
Since Chantix is a prescription medication, purchase at a physical pharmacy requires a doctor's prescription. By bringing it into the internet, you can purchase Chantix online without a prescription. Online stores also offer good discounts as they normally purchase their items in bulk. Security and anonymity are also plus points.

As Chantix is known to cause a host of side effects, some more severe than others, purchase without a prescription may give rise to accidental misuse or even abuse of the drug. It is therefore recommended you seek your doctor's advice before proceeding ahead on your own. Based on your physical and mental state as well as your medical history, your doctor can guide you on safe use of Chantix and proper regiment of use.

Prices may differ depending on whether you are purchasing the branded or generic Chantix. Although the branded kind is more expensive, there is little to distinguish between the two as their effects as a smoking cessation drug are the same. They also contain the same active ingredient, known as Varenicline.

To complement the purchase of Chantix online via its official site, a step-by-step plan to quit smoking is offered at no charge to help you achieve your objective. The plan takes you through a process which you can easily follow in the face of constant challenges. Phone support is available with experts at the other end, offering advice on how to avoid risks and help you move forward. In the event you fall away and give in to temptations, they guide you back to the high road. A 24x7 hotline throws you a motivational lifesaver when you reach a potential tipping point. If you come to a roadblock, look up tips and be encouraged with how the successful users did it. Progress can also be tracked and measured, up to a daily basis, urging you to press on as you see the number of days quit increase and amount of money saved.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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