
Across the globe there are people that smoke marijuana as if it were a religion. It is the most used illegal drug worldwide.

There is no drug like it, marijuana provides the most tranquil feeling I have ever experienced. But marijuana slowly took control of my life, it became a daily habit and my life changed for the worse. At the time, I didn't even notice.

Are the relaxing properties of marijuana worth all of this? I don't think so, not even close. I chose to quit smoking marijuana for good.

I have made a list of reasons of the benefits to help you quit smoking marijuana. I guarantee if you smoke marijuana you can relate directly to most of the items on this list and help motivate you to quit smoking marijuana.

Quit smoking marijuana benefits list-

1. Feel whole in yourself
2. Guilt free
3. No bottomless pit of a stomach
4. Boost in your confidence
5. Confidence to take on any challenge
6. Be more outgoing
7. Have conversation without fear
8. No paranoia
9. A want for self improvement
10. Clearer and healthier lungs
11. Less stress (seriously)
12. Self control
13. Increased mental dexterity
14. More articulate
15. Greatly improved short term memory

Need more reasons to quit smoking marijuana?

16. Deal with stressful situations calmly
17. Increased energy
18. Reduction of depression
19. Deeper interactions with your friends
20. No social anxiety
21. Sharper focus
22. Enjoy the simple things in life
23. A stack of cash
24. Confidence to try new things
25. Increased humility
26. Willing to ask others if you need help
27. Better relations with your partner
28. Ability to learn new things
29. Improved all round fitness
30. Enviromentally friendly, no need to waste power growing weed and using hazardous chemicals

Have you ever thought to quit smoking marijuana?

31. High self confidence
32. Less paranoia
33. Safer driver
34. No struggle to find good marijuana
35. No need to hang around with dealers
36. Not funding organized crime
37. True and strong bonds with your friends
38. Not controlled by an addiction
39. Intimate dreams
40. Save time
41. Higher levels of communication
42. Clear thoughts
43. Smooth, non husky breathing
44. No risk of legal implications
45. Increased joy and happiness

You can quit smoking marijuana!

46. Self respect
47. Spare time
48. Less sleep required
49. Find a new self
50. Look and feel rested
51. No time limit on your good moods
52. Calmer mood transitions
53. Improved smell and taste
54. Improved will power
55. Intelligent thoughts, that make sense to others
56. Patience
57. Increased mental endurance
58. Focus to finish a job
59. Feel rested in the morning
60. The return of wit
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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