
Looking to stop smoking? There are many methods out there to try to help smokers quit. Some are free and others are not. What works for one person may or may not work for another. Let's take a look at three free stop smoking aids that can help you kick the habit.

1)Smokers Anonymous

Smokers Anonymous is a great program to try and help people to quit smoking. What makes Smokers Anonymous so great is that the advisers are usually people who have quit smoking themselves. Therefore, they've been there and done that. They have the experience to try to help you be successful in your quest to quit smoking.

2)Starting a New Hobby

Sometimes something as simple as starting a new hobby can be effective in helping someone to stop smoking. People who picked up a hobby, like gardening for example, found that since the hobby occupied their mind so frequently that their urge to smoke was reduced. It is important to note, however, that you must pick a hobby which you are sincerely interested in. If the thought of collecting stamps bores you to death(I know it does me!), then don't take stamp collecting as a hobby! You will probably end up smoking more cigarettes because you are so bored.

3)Finding a Smoking "Substitution"

Another easy to do free stop smoking aid is trying to find some sort of substitution for a cigarette. Often, when a smoker is stressed he or she will reach for a cigarette because it is habit. If the smoker can find something to replace the cigarette with, such as drinking a glass of juice, sometimes I can't help break the smoking cycle. Other replacement ideas include chewing gum and exercise.

Hopefully, utilizing some of these free stop smoking aids will help you to break your habit. In the case that you are unsuccessful with free stop smoking aids you may need to resort to an alternative method.
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