
Cigarette smoke is very dangerous. Whether you smoke first hand or are near second hand smoke, it all has negative effects on the body. Countless different researchers have confirmed the terrible effects that smoking has on your well-being, and especially on the bodies of people who have smoked for a long time. Smoking bans are now in effect in many nations across the world. What more do you have to be aware of in order to stop? For one, the addiction is very expensive, will ruin your teeth, and makes your clothes smell terrible. And don't disregard the atrocious breath! Here are a few ideas to help you quit smoking.

First, you need to find out why you smoke. Is anxiety a trigger for you to light up? Is having a smoke with your coffee or an alcoholic drink often mandatory for you? Identifying precisely what compels you to smoke is enormously effective in shaping a course of action to steer away from cigarettes.

Next, you will need to think of how to manage your cravings. You can try to merely tell yourself not to light up, but that usually doesn't work. Cigarette withdrawal can generate incredibly intense urges and may even cause you to be angry. If you smoke while you down coffee, a possible solution is to reduce the quantity of cups you consume each day. For outside-only smokers, you need to try to stay put inside if you feel an urge for a cigarette coming on.

The third step might be the easiest. Clear any item you have that is associated to smoking away from your home, car and office. Throw away the packs of smokes, lighters, and ashtrays. You must keep in mind that any article related to smoking that is not trashed can prompt a craving, and cause you to be unsuccessful in your bid to stop smoking.

As a final point, keep focused on your purpose! Wouldn't it feel impressive to show people you stopped?
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