
I am frequently asked if acupuncture can help with smoking cessation. The answer is a qualified "Yes."

I have found that acupuncture can be very helpful with the cravings experienced when trying to quit. The calming effect and increased lung function can be immediate. Chinese herbal medicine formulas can also help with the anxiousness and irritability that many people experience.

The treatments can be the difference between success and failure, but acupuncture is no substitute for motivation. If a person lacks a real desire to quit, acupuncture isn't going to make them suddenly loose interest in cigarettes. Also, those with a long history of addictive behavior may find acupuncture to be an important part of their treatment, but this will likely need supplementation with other kinds of care.

The core treatment I use is the stimulation of points in the ears, which is known as auriculotherapy. I prefer to use tiny needles, but micro-current or laser light can be used to stimulate the points as well. I may use additional points in other parts of the body, depending on my overall evaluation of the patient, but the points in the ears seem particularly effective for this purpose.

Auriculotherapy can be prolonged by applying semi-permanent needles (they look like tiny stud earrings, but don't go all the way through) or non-penetrating magnets to the points in the ears. This can be a real advantage and greatly increase the likelihood of success.

If I use the semi-permanent approach, I find I only need to treat a motivated smoker once or twice. Some acupuncturists offer a flexible series of treatments for a fixed price. This can also be a good way to go - it ensures a patient can come in as needed during the critical first couple of weeks.

Nicotine is such an addictive substance, that any one treatment technique may not be enough. I dislike the idea of using nicotine patches or gum. However, using negative reinforcement and/or relaxation techniques can be a big help in altering the mental and social aspects of the addiction. Combined with acupuncture, they can be enough to help you make the fabulous change into a non-smoker.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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