
The truth may seem jaded by now because it's always being forced on smokers that smoking is harmful to one's health. Thus, smokers have this warning coming out of their ears, and somehow it does not working as well anymore. Why?

There is only one reason why people continue to smoke in spite of the dire warnings, and that is because they can't help themselves. They are addicted to nicotine, and their spirit is too weak to fight the addiction.

Anyone can quit smoking cold turkey if they want, but only if they want to. So now we have these so-called stop smoking aids which are suppose to help an addict fight the desire to smoke. These stop smoking aids range from nicotine patches to nicotine replacements, sucking on a lollipop or lozenges. They all work to some extent for some people, but not on all nicotine addicts.

This brings us back to determination. Anything will work if you have enough guts and will power. A person can stop the habit with or without aids if his will power is strong enough.

At any rate, let's go over the benefits you will get if you stop smoking. For one, you stop infecting yourself. The problem with smoking is that you cannot reverse the ills effects. If your lungs have been ravaged by 30% because of smoking, stopping will not bring your lungs back to its pristine condition. However, it will prevent it from getting worse.

A chain smoker is likely to die by the time he is middle-aged. At the very least, he will start to experience lung problems, high blood pressure, premature aging, and a less alert mental state. If he quits smoking, he can regain a luster in his appearance, stop the premature aging and wrinkles, maintain a better blood pressure level, and be more alert.

It is important to want to quit smoking, not just for yourself, but also for the benefit of the people around you. Secondary smoke is known to cause cancer as well. In fact, the effect from secondary smoke is said to be more toxic than if you smoked the cigarette yourself.

If you cannot quit smoking based on will power alone, use a stop smoking aid until you finally get to release yourself from the evil shackles of nicotine. Naturally, consult with your doctor prior to using any stop smoking aids.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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