
My friend stopped smoking.

Unfortunately, he did so immediately after being diagnosed with lung cancer. He literally threw his last pack of cigarettes in the trash at the doctor's office. He died shortly afterward.

I hypnotized him several times to stop smoking, yet it seemed to have little effect. When the doctor told him he had four months to live, he tossed them away without a second thought. He told me after his diagnosis that he wanted to stop smoking for the wrong reasons. He wanted to save money and stop annoying his girlfriend, a nonsmoker, with smoke. He never thought of dying.

Quitting smoking is hard. I know former cocaine addicts who can't stop. Your motivation to put cigarettes down has to be extremely high. For this reason, an overwhelming majority of people who try to use hypnosis to stop smoking fail.

My own success rate with smoking cessation is much higher than most for one simple reason: I won't work with you unless you really want to quit.

If you come to me for help with smoking, I'll ask you one question. How you answer that question determines whether or not we'll work together.

The question? On a scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you to quit?

If your answer is anything less than 10, I won't be wasting my time and taking your money for something that's not going to happen.

If your reasons for wanting to quit aren't extremely personal, you just won't do it. I'm not going to put myself out there and work with you when deep down you really aren't motivated enough to make the changes I'm trying to help you make. If, on the other hand, you tell me you're a 10, or even better an 11, your chances of success are about 100%.

How does it work?

Something like this: Smoking does something positive for you. Obviously this is the case, because if it weren't, you wouldn't smoke, would you? Our task, then, is to discover what that is and replace smoking with something else that gives you that same feeling. This is different with everybody. Your own subconscious mind knows what it needs. All we do is ask it and see what happens.

If you try to stop a habit like this without replacing it with something else, you'll either go back to your old habit or pick up another one that's just as bad.

For example, how many times have you heard of somebody quitting smoking, then gaining a bunch of weight. They didn't dissolve the addiction, they just transferred it. With hypnosis, the addiction is neutralized and replaced with something else.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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