
As medicine and research has advanced over the past decades, the dangers of smoking tobacco have become more and more apparent. Those addicted to cigarettes are at a much high risk of developing lung cancer and cardiovascular disease than nonsmokers. Because many people are now aware of how smoking cigarettes can hurt them now and further down the line, more and more smokers are trying to kick their tobacco habits.

There are a number of stop-smoking methods that people have tried in their efforts to cut cigarettes out of their lives. Since each addiction and each person is unique, different methods work for different people. Currently, some of the most common cessation techniques include support groups, acupuncture, medications, nicotine patches and gum, or simply going cold turkey.

Support Groups

Many smokers will turn to support groups when they decide to quit. They may combine this method with any of the other ones, as well. Encouragement from fellow cigarette quitters, family members and friends has proven to be extremely important and motivational.


Some people turn to acupuncture to help them kick their tobacco habits. Those who stand by this method swear that it not only eases the quitting process but also makes it less difficult to stay away from cigarettes in the future. Typically, acupuncture users will go in for treatment sessions one or two times a week, for up to six months. However, these numbers may be adjusted depending on the strength of the habit.


Some medicines, such as Chantix, have emerged on the market as aides to smoking cessation. These drugs alter the way the body receives and reacts to nicotine, making smokers crave cigarettes less and less. However, Chantix has been linked to a number of very dangerous psychological side effects that have caused users to become abnormally depressed, hostile, or even suicidal.

Nicotine Patches

The nicotine patch is one method of nicotine replacement therapy. These adhesives deliver small amounts of nicotine to the body in an effort to replace the nicotine from cigarettes. Those undergoing therapy slowly taper off the amount of nicotine in their patches, until eventually they feel no more cravings.

Cold Turkey

Finally, going cold turkey is one of the oldest but most difficult methods of quitting smoking. Under this technique, smokers pick a day to quit using cigarettes, and on that date they stop altogether. No nicotine replacement is used, and quitters must fight off their cravings with their own willpower.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about the various methods to quit smoking, or if you have been injured by the smoking cessation drug Chantix, then the Chantix injury lawyers of Williams Kherkher can help you. Visit http://www.chantix-lawsuit.com/ to learn more.
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