bit but let's first look at the benefits you will gain from quitting smoking.

First of all you will experience wonderful health benefits. Smoking drastically increases your chances of lung disease, cancer, and heart attacks, amongst other things. Quitting smoking can help to stop the deterioration that smoking causes to your body. Over time your health may return to that of a non-smoker.

You will also look and feel younger. Smoking causes skin damage leading to premature wrinkling. It also makes your fingers and teeth yellow, and your skin look ashen. When you stop smoking skin damage will stop and you will look healthier.

You will gain a sense of accomplishment and pride like you have never experienced before. Imagine just how great you will feel knowing that you have conquered your worst habit and shown just how strong you really are.

Well you can do it; actually you can do it quite easily. That technique I mentioned earlier? It is all you need to beat your smoking habit and enjoy all these benefits of quitting smoking.

It is called NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a therapy technique that has been around for decades, but only recently applied to help smokers beat their addiction with astonishing success. It is an all natural technique that works so well because it targets and removes cravings to smoke. Without cravings quitting smoking becomes easy.

How successful is NLP? In a recent test 5,000 smokers participated in a special session of NLP specifically designed to help smokers beat their addiction to cigarettes. 99.7% of the participants managed to quit smoking for at least one month. Six months later a remarkable 97.2% of the participants were still enjoying smoking cessation benefits.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Besides the hundreds of non-health reasons to quit smoking, there are many health benefits to quitting smoking. If you're looking for some good health reasons to stop smoking now, these are just a few of the many health reasons to look for when you quit that will help you reverse the effects of smoking.

To start with - just 20 minutes after you quit smoking your tired lungs and airways will begin to heal. Circulation will improve immediately and your blood pressure and pulse will return to normal.

After eight hours the nicotine levels in your blood are reduced by 50%, and your oxygen levels will return to normal.

After 12 hours carbon monoxide levels in your blood will drop to normal.

After 24 hours your lungs will begin to clear out mucus and smoking debris.

After 48 hours your body will be free of all the nicotine and your sense of taste and smell will improve greatly.

After 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, allowing you to breathe much easier and you'll find you have more energy.

After two to 12 weeks your blood circulation continues to improve.

After three months heart attack risk starts to fall while lung function starts to improve.

After three to nine months after quitting smoking, your coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and other breathing difficulties begin to improve.

After one to five years your chance of experiencing a heart attack drops by about half that of a smoker.

After ten years your chance of developing lung cancer drops by about half and your chance of experiencing a heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked.

After 15 years the risk of stroke and heart disease is similar to a nonsmoker.

None of this will get rid of all the risks. Even decades after quitting smoking people who once smoked have higher risks of dying from diseases that block breathing channels such as emphysema. Smokers and former smokers are much more likely to die of cancers of the head, neck, throat, lungs and the bladder than non-smokers.

It's never ever too late to quit. No matter what your age you can reduce your risk of dying of smoking-related diseases by 50% if you quit smoking now. Focus on these health benefits can help and use them as your natural stop smoking aids. Whether you quit 'cold turkey' or not, try not to use stop smoking pills, hypnosis, magnets, gum or patches. You'll feel the results fast. Make smoking cessation your goal now, YOU CAN DO IT! Thousands before you have done it too!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Here are some benefits and facts of not smoking. The benefits and facts of not smoking are so many. Let us look at just two positive benefits when we start the process to stop smoking.
1- lower blood pressure
2- increased oxygen levels in the blood.
With lower blood pressure and increased oxygen levels in the blood we give our bodies the help it needs to get better. There is a big benefit to those who have stopped smoking because they have better healthier lives. After they have stopped smoking they will tell they can breathe better, smell better and food was good again. They had a better out look on life as well. They had more money in their pockets. We don't keep count of what bad habits cost us but we should. Our health is our big loser and what price could we put on that. Research has shows that these two along can help our health and over time really help our brain. The brain needs the increased oxygen levels.

Now let us look at just four of the short-term benefits for stopping the smoking habit.
1-Our blood pressure, pulse, and body temperature will return to normal.
2-Our body starts to heal itself.
3-The carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in our blood will return to normal.
4-Our chances of having a serious heart attack decreases by almost half.
By allowing our bodies to have the normal amounts of the above we will cause it to heal its self from the damage that we received from smoking.

Here are some facts why we should stop smoking and ask people not to smoke as well. Her are the facts about deaths in the United States during 2000 through 2004 by specific causes, as follows:

o Lung cancer: 128,900 deaths
o Other cancers: 35,300 deaths
o Ischemic Heart Disease: 126,000 deaths
o Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 92,900 deaths
o Stroke: 15,900 deaths
o Other diagnoses: 44,000 deaths Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death.
o deaths annually, about 443,000 deaths per year.
o An estimated 49,000 of these deaths are the result of secondhand smoke exposure.
o On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.
o Cigarette smoking increases the length of time that people live with a disability.

For all of those people who want to stop smoking now,now is the time to stop smoking. We all have said:" If I just could find a way to stop that worked now I would. By stop smoking we can help to avoid diseases of the respiratory tract and diseases of the cardiovascular system. However the younger we do it the better.

Now, on the way to stop smoking we must learn a proven way through information. Once we have the information we will have a plan to follow. The information must have a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that will explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit. We all need to be taught in life how to over come our problems. There is a therapy called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. It is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem like smoking into lots of easily solved parts.We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response and those learned responses are so ingrained in us we have no way of escaping the problem without help.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking has many health risks and absolutely no health benefits. Why do people keep smoking? Because they are addicted to nicotine and smoke cigarettes every single day has become a habit and routine.The physical addiction to nicotine can go away with a week or two of quitting. In the other way, psychological addiction can go on for a long time. I think this is why people say "I can't" and they give up and lose the hope of quit smoking. Quitting smoking cigarettes is major and immediate health benefits for all men and women! Benefits apply to people with and without smoking related diseases. 90% of all lung cancer patients are smokers. Big part of smokers stop smoking the minute after they are diagnosed with lung cancer. That is just a prove it's possible... Believe yourself... You just need some WILLPOWER!

Cigarette smoke and the cocktail of 4000 chemicals found in it, damage nerves all over your body. After 2 days of quitting smoking your body will start to re-grow these damaged nerves. The most dangerous chemicals found in cigarette smoke are ammonia, carbon monoxide, cadmium, pesticides and benzines. The nicotine its self doesn't affect your body to much comparable to others chemicals in cigarettes. Multi-bilion tabacco's companies add some chemicals to make nicotive very addictive... Please, do not give more money to these companies which are out to harm the health of the people to gain a few more millions!

I will list for you some of SHORT-TERM benefits of quit smoking cigarettes:
1. After 1 - 2 months of not smoking you will have circulation improves and lung function expands.
2. You can taste your food better, and your bad breath will gonna away.
3. No more clothes with smell of smoke.
4. No more yellow fingers.
5. Your wallet is fat!

Now, some huge and very important LONG-TERM benefits of quit smoking cigarettes:
1. Quitting smoking decreases the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, chronic lung disease and heart attack.
2. After some weeks, all the carbon monoxide and nicotine that was in the blood are going away.
3. You get your life back! You'll feel more strength and energy to do more things and live with more health!!

To finish, I give you my best advice to quit smoking cigarettes right now. You can go reducing the cigarettes smoking per day. If you smoke 20, you should try to just smoke 10. After that, you should set a date of total cessation of smoke. You guys should understand that to quit smoking and stay quit is simply a matter of knowing to never take another puff. Change your routine. Drink tea instead of coffee. Do something to reduce your stress... Take a hot bath, do exercise, or read a book. You should to plan something enjoyable to do every day. There are no miracles... You need to try and believe you can do this. I'm a new person since I quitted smoking! Good luck everyone:)
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Tips To Quit Smoking

When you're ready to quit smoking, you have a number of choices available to you. You can try to quit cold turkey, you can try using medication or hypnotherapy, you can use natural herbs or you can cut back the number you smoke, setting a final date when you will quit.

Five tips to quit smoking that might help you include:

#1 Cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day or a week, gradually working down to the day where you don't smoke anymore.

#2 Replace a cigarette with something you can bite on or chew on, such as a straw, a fake cigarette or even a pen; for many smokers having something in-between their fingers to raise to their mouth is most difficult to kick.

#3 Drink lots of water to help flush the nicotine from your system. Water's good for you anyway, so this can only be good for your overall health.

#4 Find a motivation to stop smoking. Maybe someone you know recently had health problems from smoking. Maybe your wife hates it or your afraid your children will think its cool.

#5 Don't give up. If you have a relapse, start again, perhaps trying another method. Don't look at a relapse as failure, but as a learning experience.

Quit Smoking Naturally

Quit smoking natural methods aren't all proven. Though herbs have been shown to reduce some of the effects, there is no definitive proof that they work. Other alternative forms have some science behind them and have started growing in popularity. If you want to quit using natural methods, you don't need to rely on quitting cold turkey if you want to do it without using drugs. Consider:

Hypnotherapy: This method uses hypnosis to reverse your thought process about smoking and about quitting, to help you succeed. A hypnotist will use this time to implant encouraging messages in your mind which will make you want to quit.

