
There is no one who can refute the fact that there are numerous benefits of quitting smoking. While some of the benefits start getting visible as soon as one leaves, the others are long term. One of the major advantages of quitting smoking is that the life expectancy of an individual is increased and one can enjoy a good quality of life. Some of the immediate effects of leaving this smoking habit are that a person now breathes in fresh air that has no smoke fumes and one can spend quality time with his family, which was earlier being spent for visiting doctors. The social life of the person who has quit smoking is also better as then he does not have that smoker tag on his shoulders and is accepted with respect by the society.

Each and every individual has different reasons for quitting smoking but the results are more or less the same. Another major benefit of quitting smoking is that now one would have a healthy skin and the skin problems that came out of smoking such as dryness and wrinkles will be nowhere to be seen now. An end to smoking brings an end to the possibility of having any of the diseases or the health issues such as respiratory problems, yellow teeth, yellow fingernails, increased rate of hypertension, nausea, anxiety, severe headaches, migraines, bronchitis, cold and low motivation level. Now many smokers have started realizing the various benefits of quit smoking and this is the reason that many are stepping towards quitting smoking.

Some other remarkable benefits of quitting smoking are normal blood pressure, normal pulse rate, enhancement of the sensory organs and decrease in the rate of developing heart attacks.

The ones who comprehend that smoking would do no good for them are the only ones that can realize the benefits behind leaving smoking.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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