
Do you need help quitting your stinky smelly habit? If you do, there are quit smoking aids out there that can help you quit. Some are prescribed while others are over the counter. Depending on what you want to do is what you get to choose so let's begin by choosing the best one for you, shall we.

Option 1- A lovely chewing gum can help this process of quitting smoking. It helps by supplying the body with the nicotine that is giving you the urge to smoke.

Option 2- This one is really interesting should you choose it. The Patch, this is like a sticker for not smoking. It does the same thing that the gum does but you do not have to worry about swallowing your gum.

Option 3- Fake cigarettes, Wait! Hold on did you say fake cigarettes? Yes I did, these are little nifty things. They are like cigarettes and act like cigarettes but are not. It is basically a cartridge with nicotine in it and it will bring your dosage down over time.

Out of all those options the one you choose is up to you. Think of it this way, these quit smoking aids will be easier than cold turkey.

Now some of those options are either over-the-counter or prescription. The patch and gum are actually, depending on where you live, both. In some states in the United States they are by prescription only. Others it is over the counter so like I said, it is depending on where you live.

The "fake cigarettes" can either be bought online or bought at a store. The only down side to them is that they do cost a lot. But in essence to stop smoking, it is definitely worth it. Besides it seems to me, if you can spend money on cigars then it should not bother you to buy quit smoking aids anytime, right. If you do not want aids, go ask around for support programs or rehab for smoking, as long as you do something it is all worth your money.

So what you choose is up to you. Take your time on choosing your option as when you do decide to give up on your smoking, you will always know that you have an option. Just remember making the choice to get one of the quit smoking aids are one of the numerous alternative that you can take.
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