Acupuncture: If you're not afraid of needles, this is a second option. Needles will be injected at different parts of your body to restore your balance and cut down on withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings.

Lobelia: This herb is designed to reduce the effects of withdrawal by reducing mood swings and increasing feelings of pleasure.

Stop Smoking Using Medication

If you want stop smoking medication, there are dozens you can choose from and each has its pros and cons. Some that you might consider include:

Chantix: This drug blocks the effects of nicotine on your brain and was developed specifically to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduces the feelings of pleasure that nicotine has on your brain and reduces the effects of withdrawal. This is a physician-prescribed medication that has serious side effects, including sleep problems, constipation, gas and vomiting.

Zyban: Reduces the effects of withdrawal and nicotine cravings. It is also used to reduce depression. This medication must be prescribed by your physician. It has serious side effects, including dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, sore throat, dizziness, flatulence and constipation.

You can also use nicotine patches and gum to control your addiction. The patch is effective, but feeds your addiction by releasing small(er) amounts of nicotine into your skin.

Quit smoking medication doesn't work alone, nor is it completely effective. You need to persevere.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Cigarettes release hundreds of chemicals into your system, which do things to your body that can be harmful for years to come. Quitting smoking benefits range from emotional to health benefits. Even after a short amount of time, you can see stop smoking effects after only twenty minutes. Some benefits include:

After a week, your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal, your nerve endings have started regrowing, your body is nicotine free and it's easier to breath. Your senses of taste and smell return to normal in this time, as well. You will still have cravings, which usually last for about three minutes.

After three months, your addiction is mostly under control and circulation to your teeth and gums has improved. Your risk of heart attack has dropped and any chronic cough has disappeared. Walking is easier.

After one year, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath from smoking have improved. Your risk of coronary heart disease has dropped to half of a smoker's.

After 15 years the quit smoking benefits include the risk of stroke has declined to a non-smoker's, your risk of tooth loss has declined and so has your heart disease risk.

There are also emotional benefits for quitting smoking, including a healthier self-image. Never look back.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are thinking about stopping smoking and are wondering about quitting smoking benefits, you need to know that they will change your life. When you quit smoking you will see improvements in your overall health almost instantly. You will be able to breathe easier and walk farther without losing your breath. Your debilitating and embarrassing smoker's cough will start to go away, and you won't wake up every morning with a chest full of phlegm.

The important thing to remember is that you have to really want to quit smoking in order to succeed. There are many smoking cessation products available to help you stop, but if you have not made a real commitment to quit, these products won't do much good.

It is very difficult to quit smoking because your body develops an addiction to the nicotine in cigarettes. It is going to be hard work, and you will need to take it one day at a time. You will still experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms for some time after your take the first step, but it's definitely worth the short-term pain.

When you see the health benefits from not smoking you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Your fingers and teeth will start to turn back to the color they were before you started smoking and you won't have bad breath or smelly clothes.

When you stop smoking, you will add quality and years to your life. You will have more time to spend with your family and friends, and you'll find that you feel better than have in a long time.

After being smoke free for a year, your risk of heart disease declines dramatically. In fact, your risk will become half that of a smoker. And when you haven't smoked for more than five years, your risk of stroke becomes that of someone who never smoked.

These quitting smoking benefits should be reason enough to put down your smokes. But if they aren't enough, just think about how much money you will save by not buying cigarettes everyday. Those savings should seal the deal.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There are many benefits to stopping smoking. Most of the benefits are reductions in the risk of developing some disease or other. These benefits are the reason why you should stop smoking. They wont in themselves help you stop smoking but they will provide you with motivation to go on and learn how to stop smoking successfully.

Stop smoking benefit #1: When you smoke, the cocktail of hot gases and chemicals found in cigarette smoke damages your body. There are 4,000 of them in all! As a result, if you fall ill, you take longer to recover and/or heal. Stopping smoking will significantly improve your ability to fight disease.

Stop smoking benefit #2: Smoking causes damage to your mouth and gums. Smokers are more likely to suffer from 'acute necrotising and ulcerative gingivitis' (diseased gums) which increases the risk of tooth loss and gives you bad breath amongst other things. Urgh!

Stop smoking benefit #3: Smokers are 20 times more likely to suffer from angina than non-smokers.

Stop smoking benefit #4: Want to keep your eyesight? Smokers run twice the risk of developing cataracts when compared to non-smokers. Smokers are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and therefore diabetic retinopathy - the degeneration of the retina, leading to blindness. They are also twice as likely to suffer from macular degeneration of the eyes and amblyopia (loss of sight).

Stop smoking benefit #5: Hey stud! Men who smoke increase the risk suffering from erectile dysfunction, reduced ejaculate volume, reduced sperm counts and deformed, damaged or dead sperm. Basically, smoking is a good way to increase your chances of being impotent! Reduce your risks by stopping smoking as soon as possible.

Stop smoking benefit #6: Hey good looking! Smokers run twice the risk of suffering from psoriasis and skin wrinkling. Free radicals found in cigarette smoke damage skin tissues and reduce their elasticity more rapidly than non-smokers. This is why long-term smokers tend to look older and have a poorer complexion than non-smokers.

Stop smoking benefit #7: Cancer anyone? Smokers run an elevated risk of developing lung cancer. They also have a disproportionately high risk of developing throat, oesophageal, bladder, kidney, stomach, pancreatic, mouth and tongue and lip cancers!

Stop smoking benefit #8: 45% of all duodenum or stomach ulcers are found in smokers. Nicotine interacts with the parasympathetic nervous system (the automatic bit) and relaxes the stomach sphincters, allowing stomach excess into the oesophagus (heartburn) and the duodenum.

Stop smoking benefit #9: An aortic aneurism is the ballooning of the aorta which can result in it rupturing which leads to massive internal bleeding and quick, certain death. Smokers suffer 57% of all aortic aneurisms.

Stop smoking benefit #10: Stick around! Did you know that people who smoke between 1 and 14 cigarettes per day are 8 times more likely to die early when compared to non-smokers.. Smokers on 15 to 25 cigarettes per day are 13 times more likely to die early compared to non-smokers. Smokers who smoke over 25 cigarettes per day are 25 times more likely to die early!

Finally, there is a Japanese proverb that says "fall down seven times, get up eight". Stopping smoking is just like that too. You have to keep trying to stop. My advice as ever is never quit trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Sometimes it is worth reminding yourself of the incredible benefits of stopping smoking. Most people remind themselves of the benefits of stopping smoking because it helps their willpower to quit their deadly habit. But there is a better reason to know about the benefits and not just so that you can have stronger willpower. But to remind you that the positives of quitting far exceed the negatives.

Before stopping and after stopping, you may hear a little voice in your head telling you that it is not worth it, that you need your smokes, that it is cool and you'll probably get away with it. The whole time you hear this voice, you just look like an addicted junkie, trust me - I know it, I see it and I've been there myself.

The key to quitting smoking is to keep these benefits in mind, because it's worth remembering that there are so many benefits to stopping smoking that you had probably forgotten about and ZERO reasons to keep on smoking. I prefer to talk about benefits because there are enough warnings on cigarette packets these days - keep in mind the positives rather than the negatives.

In real life, when you have a decision to make, have you ever had one so easy where there is so much upside and zero downside? You have a powerful brain, more powerful than any supercomputer ever invented. Use it to make the right decision and override the instinct of an addict. You're better than that!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
With over 1 billion smokers worldwide, it's a given that each and every year, tens of millions of people attempt to quit smoking. This is not surprising to say the least, as the quitting msoking benefits far outweigh the negative impact smoking has on your health. But amongst that group, it's fairly common to hear the excuse: "I'm too old to quit smoking" or "I've been smoking for too long for it to do me any good." Are these people speaking from experience, or is this just a convenient excuse?

Let's take a look at what the statistics tell us. According to the U.S. Surgeon Generals Report:
- A person who quits smoking while still a young adult can expect to add as much as 10 years of healthy living to his/her life
- A smoker in his/her 60's can expect to add up to 3 years of healthy living to his/her life
Let's stop there. So what we see here is that even someone who's been smoking 70% or more of his/her life, can still add 3 years to their life-span! What would 3 more years with your loved ones mean to you? Wouldn't your family and friends want the best for you? 3 more years of life with no strings attached other than giving up a habit that is affecting both your health, as well as the health of those around you. We're not even done yet, and we've already seen that quitting smoking benefits you, your loved ones, and those around you.
In addition to a increased life-span, there are many other positive health effects of quitting smoking. For example:
- Reduced risk of heart disease
- Reduced risk of lung cancer (As well as 3 - 4 other variations of cancer associated with smoking)
- Healthier skin and appearance
- Improved health of fmaily members or others exposed to second hand smoke
The list goes on. So there's no doubt about it - quitting smoking benefits you on multiple levels. Overall, the question that you must ask yourself (And then ultimately answer) is if the 30 - 60 day process of quitting smoking is worth 3 - 10 years of extra life? (Not to mention a healthier one) Who wants to spend their life going to and from a hospital dealing with failing health amongst many other problems caused by smoking? You owe it to yourself to take the quit smoking process seriously.
I won't candy coat things here and claim it's easy, because it's not. But we've prepared a blog designed just for those who are looking for the best quit smoking tips. In fact, you'll likely want to see what programs we reviewed recently that boast a near 90% success rate for quitting smoking:
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Cigarette smoke is very dangerous. Whether you smoke first hand or are near second hand smoke, it all has negative effects on the body. Countless different researchers have confirmed the terrible effects that smoking has on your well-being, and especially on the bodies of people who have smoked for a long time. Smoking bans are now in effect in many nations across the world. What more do you have to be aware of in order to stop? For one, the addiction is very expensive, will ruin your teeth, and makes your clothes smell terrible. And don't disregard the atrocious breath! Here are a few ideas to help you quit smoking.

