
If you're a smoker, whether you've been smoking for weeks, months, or years, then you've probably looked for the best way to stop smoking. Maybe you've considered, or even tried the reduction method or just quitting cold turkey.

Have you ever considered using hypnosis to stop smoking? It is likely that, if you've tried to quit cold turkey, you failed, because it does not address the necessary change in mindset required to finally put away such an addictive habit.

What is Stop Smoking Hypnosis?

Stop smoking hypnosis reinforces positive changes in your behavior while reducing, or even eliminating, your urges toward negative behavior. Hypnosis alters your perceptions and behaviors by changing the control center of all conscious thought patterns--your subconscious mind.

How Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work?

All longstanding behaviors and patterns are rooted in your subconscious mind. That is why it is difficult to change old behaviors, even if we intensely desire to. After all, the physical addiction to nicotine passes from our bodies in a matter of 3-10 days. But, it is the mental addiction that is the most difficult part of quitting.

Smokers, through behavioral repetition (habit), have rooted the act of smoking deep into their personalities. They have taught themselves, through a form of negative self-hypnosis, "They just don't feel right," unless they are participating in those old habits.

Often, when smokers try to quit, they replace their old bad habits with new bad habits. To satisfy their oral fixation, they begin eating more. Usually, they start to eat candy or junk food to fill that "hole" where "something is missing."

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Nevertheless, if you've really set your mind to quit smoking, hypnosis actually changes your mindset from the inside out. You no longer feel the urge to fill that hole, because your mind does not think that anything is missing. In fact, you really understand all the fantastic things you gain from stopping such an expensive and harmful habit.

The best thing to do is replace your old bad habits with new and positive ones. When you quit smoking, you'll have a larger lung capacity, so you can go for long walks or ride a bicycle through the park. You'll find great relief being able to work on projects without the need to constantly stop and light up. You won't have to worry about leaving friends at a restaurant or bar just so you can go outside and smoke in the cold.

Advantages of Stop Smoking Hypnosis

They great thing about hypnosis is that it plants deep and powerful suggestions into your subconscious mind. With the help of hypnosis, you can quit smoking in a painless and natural way, without the use of toxic tasting gums, or dangerous and unsightly skin patches. You'll feel empowered to fill your routines with positive, life-altering behaviors instead of harsh and painful ones.

Not only will this prevent the dreaded weight gain (which I used as an excuse so many times as a smoker), but it will even allow you to explore new hobbies and perspectives on your life. Think of all the time you've wasted smoking when you could have actually been doing something! Stop smoking hypnosis is an amazing, life changing tool that will not only decrease your urges to smoke, but can change your whole mindset about yourself!Stop Smoking Hypnosis--The Best Way to Stop Smoking Without Gaining Weight
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