
When most people first try to quit smoking, they do it cold turkey. This means that they completely stop all at once by yourself without using any aids. For a few people this method does work, but for most it does not. That is why there are many smoking aids available to you.

When you do start to quit, you will go through a period of withdrawal because you are no longer giving your body nicotine. You will experience physical and mental discomfort, irritability, mood swings and even develop shutters; those are a form of shakes that happen when your body is going through withdrawal.

The many popular aids can be found at your local grocery store in the pharmacy. The most popular of all the quite smoking aids is the nicotine replacement therapy. What these do is they give you a small dose of nicotine and you gradually work your way to eliminating that chemical. They can be in the form of a gum, inhaler or patch.

You are probably asking yourself why should I by that when I can just smoke a cigarette and get the nicotine I need. Unlike cigarettes, these quit smoking aids only contain nicotine and not all the other chemicals that cigarettes contain.

Some other aids that are at your disposal can come from your doctor. They can prescribe you will a medication to help calm your nerves so you will be more relaxed and not so stressed out during the process. Some medications can have potentially harmful side effects so you want to make sure that you are using the medication under a close doctors care.

No matter what quit smoking aids you use, you will be benefiting your body. If you have the strong will power to quit cold turkey, that would be the best way to eliminate the nicotine from your body the fastest.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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