First, you need to find out why you smoke. Is anxiety a trigger for you to light up? Is having a smoke with your coffee or an alcoholic drink often mandatory for you? Identifying precisely what compels you to smoke is enormously effective in shaping a course of action to steer away from cigarettes.

Next, you will need to think of how to manage your cravings. You can try to merely tell yourself not to light up, but that usually doesn't work. Cigarette withdrawal can generate incredibly intense urges and may even cause you to be angry. If you smoke while you down coffee, a possible solution is to reduce the quantity of cups you consume each day. For outside-only smokers, you need to try to stay put inside if you feel an urge for a cigarette coming on.

The third step might be the easiest. Clear any item you have that is associated to smoking away from your home, car and office. Throw away the packs of smokes, lighters, and ashtrays. You must keep in mind that any article related to smoking that is not trashed can prompt a craving, and cause you to be unsuccessful in your bid to stop smoking.

As a final point, keep focused on your purpose! Wouldn't it feel impressive to show people you stopped?
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Putting down that last cigarette and deciding to quit smoking takes a lot of courage, and I would like to congratulate you for the best decision you could ever make in your life. If you haven't quit yet, I want to let you know that it is quite normal to be having fears of quitting. This fear that you are encountering is a by-product of any addiction. Don't let this fear stop you from the quitting smoking benefits that are right around the corner, because once you quit the benefits certainly are worth the effort required to achieve them.

After smoking for years the damage that has been done to your body has ruined if forever, right? One would think so, but our bodies are extremely resilient when it comes to rebounding from the damage. Quitting smoking benefits begin within the first 20 minutes after you butt out. This article will give you a blow by blow of the first 2 days of a smoke free life and how your body fights back.

A moment ago I said within the first 20 minutes the benefits are first experienced, that wasn't something to get you to continue reading on, it's true. Within the first 20 minutes you will experience a drop in your blood pressure and your pulse will slow down a bit.

The next 47 hours are all about your body beginning to regrow damaged nerve endings that were stunted by years of tobacco use. In addition to regrowing nerve endings, your sense of taste and smell begin to improve as well.

This may not seem like much benefit to be gained by quitting smoking, but believe me when I tell you that you can't even begin to fathom how good food tastes and fresh things smell once you quit smoking. You don't even notice that things don't taste the same when you start smoking because it happens over time, but two days of not smoking to get those great tastes back is definitely worth it in my opinion.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is a highly addictive habit that causes so many health problems and is responsible for millions of deaths each year worldwide. Yet, so many people still find it so hard to quit the habit and start increasing their life expectancy considerably. The health benefits of quitting smoking are huge, both short and long term.

Smokers tend to ignore the health benefits of giving up, or choose not to listen when being told. This is a common trait of an addiction held by a person, the denial factors will be their reasoning their continuation of a deadly habit.
But the fact is that when somebody does decide to try and quit smoking, the body will start the healing process almost immediately:

- Within 8 hours the carbon monoxide levels in their body will drop and the oxygen levels in their blood will increase.
- Within 48 hours their sense of smell and taste will improve considerably and the chances of having a heart attack start to decrease.
- After 72 hours breathing becomes much easier and the lung capacity increases.

Of course the body will continue to heal and the health of a person will increase dramatically the longer they can avoid smoking. Once the initially phase of denying the body the nicotine is craving can be passed, then the process starts to become easier.

It is always beneficial for somebody attempting to stop smoking to write down the health benefits of quitting smoking and read them on a daily basis so it starts to sink into their mind set of what they can actually achieve if they can accomplish their goal.

Here are some of the main benefits that somebody who quits can expect:

- A higher level of fitness will become apparent and those stair climbs and walks that used to make them short of breath will become a lot easier.
- No more smelly breath through smoking, or clothes that stink. The house will also smell a lot fresher.
- A reduction in serious diseases such as Emphysema, Bronchitis, Heart disease, Cardiovascular disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Cancer to name a few.
- The health of a child whose parents stop smoking will increase.
- A birth of a healthy baby from a pregnant mother that quits.
- Fewer common colds and bout's of flu or tonsillitis.
- Financial gain due to the money saved from buying cigarettes.
- Impotency.
- Improved skin, less wrinkles and more coloration.
- A better feeling within themselves, less tired and lethargic all the time.

These are just a few, the list goes on. But these are some that could be written down and looked at every day to help create a sense of reality in a person's mind. The health benefits of quitting smoking add up to so much, it is just a matter of changing the mind set of those that really want to give up so they start to appreciate what it will do for them.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


With any prescription drug there are side affects and Chantix is not exempt from this problem. Chantix is a quit smoking drug that has become very popular and has a high rating of efficacy among medical professionals. Chantix side affects can be serious, but are they serious enough to outweigh the benefits that the majority of patients have received by being able to quit smoking?

The medical scientists at the Chantix labs have proven that this medication is an affective treatment for adults who are looking to quit smoking. During their clinical trials, they worked with 2000 smokers who smoked over 21 cigarettes a day for 25 years. During the studies, Chantix proved its efficacy. It is said to be 4 times more effective than any other drug in the quit smoking category. There are no other quit smoking drugs out there that can compete with Chantix at this time, although Chantix side affects are unique.

Chantix side affects exist, as with all prescription drugs, so each patient must be aware since each patient is different. In up to one-third of patients, there are minor side affects such as nausea, sleep disorder, gas, sleeplessness, constipation, headache, loss of taste, mood alterations, vivid dreams or an allergic rash.

Since all drugs have side affects, there is no way around it. Doctors and their patients who are looking to begin on a quit smoking path should be aware of the potential risk of Chantix side affects. When you see side affects you should remember that the seriousness must be weighed against the benefits of continuing the drug. The patient and the doctor will decide whether to lower the dosage or start a new drug.

If a patient is feeling depressed, they should switch from Chantix to an alternative. Zyban is a low dose of an antidepressant (bupropion) which could be more affective than Chantix in such a case. If a person notices an itchy rash or any other side affects while taking Chantix, they should discontinue use of the medication and talk with a pharmacist or a physician.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
For people who smoke, they have probably tried to stop before but they just can't seem to do it. No matter what you do, you just can't put down the cigarette. Maybe you have tried quitting for a few hours but then you get that craving. You want that cigarette in your mouth. You want to inhale that smoke and allow it to fill up your entire body. Little do you know, when you stopped smoking for just those few short hours, your body was repairing itself.

A lot of people assume that even if they stopped smoking today that there has already been too much damage to their bodies. That is not the case. If you stopped smoking today, your body could repair itself immediately. Your lungs would start to repair themselves; your teeth wouldn't get any more yellow and you would greatly reduce your risk of lung cancer. All of these are the benefits of quitting smoking today. By cutting smoking out of your daily routine, you would be able to do so much good for your body.

Even though you are aware of all of the benefits from quitting smoking, you just can't make that jump. You just can't seem to put down the cigarettes. You really want to repair your body and get on track to living a healthier life but it seems impossible to you. But you do have it in you to quit. You can make that step and you will be able to see all of the benefits from quitting smoking today.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
It is widely known that smoking cigarettes can seriously damage your health. If you smoke and have been smoking for a long time you really need to think hard about your health in the future. To help you kick the habit read the following health benefits that you can receive when you stop smoking.

1) The immediate benefit when you stop smoking is a lowering of your blood pressure which puts less strain on your heart.

2) In just a few hours of stubbing out that last cigarette the amount of nicotine and other unhealthy chemicals in your blood stream will be cut by about half and the amount of blood oxygen will return to more normal levels.

3) During the first week your lungs will begin the process of removing the build up of mucus and phlegm that has lined your lungs. This will improve your breathing which will also increase your energy levels. Smoking represses your appetite and taste buds therefore, in the week after you quit the food you eat will begin to taste better and your appetite will return.

4) Smoking continuously prevents the blood from circulating around the body effectively. After 3 to 4 weeks of giving up smoking your blood circulation will improve.

5) Over the next 3 to 6 months your lungs will continue to remove the built up mucus and phlegm. The lungs will begin to open up more. You will find as you do more exercise that the wheezy cough and breathing will gradually lessen.

6) If you manage to stay off the cigarettes for a number of years the long term benefits will kick in. These include lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke, blood poisoning, and kidney failure.

7) Up to 10 years and over the risk of you getting lung cancer can reduce by as much as half.

8) If you have quit smoking for up to 15 years or more your risk of getting a heart attack is basically the same as someone who has never smoked tobacco in their lives.

