
Are you ready to quit smoking? Many smokers are simply sick and tired of smoking cigarettes, spending money on the habit, smelling like cigarette odor and of course adding to their risk of serious diseases. So, why don't you quit? I'll bet you've heard this question before. Many non-smokers have no idea how powerful the hold of nicotine is. This is why smokers continue to smoke although they understand the dangers of smoking. Nicotine is as addictive as heroine and it's hard to let go of it.

Many people who feel the same way and want to quit smoking have utilized a stop smoking aid to help them get more control over quitting. There are several reasons why a stop smoking aid can make it easier for individuals to stop smoking. One of the main reasons is that nicotine addiction is so powerful. Quitting cold turkey is extremely difficult and can bring on intense withdrawal symptoms such as:

o Feeling Light Headed

o Depression - Because nicotine produces a feeling of well being similar to when endorphins are released, the lack of nicotine can bring a sense of loss and depression. This is one of the most frustrating symptoms of quitting smoking and nicotine replacement can keep you feeling normal, although there is a risk of becoming dependant on the stop smoking aid which contains nicotine.

o Nausea - Because your body is accustomed to the nicotine, when you stop getting it, you can feel nauseated and sick.

o Irritability

There are other symptoms that one may feel, but these are the most common. A stop smoking aid can really help relieve these symptoms. Many people believe that the best aid you can get is one which doesn't contain nicotine, but something which helps relieve the craving for it. For example, the quit smoking aid Cigarrest is an herbal alternative which relieves the craving for nicotine with tablets and gum. This helps prevent individuals from becoming dependant upon the stop smoking aid, which can be an expensive addiction in itself. If you've ever seen someone still chewing nicotine gum years after they have quit smoking, it's simply because they have traded one vice for another.

Other helpful quit smoking aids may include help for the psychological addiction to cigarettes. This includes the habitual 'hand to mouth' action and the feeling that you need to smoke when you are bored, in idle times or when you have become accustomed to smoking. Like Cigarrest, many aids contain help for this aspect of quitting smoking, which some believe may be the hardest thing to deal with. If you're ready to quit smoking, it would be very beneficial for you to check out the stop smoking aids which are available to you. From the psychological aspects to the actual physical addiction and the problems these symptoms bring, you can get help in order to deal with each one of these. By covering all aspects of quitting smoking, they can really be the helpful key you need to stop smoking for good!
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