
In this article I'm going to explain a pill to stop smoking and why there are low success rates in more conventional stop smoking methods.

Only a small percentage of all smokers actually quit each year. This is a concerning statistic because about 70% of all smokers have stated that they would like to quit if they can. This means that there are a lot of smokers that are trapped by their addiction of nicotine. Their body's are so used to nicotine that they depend on it to feel normal. When they quit, their body goes under intense reactions to let you know it wants it. The first is and most obvious is the harsh cravings one feels when they stop smoking. Then there are secondary physical withdrawal symptoms which include depression, nervousness, cold symptoms, insomnia, digestive problems, and more. These usually happen all at once which is too much for people to handle at once which explains why the failure rate of quitting is so high.

The Inherent Flaws Of Many Stop-Smoking Methods

Its been a known fact that the best way to effectively stop smoking is by quitting cold turkey. As described above, the effects of quitting are pretty intense. Usually a bundle of different withdrawal symptoms will hit a person when they are trying to quit completely which is way to difficult for someone to handle. People will usually last a day or two until they cave in and have a smoke.

Although nicotine replacement therapy (such as gums, patches, and inhalers) are popular and the most conventional method, in actuality, they don't have very high success rates. This is because you're continuing to feed your body the very thing that its addicted to. Although most plans will have users progressively decrease their intake of nicotine, their body will continue to get cravings which makes the process long and difficult.

What's So Special About Natural Stop-Smoking Pills

Pills to stop smoking have gotten a lot of attention is because they will help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and take away your cravings without the use of nicotine. This makes quitting much easier since you 1. completely stop the use of nicotine 2. the usual severe effects of doing such will be dramatically reduced. There are manufactured pills by certain drug companies (such as Chantix and Zyban) that will help to do this, but the problem with these is they have nasty side effects of their own. The most common are nausea and intense insomnia. I would suggest looking into herbal pills to stop smoking since they're all natural and won't cause any side effects. Its sort of like having the best aspects of all the different quit smoking aids. They'll put you in the most comfortable position to effectively quit smoking for the long term.
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