As you can see, the moments you stop smoking the health benefits begin to take an effect. The longer you commit to stop smoking the more benefits you will experience. Initially you will begin to feel better physically as your breathing and circulation improves. As you continue to quit smoking the long term benefits begin to kick. Your risk of getting terminal and debilitating diseases reduces considerably.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Have you made a new year's resolution to drop the dirty nicotine habit? If you have, you are certainly not alone, and you may or may not be successful if this is the first time you have tried to put away the smokes for good. If you are looking for a little motivation, it might be a good idea for you to talk to your doctor, buy a book, or simply do a little fact-finding on the Internet so you can clearly see the quit smoking benefits that will be yours if you are able to kick the habit forever.

You may think that because you have smoked so long, the benefits really aren't going to be all that great for you; that may not be the case, however. There are some quit smoking benefits that are evident within only a matter of hours or days, regardless of how long you have been a smoker.

Of course, other advantages are seen more in the long term, but even so, the quit smoking benefits are truly out there, and if you are able to stop smoking this year, you are more likely to live to see them pan out.

Health benefits are not the only benefits, either. Quitting smoking can improve many other aspects of your life, too. It is becoming increasingly unpopular to smoke, so non-smokers enjoy more freedom to come and go as they please into any buildings without having to brave all kinds of weather just to puff away. And ladies, your nails and teeth will look better, too.

There are all types of products and groups available to help you, so don't delay. Find out the advantages of quitting smoking, write them down, and paste them on your fridge to help yourself keep this resolution.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are a smoker, the decision to stop smoking is one of the best decisions you will ever make. This is mostly because of the vast improvements that your health will undergo. Some of these changes will occur in as little as twenty minutes from the time you put out your last cigarette. Quitting may be difficult, but it will certainly be worth the stop smoking health benefits.

There are some short-term stop smoking health benefits that you will be able to see almost right away. Twenty minutes after your last cigarette is extinguished, you will see a drop in blood pressure and your pulse rate. The temperature of your hands and feet will slowly increase to normal levels as your body's blood circulation improves. Eight hours later, your carbon monoxide levels will drop to normal and your oxygen levels will increase to normal. Before the day is done, your risk of heart attack will decrease. At the forty-eight hour mark, your nerve endings and lung cilia will begin to regenerate and you'll be able to smell and taste everything better.

There are also some longer-term stop smoking health benefits. Over the next three months, your circulation and lung function will continue to improve. You'll find it easier to walk and exercise, which will also contribute to improving your health. The worst part of nicotine withdrawal symptoms will be over within the first month, and you will be able to focus more on continuing to improve your health. By this time, your body will have cleansed your lungs of all the remaining toxins in your mucus, so you'll notice a decrease in smoking-related coughing, sinus congestion, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Two years after that last cigarette, your risk of coronary heart disease will have been cut in half and you'll be in much better health than you were when you quit.

Five years later, your risk for a stroke will decrease. Ten years in, your risk for lung cancer will drop to half of what it was when you were still smoking. Your risk of ulcers and cancers such as mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas will decrease. And, finally, after fifteen years, your risk of heart disease and even death will return to a level comparable to people your age who have never smoked. This proves that it's worth it to quit smoking as soon as possible. So if you want to experience all of these stop smoking health benefits, quit smoking and begin your journey to better health today.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is a very difficult habit to break. In fact, most people that have quit smoking have tried more than once to get rid of the addiction. This is because nicotine is a very addictive substance that rewires the brain and bends it to its will. So if you are considering quitting, here are a few stop smoking benefits to consider:

- Health: This is the most obvious of the stop smoking benefits. As soon as you quit, your body will start rebelling, however, it will also go into repair mode. Your blood pressure will drop right away, your sense of smell and taste will return after a few days and your lungs will start to heal themselves. Your risks of cancer to the lungs, throat and mouth will start to decrease and over the years will become comparable to that of a lifelong nonsmoker. Your risk of heart disease will also decrease. Hardened arteries, high blood pressure and cholesterol will become less of a risk factor. You will also have fewer risks of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. So the chances of you being tied to a low volume oxygen tank for the rest of your life will be greatly diminished. There are too many other stop smoking benefits that fall into this category to list here, but you get the point.

- Sex: Smoking affects male and female sexual processes. Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of impotence (erectile dysfunction) by up to 50%. That is correct! Men that smoke have a 50% greater chance of being unable to perform in the bedroom. This addiction has also been shown to cause infertility in men by affecting the sperms directly. Men are not the only ones that are affected by this. Women that smoke are more vulnerable to having problems getting pregnant. Smoking has also been shown to speed up menopause and to cause the loss of eggs. If they smoke while pregnant, they risk miscarriages, low birth weights and increased chances of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The stop smoking benefits on sexual health are very important. The good news is that smoking cessation has very fast effects when it comes to these issues.

- Money: This is a stop smoking benefit that is almost a no brainer. If you smoke 1 pack a day at $6.75 a pack (cigarette prices in the US range from $5.00 to $8 or $9 in the northeast) then you are wasting around $2450 a year. Multiply that by the amount of years you have been smoking and you get the picture. But there is more to it than just the cost of the cigarettes themselves. If you try to get life insurance, your premiums will be much higher than those of nonsmokers. Your home owners insurance is also higher because of the risk to your home of catching fire. Medical coverage can also be higher because you are a smoker. There are many ways in which smokers pay for their addiction. The financial stop smoking benefits are substantial and immediate. Your wallet WILL be fatter once you quit. There is no question about it!

Hopefully these stop smoking benefits have presented information in a different light than most articles on the subject. You can benefit health wise, sex wise and money wise if you stop smoking. After the initial difficulty of quitting, the stop smoking benefits will be well worth it. Remember all these benefits when you are faced with a particularly tough craving, or when you feel that your resolve is waning.Be strong and good luck!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When you are considering quitting smoking it can be a daunting decision. Amongst the hundreds of facts any would-be quitter should know is at least one quit smoking benefit. Luckily, there are hundreds, of which some are listed here.

The main quit smoking benefit for any would-be quitter is knowing that their health will improve as a direct result of not using tobacco products. Tobacco smoke is an incredibly dangerous substance to both smokers and non-smokers around them.

The tobacco smoke holds over 4000 chemicals of which well over 30 are known to be carcinogenic (cancer causing), including benzene, nitrosamines and polonium-210. Of the other compounds in tobacco smoke, most of them are toxic or at least unnecessary to human life!

Another quit smoking benefit you should be aware of is the rapid improvement in your blood quality. Chemicals in tobacco smoke contaminate the blood. These include nicotine of course but also carbon monoxide, a deadly gas.

The carbon monoxide gas molecules attach themselves to haemoglobin molecules in your red blood cells and effectively handcuff them. Once handcuffed, the red blood cells lose their ability to function and they stop transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the blood via the lungs.

The net result is that a smoker's blood is only functioning to about 85% of its optimum capacity. Quitting smoking allows the blood to recover very quickly and it will become 100% efficient again in as little as two days!

A third quit smoking benefit all smokers should be aware of is that they will see a marked improvement in their circulation within the space of a few of months.

The effects of nicotine on the body hamper smokers' circulation. It causes increased blood pressure, narrowing of arteries and it acts as a precursor in encouraging the deposition of plaque within the blood system.

Studies have shown considerable improvement in blood circulation in people who quit smoking over the first 3 to 12 months of stopping. This improvement leads to a massive reduction in the risk of 'peripheral vascular disease' where parts of the body literally die as a result of poor circulation. That is one major quit smoking benefit if you ask me!

The final quit smoking benefit I want to touch on here is the improvement in heart health. Smokers run a very high risk of dying from heart disease as a direct result of smoking. Due to the fact that smokers have increased rates of fatty deposits in their arteries, they become much more prone to suffering from a blockage in their heart tissues. This leads to blood flow stopping in parts of the muscle of the heart that in turn leads to a heart attack. Quitting the death sticks and taking up a reasonable exercise routine should help fend off such an occurrence.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
How many times have you heard the benefits of quitting smoking? You see it on television, the newspaper and on the Internet. I am here to remind you again of the quitting smoking benefits:

• When you have quit smoking for about a half hour, your heart rate and blood pressure reduce back to normal levels.
• After a good nights rest of full sleep, all of the carbon monoxide and nicotine that was in the blood are cut in half.
• After some time has passed, you will see a dramatic difference in how you breathe. This is because your lungs are functioning normally and aren't being restricted by the chemicals you were putting in your body.
• Your chances of heart disease will dramatically decrease

If you are planning to have a family and you are a smoker, the major benefits to you when you do quit is that you will help reduce the risk of a still birth, SIDS and premature birth. It is so important that the mother, and people around her, do not smoke. That will enter into the baby and there could potentially very harmful side effects to that. So, if you are planning on a family in the near future, the quitting smoking benefits aren't just for you, but for your baby.

These are just a few quitting smoking benefits for you to ponder over, and besides all these benefits, don't forget about all the money you will be saving. Most smokers will spend more then $2,000.00 per year on cigarettes. That is about $167 per month. Think about what you would be able to do with that extra money every month! You also won't smell like a cigarette either. Your clothes and car will smell fresh and clean.

