
They must be pretty thin on the ground and I can only think of Government sponsored ones that would be in existence. I can only speak for the UK where the Government has set up a National Health Service, Stop Smoking Service. I assume similar schemes have been set up in other developed countries but on these I have no knowledge.

In England this takes the shape of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. (NRT) Since 2003 a total of about £250 million has been allocated to this end. Also counselling services are provided. It is claimed that the money spent is 'cost effective', but I shall leave that for others to judge.

What I have noticed on discarded cigarette packs is some of the very graphic pictures of internal organs and the like that have been badly effected by smoking. That for me would serve as adequate persuasion. (I used to have a deep rooted fear of throat cancer) These images have been placed on the cigarette packs by Government directive.

The best free stop smoking aid is the one in our head. I have always (and shall carry on) promoting this as our best way of stopping smoking. It's a powerful addiction we are fighting here so it naturally follows that we require a formidable weapon for the job.

Yes, by all means seek out help, but from there it's down to then individual. Maybe that is where the counselling comes in handy but it would have to be skilled to deal with a lot of cases successfully. The best cure I think are the self imposed ones assisted by an appropriate program/package.

If it is self imposed on the will of the smoker him/herself that is the first big step. Nothing will be successful until that resolve has taken place. Then you can look forward to moving on to a smoke free life.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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