
Here are some benefits and facts of not smoking. The benefits and facts of not smoking are so many. Let us look at just two positive benefits when we start the process to stop smoking.
1- lower blood pressure
2- increased oxygen levels in the blood.
With lower blood pressure and increased oxygen levels in the blood we give our bodies the help it needs to get better. There is a big benefit to those who have stopped smoking because they have better healthier lives. After they have stopped smoking they will tell they can breathe better, smell better and food was good again. They had a better out look on life as well. They had more money in their pockets. We don't keep count of what bad habits cost us but we should. Our health is our big loser and what price could we put on that. Research has shows that these two along can help our health and over time really help our brain. The brain needs the increased oxygen levels.

Now let us look at just four of the short-term benefits for stopping the smoking habit.
1-Our blood pressure, pulse, and body temperature will return to normal.
2-Our body starts to heal itself.
3-The carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in our blood will return to normal.
4-Our chances of having a serious heart attack decreases by almost half.
By allowing our bodies to have the normal amounts of the above we will cause it to heal its self from the damage that we received from smoking.

Here are some facts why we should stop smoking and ask people not to smoke as well. Her are the facts about deaths in the United States during 2000 through 2004 by specific causes, as follows:

o Lung cancer: 128,900 deaths
o Other cancers: 35,300 deaths
o Ischemic Heart Disease: 126,000 deaths
o Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 92,900 deaths
o Stroke: 15,900 deaths
o Other diagnoses: 44,000 deaths Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death.
o deaths annually, about 443,000 deaths per year.
o An estimated 49,000 of these deaths are the result of secondhand smoke exposure.
o On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.
o Cigarette smoking increases the length of time that people live with a disability.

For all of those people who want to stop smoking now,now is the time to stop smoking. We all have said:" If I just could find a way to stop that worked now I would. By stop smoking we can help to avoid diseases of the respiratory tract and diseases of the cardiovascular system. However the younger we do it the better.

Now, on the way to stop smoking we must learn a proven way through information. Once we have the information we will have a plan to follow. The information must have a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that will explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit. We all need to be taught in life how to over come our problems. There is a therapy called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. It is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem like smoking into lots of easily solved parts.We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response and those learned responses are so ingrained in us we have no way of escaping the problem without help.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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