The quitting smoking benefits are so important not just for your on health, but for all those around you. You will gain your confidence back and have more energy.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is injurious to health and this is one statement that has been made over and over again. Despite the several warnings that are given via mass media, so many people are still out there smoking in ignorance or in total defiance to what can do their lives a whole lot of good. However there are some people who will actually want to rid themselves of the terrible habit of smoking but are yet to summon the courage to take the first bold step. Quitting cigarette smoking starts with a step and this is the mindset. With the proper attitude towards quitting smoking, the job is already half done.

While it is true that kicking the habit of smoking could be a difficult one, there are many benefits smokers will definitely enjoy if they succeed in doing it. Stop smoking benefits can be on the short term or the long term. All these benefits regardless of the category are good and desirable for people who are planning to quit smoking. For the short term benefits, these can be realized from the first week to a month after stopping smoking. Long term benefits of quitting smoking can be acquired many years after the habit has been kicked.

In the first week of quitting smoking, there are several stop smoking benefits that smokers will enjoy. For one, the senses of taste and smell will become dramatically improved. This means smokers who quit will begin to breathe clean air and the dank smell that characterizes them will vanish. They will also be more sensitive to their meals and enjoy them better. Most of the physical symptoms that are known with cigarette smokers disappear at the end of the first week of abstinence. The teeth get whiter and the mouth stays fresher for smokers that take this bold step.

With cigarette smoking, the nicotine content of the body is seriously heightened. A number of things get affected with this especially the nervous system. The pulse rates and blood pressures of such people become normalized which are essential for putting people in control of situations. After abstaining from smoking for a whole month, the blood circulation of the body receives tremendous boost. The blood platelets get activated and the immune system is given a boost. Smokers who quit smoking are also able to experience longer breath as well as build energy and stamina. Hands and feet will be observed to get warmer while the skin color and tone would be seen to dramatically improve within this period.

Smokers are more prone to respiratory diseases. Their hearts and lungs grow weaker with every puff of cigarette they take. For longer stop smoking benefits that smokers can look forward to when they quit smoking. They will run less risk of mouth, throat and esophagus cancer. In the long run, there is also less risk for coronary heart diseases for smokers that decide to quit smoking. Other health risks like cervical cancer, bladder cancer and low birth weight are considerably reduced.

These stop smoking benefits are better experienced than imagined,so,why don't you quit smoking today to enjoy good health?
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking remains one of the most self-destructive habits anyone can engage in. Unfortunately, smoking is not only a habit it's an addiction and one that's hard to break free from. Considering what a smoker has to gain from quitting, the quit smoking benefits, can help strengthen their commitment to stop.

The first benefit that comes to mind is always the health benefits. These certainly are important and one of the major reasons to stop smoking. In fact, smoking is a major public health issue. It's hard to think of anything that would have a more beneficial influence on the top two causes of death, namely heart disease and cancer, then everyone in society suddenly stopping smoking.

That's not going to happen soon, but you can make your personal decision to stop smoking right now.

Even though health issues are the most important reasons to quit, I'm not going to dwell on them here because you are probably well aware of what they are. Instead, I want to mention a few of the benefits that people don't talk about as much. One may seem trivial yet may motivate more people than considerations of their health. The other, in some ways, may be more important than the physical benefits.

The possibly trivial reason to quit smoking is aesthetics. In some ways it may seem silly, but some people are more concerned about their looks than they are about their health.

The tobacco industry, and to some extent Hollywood, has done a good job of portraying smoking as somehow elegant, sophisticated and attractive. Many smokers get started when they're young because they want to be part of the crowd that's smoking or they want to be associated with the media image of a smoker. they get hooked before the reality becomes clear

The reality is that smoking is a dirty habit that isn't at all attractive in the short run and over time ruins a person's good looks.

Smokers have to deal with cigarette ash and spent butts. Their homes and cars reek of stale tobacco smoke. Having fiied ashtrays around your home is like having little piles of soot and dirt all over.

It doesn't take long for the smoke to stain a smokers teeth and fingers. Not only that, the smell and dirt cling to their clothes and the walls of their home. All in all, it's an ugly situation.

Beyond that, smoking has obvious detrimental effect on a person's skin. This is both because smoking destroys the elasticity in the skin and the detrimental effect of the toxins in smoke. A chronic smoker has a characteristic complexion that is anything but attractive.

Smoke long enough, and you'll develop a "smoker's cough." Of course hacking up phlegm throughout the day is very attractive and sexy.

Beyond aesthetics, and more significant quit smoking benefit is psychological. It's interesting that in promoting their deadly product the tobacco industry has used images like the Marlboro Man to try to associate smoking with freedom and independence.

The sad fact is that few people are less free than a smoker. They're chained to their habit.

Smokers have to plan on always having the next cigarettes available. If they should happen to run out, they'll go to great lengths to get another pack. Look like any other addict desperate to get a fix, only this drug is legal.

As more and more public places have limited smoking indoors, it's become common to see smokers huddled outside in all kinds of miserable weather - rain, sleet, snow or whatever - dragging on their cigarettes.

It's pretty demeaning. And it's not the fault of the people who don't want to be poisoned by secondhand smoke or the hotels who don't want their furnishings dirtied by smoke. The problem is the addiction that drives people to that behavior.

Any smoker who takes a step back to consider the situation has to want better for themselves. No one likes to be that out of control. It's difficult to have much respect for yourself when you're a slave to a dirty, destructive habit.

Freeing oneself from that is a major a accomplishment and one that definitely increases a person's freedom and sense of self-worth. These are major long-term benefits that are well worth the short-term struggle.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
People often want to know what happens when they quit smoking. If you have been researching quitting smoking for a while, you will have seen 'the list' of benefits to quitting smoking but here is a list of quit smoking benefits as to why you should want to quit.

Quit smoking benefit #1: You will no longer be a member of the club that kills half its members early. That's right - half of all smokers die young specifically because they smoke, not because they are in a car crash or suffer some other freak accident or need a kidney transplant. They die because they smoke.

Quit smoking benefit #2: You reduce the risk of dying 16 to 20 years premature because of nicotine addiction and tobacco.

Quit smoking benefit #3: Only 1 in five people diagnosed with lung cancer get to survive for more than 5 years. 90% of all lung cancer patients are or have been smokers when they are diagnosed. The vast majority quit the instant they find out they have cancer.

Quit smoking benefit #4: You start reducing the 8-fold increase in contracting lung cancer that you were risking before, as a smoker.

Quit smoking benefit #5: As a man, you increase your ejaculate volume and you start reversing the negative effects smoking had on your sperm. Sperm formation is less likely to be mutated and/or dead. Your fertility increases.

Quit smoking benefit #6: As a woman, your general fertility increases and you reduce the chances of early onset menopause.

Quit smoking benefit #7: You start to improve your odds from being 5 times more likely to have a heart attack before the age of 40 to something resembling normality. The reduction in risk takes time but it starts the moment you stop smoking.

Quit smoking benefit #8: You start reducing your chances of suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD includes emphysema (suffocating to death) and bronchitis (coughing to death). Smokers make up 80% of all COPD sufferers.

Quit smoking benefit #9:Your chances of contracting bladder cancer reduce by between at least 50%.

Quit smoking benefit #10: You stop running the risk of the next cigarette you smoke being the one that starts lung cancer or throat cancer or mouth cancer or god only knows what sort of cancer.

On a brighter note, stopping smoking before the age of 30 negates about 90% of all the negative effects of smoking but even if you have smoked for the last 60 years it is still never to late to quit. As I always say, never stop trying to quit smoking!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are many things that people use in order to try and stop smoking. We all know of the usual devices such as patches, chewing gum, medicines and nicotine replacement therapy: these are all things that various people use in order to help them to stop.

These are all used to help cure people of their addiction.

But what can help you overcome this mindset?

Many things such as those devices are a great way to do so! But something that is growing in popularity is hypnotherapy.

It is a fantastic way to help you overcome this addiction and Marisa says that everything comes down to the subconscious and conscious power of the mind.

Did you know that 97 percent of our actions are in fact controlled by our subconscious? Hypnotherapy will work on the subconscious and steer it away from the habit you can't seem to drag yourself away from!

You should also try setting yourself some goals. Or how about you set yourself a date and write it down so that you don't continue to mentally delay taking that first step?

Acupuncture treatment is also very helpful as it focuses on changing the taste of cigarettes.

What happens when you stop smoking?

It's an age-old question but many of us still seem to be unsure of what actually happens after we stop.

Firstly, what happens when you stop smoking is that you will save a lot of money! And on top of this, you'll be much healthier... so you can also enjoy that saved money along with your healthier lifestyle!

When you stop, your skin will become brighter as it is no longer being deprived of oxygen and it will appear younger. Your energy levels also begin to rise and will continue to rise for as long as you stop and you'll find it easier to breath!

Smoking doesn't just affect you, the smoker, but it affects those around you too. Once you stop smoking you are no longer harming yourself or those around you with second hand smoke. So what happens when you stop smoking is that you not only benefit yourself but you get to benefit the lives of others!

