
If you are trying to quit smoking, then you are going to run into a billion different products that exist to help you stop your habit. You can find different drugs that exist and other chemical products, but many people prefer a natural stop smoking aid. Natural stop smoking products provide you with the help you need without harming you.

Three of the more popular natural ways to stop smoking include hypnotherapy, herbal methods, and quitting cold turkey. Let's take a look at each of these quit smoking methods:


One of the biggest problems with a lot of different smoking cessation programs is that they don't actually address the problem that causes the addiction in the first place. They tend to focus on providing you with a substitution for nicotine versus addressing the root cause of the issue at hand.

Hypnotherapy is a psychological approach to treating your smoking habit naturally. In order to get you to quit smoking, hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious to try and break the addiction where it is strongest. Typically, a patient is put into a relaxed state by a therapist. The therapist can then address the issues with the subconscious mind.

Herbal methods

The most common natural stop smoking aid is St. John's wort. St. John's wort is an herbal supplement that you will often find used for anti-depression. Lately, however, it has also been used frequently to help smokers combat their cravings.

A lot of times when smokers quit or attempt to quit smoking, the dopamine levels in their brain tend to drop off. This can obviously make the person trying to quit feel lousy. By using St. John's wort, the idea is that the supplement will help to bring the dopamine levels back to normal, therefore reducing some of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting.

Cold Turkey

More than likely, you are aware of what it means to quit cold turkey. Basically, quitting cold turkey is the most natural stop smoking process that exists. This process does not rely on using any other kind of quit smoking aid. You just set the pack down and never look back.

The problem with quitting cold turkey is that it is very difficult to follow through with. Smokers are faced with withdrawal symptoms on two fronts: physical and psychological. Quitting cold turkey will mean that you will feel negative effects from the lack of nicotine and also the habitual process of smoking a cigarette.

There are plenty of other natural stop smoking methods that exist. These three are some of the more common, but there are others that may suit you better. You should really try to find out what works best for you.
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