
To stop smoking is a smart decision. And as soon as you stop, you can start to see those quit smoking benefits on your body and in your wallet.

The biggest benefit you will get when you quit smoking is a longer life. Without a doubt, this is the single biggest advantage you have over those who continue smoking. By quitting you have just hugely increased your odds of living a longer and healthier life.

It is a proven fact that each and every cigarette that a person smokes will shorten his or her life. Now when you are twenty or even thirty, this may not really concern you too much, but as you get older, you will become more aware of this fact.

Even if smoking does not directly kill you, make no mistake, it will have a negative effect on your over-all health. Smoking affects so many of the body's systems, the odds are overwhelming that it will take its toll somewhere.

The good news is that if you quit smoking now, over time your body will repair the damage that smoking caused. Stop soon enough and your health can eventually match that of a non-smoker.

Another benefit you get when you quit smoking is the enjoyment you can have in everyday activities. Life is just better as a non smoker. When you have a meal, you actually enjoy eating it because you can really taste the food. This is one of the first things that ex-smokers notice.

Everything smells better too. As a smoker, you are probably not aware of how unpleasant your clothes, your hair, your house, your car and yes, even your children, smell.

Tobacco smoke permeates everything it comes in contact with, so even if you smoke outside, a non smoker can tell that you smoke.

Once you quit, the odor starts to disappear from your clothing and maybe more importantly, from your children's clothing. It will take longer for your house and car and you might have to have both furniture and car interior deep cleaned by a professional.

Statistics back up the fact that houses and cars owned by smokers sell for less. So by quitting, you have just made yourself an extra bonus when you sell.

These are just a few of the many quit smoking benefits you can have for your own. So why not make the smart choice and quit now?
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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