
How can self hypnosis help you stop smoking? To answer this it is important to understand what happens when someone is being hypnotized.

As the health issues of smoking are becoming better understood more products are becoming available, the most common examples being nicotine patches and gum. Some people choose the assistance of their doctor or just rely on willpower.

There is a lot to be said for these methods, they do work for a lot of people, but at the same time many people fail and carry on smoking.

Self hypnosis is a medically proven technique which has been used by millions worldwide to stop smoking. You change your feelings about smoking on a subconscious level, so it'll be easier not to smoke on a conscious level, without having to rely on willpower. It gets right to the source of the habit.

Self hypnosis involves relaxation, scripts and visualisation. Relaxation is vital because the mind and senses have to be open and relaxed enough to receive the suggestions and instructions you are going to give it.

Scripts are something you create yourself that you repeat to yourself over and over to change your mind on a deeper subconscious level, for example, "I am happy being smoke-free".

Visualisation is one of the most important parts of self hypnosis and is very beneficial for those who want to stop smoking. The idea is to imagine yourself performing a certain activity, overtime making it so clear in your mind that it will be easier to perform it in real life. This is ideal for quitting smoking because you can imagine yourself being smoke free. Overtime it will become more and more vivid, in the end becoming a reality.

A good idea is to see yourself doing the activity as if you are on a screen; this can allow you to focus your attention better and sharper. This is called 'dissociated visualization'.

When guiding yourself through self hypnosis you must use your own imagination to create a clear image of how you want to be; healthier, breathing better, etc. You must choose an image that links to your goal to stop smoking.

Positive words like 'happy', 'exciting', 'beautiful', 'wonderful' and 'exhilarating' when using dramatic images will engage with your emotions and make the outcome more permanent.

How could you use the above words to create images? You could imagine yourself as a healthy happy person breathing clearly and enjoying life. This is just an idea.

Imagine the cigarette smoke in the air, see it everywhere, and even in places where you wouldn't normally see it in real life. Imagine it looking, tasting and smelling really bad. Associate it with something; some people imagine it like sewerage or the smell of rubbish in an alley.

Visualization while using self hypnosis is fantastic for helping to stop smoking because it goes directly to the subconscious, beyond just willpower. Seeing change occurring while using self hypnosis will make your goal of being a non smoker a true reality.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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