
If you smoke, you probably have given a lot of thought to giving up the habit; if you are reading this, you are probably currently making an effort to quit smoking. As you know, smoking can kill you as well as having a wide variety of other negative effects on your health. In order to ensure a longer, healthier lifespan, kicking the habit is a necessity. You've probably tried to quit before, maybe several times and not managed to give up the habit for good - it's hard to quit, in fact one of the hardest things you can do is to quit smoking, but it is important to stay committed to this goal, since the benefits for your health are well worth the effort. Hypnosis to stop smoking is something you may not have considered before - but it is something you should think about, since it has helped a lot of people to quit smoking, even when all else has failed.

There are a number of prescription drugs which are intended to ease smoking cessation and while these are effective for some people, you do need to know that these drugs are not entirely without risk. As with any other prescription medication, there can be side effects (including serious ones) which can come along with the use of these products. These drugs can also have interactions with other medications, making these an option that a lot of people would rather avoid given the option; and thankfully, there are several other ways to quit smoking other than these drugs.

Some have success with nicotine replacement products such as the patch, nicotine gum, inhalers and lozenges. The problem with these products is that they just replace one form of nicotine intake (smoking) with another. While it is certainly much better than smoking (nicotine in and of itself is not especially harmful, but smoking is), this method makes it too easy to slip back into smoking, since the cravings for nicotine are still there.

You could also try cold turkey. No one can argue with the logic of simply not smoking, but this is by far the hardest method of smoking cessation available to you. You have to simply ride out the symptoms of withdrawal and deal with that familiar craving for a cigarette using your own will power; and many of us just don't have it in us to succeed this way. It's admirable, but it is not the right answer for every smoker looking to kick the habit.

Using hypnosis to stop smoking often succeeds where other methods have failed. Best of all, hypnosis does not have harmful side effects and is certainly a lot easier than going cold turkey when trying to quit. This kind of hypnotherapy consists of the hypnotist planting suggestions in your subconscious while you are in the trance like state of hypnosis. These suggestions can help you block the cravings for cigarettes and even lead you to be repulsed by the smell of smoke, which can have people off cigarettes for good after only one session of hypnosis.
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