
Yes, smoking is very worth it.

After the last cigarette, smoke, start your body for 20 minutes, that a number of positive changes that will continue for years.

-Blood pressure starts to sink.

-Drop your pulse rate (my resting pulse has dropped from 62 to 84 since no longer).

-Blood flow begins to improve. This fact is one of the greatest advantages of quitting smoking. Smoking restricted (f minor) blood vessels and capillaries, what, your heart working harder means blood and oxygen to the body places, where we must go, must. If the veins and capillaries start smoking to relax and open up, which reduces the workload for the heart, which is why you are experiencing a low pulse rate, lowered risk of heart attack, low blood pressure and higher energy level.

The benefits of smoking stop and go.

8 hours after the last cigarette:

-The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal (the bad stuff goes away).

-The oxygen level in blood increases to normal (good things).

24 hours after the last cigarette:

-The possibility, with a heart attack begins to decline (it was said this is a big plus).

48 hours after the last cigarette:

-Their damaged nerve endings begin to grow – the ability to smell and taste begins to improve

The first and most quit smoking use, I personally experienced that my cigarette cough, that was awful before he quit, he was almost completely disappeared after three weeks. Three weeks! Amazing!

The worst nicotine withdrawal symptoms disappeared after the first month.

2 Weeks to 3 months after the

-Lung function starts to improve. Improved-Service-walking becomes easier

1-9 months after the release-reduce coughing and shortness of breath.

1 Year to stop-the extra risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.

5 years of stop-is reduced the risk of stroke, a non-smoker 5-15 years later.

10 Years after the release-your death rate of lung cancer is a smoker over half. -The risk of cancer in the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases.

15 years of stop-the risk of coronary heart disease is back for a non-smoker.

I hope that you found the post here.

In addition to physical health improvements, confidence will increase as it accumulates more time without smoking. Breaking nicotine addiction is very empowering.

Depending on which cost cigarettes in your neck of the woods you save close to $2000,00 per year. I'm sure you think that something to do with the money.

-Your car, home and clothes are no longer the cigarette from the stench.
-The good stuff goes on and on.


I wrote all that is right. There are thousands of sites on the Internet that will give you accurate information.

So, now we come to the question of how you're going to this miracle reached and why I wrote this article in the first place.

But first he must decide ...

REALLY WANT TO SMOKE? Or looking for excuses?
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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