And any risk you once had of developing gum disease, mouth ulcers, cancer and heart disease are lessened once you stop smoking too.

Fertility levels increase once you stop smoking and conception will be much easier compared to if you still smoked, so your babies will be much healthier too!

Other benefits of stopping include having more free time to do something that you want to do and being less stressed.

What happens when you stop smoking is that you you're helping yourself to live a longer, better life. And, you would have successfully beaten your addiction!

Stop smoking and you will see and feel the benefits in no time!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you're committed to quit smoking and the benefits from doing so, there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these five tips to quit smoking and enjoy benefits to your health almost immediately.

1. An important factor when you first attempt to stop smoking is making sure that you set a target date and list the many benefits of being an ex smoker. The reason why this is important is because it prepares your mind to the thought of being an ex smoker. If you don't set a target date and prepare to quit smoking, then you run the risk of procrastinating and not fully committing to quitting.

2. Another important factor for you to consider for your quit smoking efforts is what "triggers" you need to avoid i.e. stress, driving, after a meal, with a cup of coffee. It's critical that you recognize these triggers and plan alternative ways to deal with the them. Not having an alternate plan might just be an open invitation to remind you of why you enjoyed smoking in those situations in the first place. If you make sure that you recognize the triggers and plan an alternate substitute, then you'll be fine.

3. You don't have to wait very long in order to experience some of the quit smoking benefits. 20 minutes after you quit, your blood pressure has already decreased, your pulse rate has dropped and the blood temperature of your hands and feet has increased. 2 hours after quitting, you have significantly reduced the nicotine in your system. and make sure that you drink plenty of water. It will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body, plus it can help reduce cravings by fulfilling the "oral desires" that you may have..

4. Instead of minimizing the quit smoking benefits by downplaying the health benefits and justifying the cost of a pack today, try it this way: Hypnosis and if that does not work then there are many smoking cessation products available today. In fact, if you quit smoking then you will find that the cost with either of these techniques is considerably less than if you continued to smoke.

5. Have you considered "Cold Turkey"? It's not as difficult as you might think. Many smokers find that the only way they can truly stop once and for all is to just quit abruptly without trying to slowly taper off..

Did you know that only 12% of smokers can expect to live to 85, as compared to 69% of non-smokers? Why risk losing even one year of life or being one of the statistical average of smokers and lose 10 years? Or 25 years? Why risk an average of 12 years disability before you die?

So if you really want all the quit smoking benefits, follow these tips to reduce the risk of the many side effects associated with smoking and add years to your life
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
We all know that smoking is bad for health but as a smoker who may be considering quitting, it is useful to know a little more about the benefits of stopping smoking. Here is a run down of some of the most important benefits to quitting the smokes.

Quit Smoking Benefit #1: Smokers live on average, 8 years less than non-smokers. Research has shown that about half of all smokers will die prematurely as a result of smoking. What this actually translates as is that you have a 50/50 chance of living to your natural end. Alternatively, if smoking takes you early, it will do so on average, 16 years earlier than if you had been a non-smoker.

Quit Smoking Benefit #2: About 1 in 7 smokers will contract cancer as a direct result of smoking. About 1 in 8 smokers will contract lung cancer. Importantly, quitting smoking can reduce your chances of contracting lung cancer, immediately after you stop. Lung cancer has a very poor long-term survival rate, with fewer than 1 in 20 people living 5 years after diagnosis in the US.

Quit Smoking Benefit #3: About 1 in 16 smokers will be diagnosed with incurable degenerative lung diseases such as emphysema. Emphysema is a disease where your lungs literally stop working and become unable to provide you with oxygen. Over the course of a few years, emphysema patients literally suffocate with no hope of cure. Quitting greatly reduces your risk of further lung damage.

Quit Smoking Benefit #4: Smokers run twice the chance of dying from heart disease as non-smokers but there are immediate improvements in heart health the moment you stop smoking.

Quit Smoking Benefit #5: A smoker's blood is poisoned with a cocktail of chemicals including Carbon Monoxide - the gas that kills you when your gas boiler doesn't work properly. Carbon monoxide incapacitates up to 15% of a smoker's blood so that it cannot carry oxygen around the body. The body can repair this blood in around two days of a smoker quitting cigarettes.

Quit Smoking Benefit #6: Smokers run a higher risk of suffering a stroke, potentially leaving them unable to speak or eat properly or even walk. Stoke sufferers can often live for many years after their stroke in this incapacitated and handicapped state. A smoker who quits can reduce their chances of suffering a stroke to the same level as a non-smoker in as few as five years after quitting.

Quit Smoking Benefit #7: Smokers stink. Any non-smoker when asked will tell you that smokers not only smell bad, they look bad with a grey complexion and yellow teeth. Do yourself a favour and everyone who has to look at you too!

Quit Smoking Benefit #8: Smokers have poor circulation and a long-term risk that smokers have is that they may lose circulation to a point where they may need a limb amputated. Quitting smoking will see noticeable improvements in circulation within as little as three months.

Quit Smoking Benefit #9: Smoking promotes high blood pressure that means the heart must work harder to pump your disabled blood around your body. Quitting smoking helps to reduce blood pressure over time and so reduce the risk of an unhealthy, enlarged heart.

Quit Smoking Benefit #10: Smoking costs you a lot of money. If the cigarettes were actually really made from dollar bills, would you still burn them? Why not save yourself some money and spend it on something you can really enjoy instead of something that will really kill you huh?
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Perhaps you may know that quitting smoking brings great benefits but you may be not be aware how much it brings much benefit and greatly improve your life and health despite the amount of years you've been smoking.

So it doesn't matter whether you've been smoking for 1, 3, 10, or 30 years. Your body will experience healing as soon as you cease to smoke. In facts your body will start to heal by itself as soon as you stop smoking for the last 20 minutes.

Below is the breakdown of the benefits that you will experience after you've stop smoking.

Time after You've Stopped Smoking and Benefits Your Body Will Experience

20 Minutes - Pulse rate and blood pressure returns to normal.

8 Hours - The level of carbon monoxide in your body drops and the level of oxygen in your blood increases.

24 Hours - Chance of heart attack reduces.

48 Hours - Nerve endings regenerates and food smells and tastes better.

72 Hours - Breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes relax.

2 Weeks to 3 Months - Decrease of tiredness, shortness of breath, coughing, congestion, energy increases and walking and exercising becomes easier.

1 Month to 9 Months - Cilia in the lungs regenerates. Reduction in the shortness of breath.

1 Year - Risk of heart disease decrease by 50% compared to a smoker.

5 Years - Risk of lung cancer decrease by 50%.

10 Years to 15 Years - Regeneration and replacement of pre-cancerous cells. Same health risks of a non-smoker.

Other Benefits of Quit Smoking

More than just health, quitting smoking includes other benefits as well. I'd say that regaining control of your life would be the main one. On top of that you'll definitely save a bulk of cash and setting a better example to your family and your community.

Ask any ex-smoker about their journey and their benefits and it's not surprising that you may them say they have a sense of pride and accomplishment, being more positive and productive at work, improved appetite, having better relationships with people, increased energy levels, better appearance, better attraction and the list goes on.

Here's what you can do, come up with a list of reasons to quit smoking. Think for a moment. What are all the possible benefits, including short term and long term benefits you will experience when you decide to quit smoking.

The more detailed and more specific, the better. Include how you feel about yourself and how you will feel if you've succeeded to quit smoking. The clearer you are about your reason, the more focus you will be about quitting.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


One of the reasons that smokers are still smokers is largely because of the known benefits of quitting smoking seem to be far away and do not have immediate effects on our body and life. However, that was true before you know the following facts that you are going to find in this article.

One of the most amazing facts that I have found in the year of 2009 is that our blood pressure will return to normal in as short as 20 minutes after we stop smoking. You might be or be not as amazed as I was when I came across this figure which subverted my belief.

I had thought that the vague risks of smoking, such as lung cancer and heart attack, will not come to me in the near future, and I do not need to worry about them at all. I believe that you must have the same thought.

However, I started to take my body seriously when I know the figure above. My behavior at this moment will lead to some results in 20 minutes. I would be an idiot if I do not take action now.

Another benefit of quitting smoking that will happen to you after your stop smoking right now is that you will be dollars richer than otherwise. You can spend the money saved on something more constructive. As I recall, I bought a cake for my girlfriend the very day when I started my life without cigarettes. This way, I improved the quality of my life.

If you are still a current smoker, remember the two numbers - 20 minutes and 48 hours. They could be the triggers that will get your started on a new life.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
To stop smoking benefits your life in various ways. The health benefits of stopping are the main advantage, but stopping also benefits your confidence and your pocket too!

The benefits of stopping are endless.

Everybody knows that non-smokers tend to live longer than smokers. So if you stop, you'll be adding on a few extra years to your life!

It also takes around seven minutes to smoke a cigarette. So if you were to stop, you would have more time for yourself.

Stop smoking and you will look and feel younger and brighter. Smoking deprives your skin of oxygen so giving up will help you on the way to smoother and brighter skin! As well as more oxygen for the skin, this increase will help you concentrate more and your mental wellbeing is more likely to be improved.

