
"Help me stop smoking...please" might come to you as the words of a desperate man. Yes, smoking cessation is a trial that is somehow despairing as this would not only test your physical abilities to combat physical urges but would also test your general adaptability to the circumstances associated with the process of quitting from smoking.

Well the only thing you must realize is that "you can actually quit smoking". Almost every smoker, in fact, has tried quitting for at least once in their lives and many have succeeded. But the thing is, these smokers have endured quite a lot of frustrations and may have even become experts in temporary quitting before they actually decided to break the habit for good. You may find the similar experience of quitting and relapsing and that is just okay. But it would be better if you would succeed on the first trial.

We would want to help you quit smoking and we would like to start with laying the grave effects and excellent benefits immediately after you have started quitting.

Deaths- With the death toll accounted against smoking, it is understandable that it has placed itself on top priority for public health since.

Effects of smoking- We know you have heard so much of the effects of smoking against your health but we would still like to refresh your minds of the basic dangers you are facing if you don't quit smoking, right now! They are as follows:

On eyes, nose and throat- These parts of the body have their very sensitive membranes and there are a couple of harmful elements in the cigarette that could be carried into these parts through the smoke. During the first puff, the irritating gasses such as ammonia, formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide will travel to the membranes and tissues of these body parts making them very irritable. Thus it is noticeable that smokers normally have some minor abnormalities in these areas such as darkening of the lips, inability to detect every minor smells and reddening of the eyes.

Also the throat is at most risk since the cells that line the tissue of the esophagus will transform into stronger cells to help protect the esophagus from the harmful elements contained in cigarettes. While this change would protect the esophagus, this would, however, lead to the abnormal thickening of the tissue that resembles those of the throat cancer.

Your lungs are at greatest risks against smoking since these are where all components of the smoke would travel, therefore incurring most of the damages. Some of the grave changes that you would likely face if you do not stop smoking may be the following:

o Increase in respiratory rate since the lungs would work double time throughout its weakening process

o Chemical injuries in the lungs due to irritating substances that enter these body parts

o Production of excess mucus that makes for excellent breeding ground for a number of bacteria

o Thickening of the bronchial cavity

o Weakening of the scavenger cells in the lungs that expulse foreign materials in the air sacs

o Accumulation of tar deposits in the linings of the bronchi and throat

Heart- On the minute you start puffing a cigarette, your heart will start working harder than it would usually do in normal conditions. It actually beats somewhere between 10 to 25 per minute which totals to 36,000 unnecessary beats for the entire day. Marked irregularities in the heart beats are also noticeable due to the nicotine deposits and the distribution of harmful chemicals on both the lungs and the heart. This makes up for around 17,000 heart attacks every year. If you do not want to be killed by your treacherous friend, it is in your best interest to quit smoking for good.

Risks against your loved ones- If you can accept the fact that you would become ill someday due to your persisting urge to smoke then just consider the death or illness of people close to you. Remember that there is something we call secondary smoke. This is more dangerous than the smoke you inhale because people who do not smoke yet inhale the smoke from your cigarette would receive equal amounts- and even more!- of substances which makes them a lot more vulnerable to the harmful elements found in each stick of cigarette.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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