
Family support, maybe that's one thing that smokers lack.

In this nation which continuously depreciate family ties without necessarily having to abandon old traditions- which of course are in themselves lacking- it is understandable that people have learned not to rely on their family for support. We are not as closely knit as our Asian counterparts though we still consider our families as the first and final resorts to everything. But because we typically dismiss the help that this institution needs, we leave the value of our families behind and exchange them for external supports from people who, if we may say, do not actually equal the care and support that our own families could give.

So why not turn to our families for support? Why not consider it as an integral part to gain the willpower to start quitting the addiction to cigarettes and nicotine? And why not treat it as the first lie of defense against relapse.

There is so much possibility that family support could give when wanting to kick off the habit for good. There is so much missed opportunities that are otherwise very useful in helping to commit into one purpose- that is to stop the habit altogether. Even if you believe in it or not, the family you have plays its significant roles to help a smoker last into quitting.

So here are the benefits for turning into your own family to gather the help you need when wanting to stop smoking:

Eternal support- It doesn't really matter if you came from a not so supportive family, the thing is seeking support from them is nowhere near to impossibility. It may even be that they are the best source of support you should be looking into. There is always the mother who provides eternal guidance, whether you notice it or not. Your father could give you bits of advices to help drive you away from the habit. It is a common experience that dads now best when it comes to mannish habits, in this case cigarette addiction. If you are looking for subtle but significant supports, you might as well have a talk with your dad without really having to open the topic on smoking, though that is not a bad idea either. Whether it yields good results or not, a nice talk with someone whom you consider your roots will do you so many good things.

Or, you may ask any member of your family to quit smoking along with you. Nearly all smokers find no good reason not to quit this painful habit so it is but likely that your brother, your sister or maybe even your father have long been planning to quit but cannot find the good timing or the good company to pursue the plan.

Source of motivation- Irregardless of the setting, your family is still among the best source of motivation to help you quit smoking. Maybe you have a young daughter or a son? Well if you have one and you habitually smoke when they are around then you are in for quite a lot of trouble, maybe a lot more when you consider the harmful effects of cigarette smoke against their health and equate them with the effects on your own health. Of course you know about the second hand smoke. But just for the sake of this article, let us say that second hand smoker is to exactly the mainstream of smoke but the one which is sent to the immediate environment of the smoker. Because your children doesn't use any device to filter the smoke and the accompanying substances that cause a hoard of risks against the health of a person inhaling them, they are more likely than you are to incur various types of diseases.

Realizing that your family's health is in danger is just as good source of motivation as knowing that you are digging your own grave with every stick of cigarette you finish.

The familiar support of the family is not only a vital aspect of helping the smoker kick off his habit, it is an imperative part of the whole process. Most smokers cannot do it alone, except for the very few who can survive the hell caused by quitting. But these types of people are those who can drive to hell and high water with all the bruises and still rise to the occasion. They are like the super humans of the cigarette industry but for common people like us, smoking cessation is one of the most painful kinds of struggle. And during this event, we need the support of our family, if not to help us directly throughout the process then at least be there just for emotional, mental and physical support.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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