Not only this, but your energy levels will increase dramatically... so you'll be running for that bus in no time!

Second hand smoke is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than what you're inhaling yourself. Children who live with smokers are at risk of developing illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis and passive smoking increases chances of developing lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Not only does not smoking benefit those around you but, to stop smoking benefits your smile. You're teeth won't get any duller once you give up those sticks of tar and you instantly reduce the likelihood of gum disease. (Smoking makes it even harder for saliva to get rid of germs, which can lead to infection and tooth loss!)

Did you know that it is estimated that after a year, you would have saved around ฃ2,000 if you stop smoking! And if this seems like a great saving, how about the ฃ3,000 you could save on life insurance premiums? The difference between premiums for smokers and non-smokers can be anything up to 75 percent.

If you stop smoking, it's not only your pocket that will feel the change. You're more fertile when you don't smoke. So if you and you're partner are trying for a baby, giving up smoking might just help!

But on top of all of these health and pocket benefits, to stop smoking is a huge boost for your confidence. To stop smoking benefits your life in more ways than one and kicking the habit, like any habit in life, is a huge achievement!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The best decision a chain smoker can make in his/her lifetime is deciding to quit smoking. Yes, this is the most vital part, once you show the courage of sacrificing the habit of smoking, you will be surprised at the amount of benefits you will have.

Health benefits

Stop smoking, benefits you will have aplenty. The first benefited will be your health after you stop smoking. This will drastically reduce the chances of smoking-related diseases, like lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, chronic lung diseases and other types of cancers.

After you quit smoking, you will find that there are improvements in your breathing problems, coughing and wheezing.

You will find it quite unbelievable, but yes it is true that after some minutes of your stopping smoking, the carbon monoxide levels in your system will drop down to normal and the heart rate and blood pressure also drops. The women chain smokers especially gain huge health benefits by quitting smoking. Women have less chances of delivering a low birth weight baby when she stops smoking.

Appearance benefits

You might never have given a thought to it, but smoking adversely affects your appearance. Smoking causes you to have bad breath, foul smelling hair and clothes, early wrinkling of the skin and yellowing of the fingernails and hair. When you stop smoking, there will be a decease in the chances of having a gum disease and stained teeth.

Once you quit smoking you will notice considerable improvements in your appearance.

Other benefits

What's more, you stop smoking, benefits will follow. Other than having an improved health and appearance, you will have a good sense of smell and will be able to enjoy the taste of the food better. You will also have better energy to jump up the stairs and doing the laundry. Yes, just stop smoking and get back the youthful exuberance that seemed to be lost to smoking. You will not be experiencing any shortness of breath that you might be having in the past.

You can also use the money you are wasting on buying cigarettes for some good purpose. Definitely, it would be silly to use your money on something that will gradually worsen your health. Life expectancy is sure to lengthen once you stop smoking. Benefits will be never-ending.

Do not lose heart if you are 65 years old and want to quit smoking now. Just do it, as even at this age, you can still reduce the chances of dying due to smoke-related diseases by fifty percent. Remember, it is better late than never.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


God forbid, if you are sentenced for life-imprisonment, how would you feel on the day of your release from the jail? The happiness of quitting smoking for ever is no less than this. The day you shun smoking you are born again. To live life in the manner in which you should live like a man or woman. You are the divine creature ordained by God in this planet Earth to achieve higher goals!

I won't tell you to redo the marble floor and thoroughly repaint the house the day you give up smoking, but do get your curtains and other furnishings laundered to get rid of that ancient Satanic smell. Your house is a rose garden now! Please acknowledge this cruel kindness on my part when I say that your drawing room is free from the burning smell. What a welcome liberation for you from that tobacco-binding!

They say, if you strike, strike hard and see that there is no need to strike again. You have done that to nicotine. You have routed it, rejected it and humbled it. Gone for ever!

How many Satanic beings were waiting at the door, to enter and ambush you! Lung cancer, breast cancer (in women), many types of heart diseases, outright heart attack- they all stand disappointed. They were readying to hook you. Snuff you out of existence. Shall I now tell you the greatest benefit of stop smoking? Yes, I must say it. The benefit is you are still alive today to read this article.

Just wait and watch. How your stamina will improve and how your black lips will turn rosy again! And you will find that at the end of the month, you are saving a handsome amount! Utilize that money for healthy eats for your wife and children. How happy they will be! This additional entertainment is from the amount that otherwise would have gone in smoke coils!

If you have blood pressure, you will find it return to normal soon. Your pulse rate will be normal. You will develop taste and capacity for an entirely different smell!

In brief, it is like lifting of the Martial Law. You are a free, democratic citizen now!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Lung cancer and heart disease are two of the more common effects caused by smoking cigarettes. So, why is it still so very hard to kick the habit even though we are all perfectly educated on what these cancer sticks are doing to us?

Everyone knows that it is the addictive nature of nicotine...which, by the way equals in the same likes as crack cocaine, that makes it so hard to quit. Breaking this addiction is most definitely a difficult task, but once you begin weighing the pros to the cons it's pretty much an open and shut decision. You should start to think of benefits like better health, extended life expectancy, and general quality of living as just a few of the benefits that will help kick start your will power into overdrive. Below are a couple tips that might help you rid this addiction once and for all.

If You Wish To Quit-Consider The Reasons for Doing So:

There are always good reasons to throw that pack of cancer sticks in the garbage, you just have to consider the benefits of them all. I'm positive better health tops the list but there are many various other reasons that shouldn't be hard to take hold of the second position. The financial standpoint is astounding, think about all the money you are spending each and every month on something that is going to eventually kill you. Think of all the hours you are spending outside at work or home because you crave the need for that puff? You know you could be doing many more productive things in that time frame. You also must think about the health of people around you, in particular your children. The afflictions of second hand smoke within children can be completely detrimental to their health. Get a pencil and notepad and write all these reasons down. Hang them in an area that you will see everyday so they can be a permanent gesture of why you are making this wonderful decision.

The Benefits of Stop Smoking Aids:

If you don't think you are going to be able to kick the habit cold turkey, there are some very good all natural stop smoking aids that will successfully assist you. Some of these products actually relieve your cravings. Now, If you didn't have the cravings don't you think it would be easier to quit? Do some research and find the product that is right for you. With the benefits of new breakthrough stop smoking aids you will be able to banish this nasty addiction and finally quit smoking for good! Good luck!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
To stop smoking is a smart decision. And as soon as you stop, you can start to see those quit smoking benefits on your body and in your wallet.

The biggest benefit you will get when you quit smoking is a longer life. Without a doubt, this is the single biggest advantage you have over those who continue smoking. By quitting you have just hugely increased your odds of living a longer and healthier life.

It is a proven fact that each and every cigarette that a person smokes will shorten his or her life. Now when you are twenty or even thirty, this may not really concern you too much, but as you get older, you will become more aware of this fact.

Even if smoking does not directly kill you, make no mistake, it will have a negative effect on your over-all health. Smoking affects so many of the body's systems, the odds are overwhelming that it will take its toll somewhere.

The good news is that if you quit smoking now, over time your body will repair the damage that smoking caused. Stop soon enough and your health can eventually match that of a non-smoker.

Another benefit you get when you quit smoking is the enjoyment you can have in everyday activities. Life is just better as a non smoker. When you have a meal, you actually enjoy eating it because you can really taste the food. This is one of the first things that ex-smokers notice.

Everything smells better too. As a smoker, you are probably not aware of how unpleasant your clothes, your hair, your house, your car and yes, even your children, smell.

Tobacco smoke permeates everything it comes in contact with, so even if you smoke outside, a non smoker can tell that you smoke.

Once you quit, the odor starts to disappear from your clothing and maybe more importantly, from your children's clothing. It will take longer for your house and car and you might have to have both furniture and car interior deep cleaned by a professional.

Statistics back up the fact that houses and cars owned by smokers sell for less. So by quitting, you have just made yourself an extra bonus when you sell.

These are just a few of the many quit smoking benefits you can have for your own. So why not make the smart choice and quit now?
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is injurious to health and this is one statement that has been made over and over again. Despite the several warnings that are given via mass media, so many people are still out there smoking in ignorance or in total defiance to what can do their lives a whole lot of good. However there are some people who will actually want to rid themselves of the terrible habit of smoking but are yet to summon the courage to take the first bold step. Quitting cigarette smoking starts with a step and this is the mindset. With the proper attitude towards quitting smoking, the job is already half done.

While it is true that kicking the habit of smoking could be a difficult one, there are many benefits smokers will definitely enjoy if they succeed in doing it. Stop smoking benefits can be on the short term or the long term. All these benefits regardless of the category are good and desirable for people who are planning to quit smoking. For the short term benefits, these can be realized from the first week to a month after stopping smoking. Long term benefits of quitting smoking can be acquired many years after the habit has been kicked.

In the first week of quitting smoking, there are several stop smoking benefits that smokers will enjoy. For one, the senses of taste and smell will become dramatically improved. This means smokers who quit will begin to breathe clean air and the dank smell that characterizes them will vanish. They will also be more sensitive to their meals and enjoy them better. Most of the physical symptoms that are known with cigarette smokers disappear at the end of the first week of abstinence. The teeth get whiter and the mouth stays fresher for smokers that take this bold step.

