
There are many techniques that you can employ to help yourself quit smoking. Each technique will affect each person differently in their attempts. For one person a particular technique will work great, while another will have no success whatsoever with that same technique. These are few of the most used and popular ways to aid you in your endeavor to stop smoking:

NRT which is known as nicotine replacement therapy.

Many people have difficulty in trying to quit smoking because of the nicotine addiction that comes with smoking, and for this reason in some cases this method works very well in helping someone to quit. By replacing the nicotine that a person would get through smoking, the body is still getting the doses of nicotine without actually smoking. Common ways of doing this involves using patches, gums, inhalers and lozenges to replace the cigarette. Fake Cigarettes

For other people part of the addiction is the need to hold a cigarette, and this causes a barrier when they try to quit. The technique allows the person to hold something without having to take in all of the harmful effects of actually smoking. Shocking Realizations or Events

This method involves exposing a smoker to a situation that cause them to realize what smoking could do to them or those they love. By exposing them to these situations where they make realizations could cause the person to set their mind to kick the habit. Many of these eye openers involve showing them what illnesses are related to smoking, how smoking could affect their appearance, or often times the death of a family member that died of a smoking related disease. These situations cause the smoker to confront the thought of being mortal, and what smoking could be doing to their life. At that moment they make a decision to live a healthier life. However, this method may only last for a while. In some cases the shock of these eye openers fade and the smoker will decide that it is just easier to smoke. Bupropion or Zyban

This drug is an antidepressant that will aid your brain in its fights with nicotine cravings, but it can only be gotten with prescription. There is also potential for side effects so if you are interested in getting this drug, you should be sure to speak with your doctor first. Methods of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine where they would treat a person by inserting small needles into various parts of the body to help it cope with different illnesses and pains. By using acupuncture a person can reduce the cravings and how bad the withdrawal symptoms could be. Relaxing Meditation

In this case the smoker would use guided imagery and deep breathing exercises that will give them a better feeling of well being, and inner peace. Meditation techniques can vary from emptying a person's mind of all thoughts to actually repeating a chant to help focus their mind on peace and relaxation. This method is perfect for when a smoker is have a withdrawal craving because it will help them relax, which is generally what they would use a cigarette for. They Could Get Themselves Hypnotized

This could be beneficial because it would help the smoker deal with their subconscious, in turn making it easier to quit. The reason that hypnotherapy works is because it works directly on the subconscious part of the mind, which in some cases is believed to be the most influential part. Using hypnotic suggestions does not always have to be learned, one can self teach in order to achieve the same goals. A person might also choose just to employ different relaxation techniques to clear their mind. The most important thing a person can do to help themselves quit is to employ their will power to not touch a cigarette.
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