
What happens to you when you stop smoking can have a serious influence on your personal chances of success. There are two sides of effects that you will experience when you first stop smoking. There are the positive health effects that you will gain from and the discomfort from the nicotine withdrawal side effects.

To ensure you have the best chance of success, you should learn all you can before stopping. The side effects you will suffer from nicotine withdrawal may seem very powerful at the time. There is a good chance you will use these feelings to justify abandoning your attempt to stop smoking. You'll try to use them as a reason to light up again. Don't do it - It's only junkie thinking!

Nicotine withdrawal can result in pretty much no side effects in some smokers, particularly if you are a light smoker. If you have been a heavy smoker, the withdrawal symptoms may be more severe.

These symptoms may include nausea, headaches, light-headedness, sore throat, runny nose, chesty cough, stomach ache, gas or constipation. Phew - but that's not all, there are also effects like irritability, insomnia, lack of concentration and of course the dreaded cravings!

There is a very good chance that you will suffer from several of these symptoms when you quit smoking. But don't despair, there is also a very good chance you will only suffer from a couple. If you are unlucky, several will hit you and make life very difficult.

Nicotine withdrawal is just one of the things that happens to you when you stop smoking and there is little that you can do about it. The good news is that these symptoms should only last a week or so - maybe a month for the cravings if you are very unlucky, but they will pass! The better news is the health gains you get from stopping.

The health side of what happens to you when you stop smoking is the reason why you should persist in trying to stop smoking. Within a few hours, blood pressure and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have lowered. Within a couple of days, your lung function, blood circulation and sense of taste and smell will have improved. The downside is that your cravings will probably be at their worst then too!

After a year, your risk of heart attack will have subsided to about half of that of a smoker. You circulation and lung function will have improved further still and you will look healthier, unlike a normal smoker with their grey skin and tar stained teeth and hair!

Of course, the long-term effects of stopping smoking are where the real benefits show. Between 5 and 15 years after quitting, your risk of cancers of all forms including ling cancer will have at least halved. Your risk of heart attack and stroke will be the same as if you had never smoked and thus your chances of living a longer healthier life will have improved.

A fact to bear in mind is that for every year after about the age of 40 that you continue to smoke, you take about 3 months from your life expectancy. The constant erosion of your life expectancy stops the minute you stop smoking, whether you are in your thirties or in your eighties. It is never too late to benefit from stopping.

Never doubt your decision to stop smoking, for all the bad things that happen to you when you stop smoking, there is an invaluable amount of good that happens too!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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