With cigarette smoking, the nicotine content of the body is seriously heightened. A number of things get affected with this especially the nervous system. The pulse rates and blood pressures of such people become normalized which are essential for putting people in control of situations. After abstaining from smoking for a whole month, the blood circulation of the body receives tremendous boost. The blood platelets get activated and the immune system is given a boost. Smokers who quit smoking are also able to experience longer breath as well as build energy and stamina. Hands and feet will be observed to get warmer while the skin color and tone would be seen to dramatically improve within this period.

Smokers are more prone to respiratory diseases. Their hearts and lungs grow weaker with every puff of cigarette they take. For longer stop smoking benefits that smokers can look forward to when they quit smoking. They will run less risk of mouth, throat and esophagus cancer. In the long run, there is also less risk for coronary heart diseases for smokers that decide to quit smoking. Other health risks like cervical cancer, bladder cancer and low birth weight are considerably reduced.

These stop smoking benefits are better experienced than imagined,so,why don't you quit smoking today to enjoy good health?
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Across the globe there are people that smoke marijuana as if it were a religion. It is the most used illegal drug worldwide.

There is no drug like it, marijuana provides the most tranquil feeling I have ever experienced. But marijuana slowly took control of my life, it became a daily habit and my life changed for the worse. At the time, I didn't even notice.

Are the relaxing properties of marijuana worth all of this? I don't think so, not even close. I chose to quit smoking marijuana for good.

I have made a list of reasons of the benefits to help you quit smoking marijuana. I guarantee if you smoke marijuana you can relate directly to most of the items on this list and help motivate you to quit smoking marijuana.

Quit smoking marijuana benefits list-

1. Feel whole in yourself
2. Guilt free
3. No bottomless pit of a stomach
4. Boost in your confidence
5. Confidence to take on any challenge
6. Be more outgoing
7. Have conversation without fear
8. No paranoia
9. A want for self improvement
10. Clearer and healthier lungs
11. Less stress (seriously)
12. Self control
13. Increased mental dexterity
14. More articulate
15. Greatly improved short term memory

Need more reasons to quit smoking marijuana?

16. Deal with stressful situations calmly
17. Increased energy
18. Reduction of depression
19. Deeper interactions with your friends
20. No social anxiety
21. Sharper focus
22. Enjoy the simple things in life
23. A stack of cash
24. Confidence to try new things
25. Increased humility
26. Willing to ask others if you need help
27. Better relations with your partner
28. Ability to learn new things
29. Improved all round fitness
30. Enviromentally friendly, no need to waste power growing weed and using hazardous chemicals

Have you ever thought to quit smoking marijuana?

31. High self confidence
32. Less paranoia
33. Safer driver
34. No struggle to find good marijuana
35. No need to hang around with dealers
36. Not funding organized crime
37. True and strong bonds with your friends
38. Not controlled by an addiction
39. Intimate dreams
40. Save time
41. Higher levels of communication
42. Clear thoughts
43. Smooth, non husky breathing
44. No risk of legal implications
45. Increased joy and happiness

You can quit smoking marijuana!

46. Self respect
47. Spare time
48. Less sleep required
49. Find a new self
50. Look and feel rested
51. No time limit on your good moods
52. Calmer mood transitions
53. Improved smell and taste
54. Improved will power
55. Intelligent thoughts, that make sense to others
56. Patience
57. Increased mental endurance
58. Focus to finish a job
59. Feel rested in the morning
60. The return of wit
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When they took that first cigarette you probably didn't know how hard it would be to stop smoking. You may already have made several attempts and more or less given up to get rid of your bad habit. Let's say one thing: it is difficult to stop smoking on your own, but you can do it, especially if you are a smoker for many years and your body is set to get their daily dose of nicotine. You have certainly created a wide range of behaviours around smoking as you experience as positive and relaxing. This double habit is hard to break in a hurry.

Why would you quit smoking? The question may seem obvious, but the chance of success increases considerably if you know your reasons. And you've really something to look forward to, a life when cigarettes no longer rules your life. Your health will make big profits. You feel better, cope more and - most importantly - you can probably prolong your life. Even though health is obviously the main reason why to stop smoking you can not ignore the fact that smoking is also practically the same as to burn money. Most smokers tend to ignore this fact.

Your body begins to heal itself directly; it is never too late to quit smoking! Your body has an amazing ability to recover from the harmful effects of smoking. Already after two days without cigarettes, your sense of smell and taste improves considerably, and you've already reduced the risk of suffer from myocardial infraction. After a few weeks, your airways relax and you may easily breathe.

Positive statistics

If you manage to remain smoke-free, you can rejoice in the following figures. After a year, it is half as likely to have heart attacks. After ten years, the risk of lung cancer is halved. And after 15 years is the risk of getting heart attacks as low as for those who have never smoked a cigarette in their life.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Chantix - Stop smoking medication

Smoking is a common habit among adults. But why do they smoke? There are many reasons that smokers can cite in defense of this chronic habit. Some adults smoke because they find it difficult to stop smoking due to strong addiction of nicotine that is contained in cigarettes. Some may smoke just to imitate their favorite actors who smoke on the screen. Children can also smoke out of mere curiosity.

The habit of smoking can give rise to serious health risks among smokers. According to the World Health Organization, smoking has become the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases among adults worldwide. So, before puffing a cigarette, you should be aware about consequent smoking effects that may also prove fatal.

What are the side effects of smoking?

The effects of smoking are unpleasant and quite visible among smokers. It can affect their senses of smell and taste. Smoking can also affect their hair, skin, and boost mood changes. The changes in taste buds of smokers deprive them of taste of food.

Adults who smoke are more likely to get heart disease, lung disease, stroke and heart attack. This habit can lead to cancers of lung, throat, and mouth. Smoking can also result in poor blood circulation in the body as it narrows the veins of hands and feet.

While active smoking has some serious known side effects, passive smoking is just as serious. It can lead different types of health problems among adults who actually do not smoke.

Smoking among women is also common now. This habit can have serious effects on pregnant women. This can affect the unborn baby who may develop risk of abnormality after birth. Regular smoking can also lead to painful monthly periods among women.

Effective anti-smoking drug offers some help to smokers

After knowing about the serious side effects of smoking, a smoker searches for an effective anti-smoking aid as it is difficult for anyone to stop this habit on the force of their will. One drug has become quite popular and is generally considered to be better than other stop smoking drugs. It is manufactured by Pfizer under the brand name Chantix. In the UK and other European countries, it is known as Champix.

What are the ingredients in Chantix?

The main ingredient in Chantix is varenicline tartrate that works to reduce nicotine cravings as well as withdrawal symptoms among smokers after they stop smoking. During the normally recommended course of treatment of 12 weeks, a smoker feels less desire for smoking and eventually stops it completely.

There are no traces of nicotine in ingredients of Chantix drug. So, it influences nicotine receptors without supplying any doses of nicotine. This is the main reason for popularity and effectiveness of this stop smoking drug.

What are the side effects of Chantix?

This stop smoking drug can have some common as well as adverse side effects. The common side effects of Chantix are nausea, constipation, gas, unusual dreams, and vomiting. Among adverse side effects, some adults may report mood changes or even suicidal thoughts. If such effects appear to you after taking Chantix drug, then it is better to stop it and seek medical help.

Although there are some side effects, this drug has proved to be an effective aid for smokers who wish to stop smoking.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Of course you have heard of the long term health benefits of stopping smoking. Other than the lowered risk of cancer, emphysema, heart disease and stroke, there are tons of benefits. What about the immediate benefits that you will experience as soon as you quit smoking. When you begin inhaling clean air instead of cigarette smoke that is filled with toxins, many things begin to change. In fact, in less than a half an hour after you stop smoking your very last cigarette, your body begins to improve.

Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal levels and less than a day later, your blood will be cleared of high carbon monoxide levels. Many people experience shortness of breath when walking or jogging if they smoke, but a few months after stopping smoking, all this will be gone! Your lung function improves greatly along with your circulation. In less than a year after stopping smoking, the cilia in your lungs will have worked to clean the tar filled mucus out of your lungs so that you are able to breathe filtered, clean air. This means that you will not cough as much and you can take deep breaths.

At the first completed year of not smoking, you will have cut your risk of heart disease right down the center! That is a huge improvement and just quitting smoking cuts the risk in half. Within five years of stopping smoking, you will also reduce your risk of a stroke, lung cancer and other cancers. These many include throat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer and even cancer of the pancreas.

Although long-term good health is a reason to quit smoking, other immediate benefits will show as soon as you stop smoking. The premature aging from smoking will cease, along with the yellow stains on the teeth and fingernails as well as the odor of cigarettes which cover your hair and clothing. Your skin immediately begins repairs, working to undo the damage that tobacco has done. Your sense of smell and taste will become sharper and clearer and food will taste and smell better. Although these reasons are just some of the reasons to stop smoking, there are many others and utilizing them for your own 'stop smoking' plan will greatly help you to kick the habit for good!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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