
The decision to stop smoking must be taken now than later as addictions are very difficult to stop. If a person has been a frequent smoker over a long time, then how to give up smoking would be a vital issue in cases like that. Smoking is a very tough addiction to break away as cigarettes includes the substance nicotine which is addictive to both the body and mind.

Studies show that once you finish smoking a cigarette, it would denote you have lost at least 5 -10 minutes of your life. Apart from causing your body to become weaker, smoking give rise to bad breath, wrinkles, yellow teeth, decrease bone density, fertility problems that will unavoidably affect the sexual health of both women and men, and the higher chances of being infected with deadly diseases such as throat cancer, lung cancer, etc. Smoking on a regular basis means the decrement of roughly 8 years or more out of your life. Wouldn't you instead learn how to cease smoking and add those years back?

There are many methods on how to quit smoking that can be obtained easily from various places. Medications are also given as a stop smoking remedy by many doctors today. Some smokers are administered with nicotine replacements such as nicotine gum's, nicotine patches, lozenges, inhalers, etc. But the problem with nicotine replacements as well as most medications is that they deal with mainly the physical aspect of how smoking affects the body. Solutions on how to quit smoking should be directed more on the mind than the body because this is where the main addiction lies.

Dealing with the mind is the most difficult. This is because a smoker inclines to always believe that his joy and happiness lies inside a cigarette. Figuring out the truth of what the nicotine inside the cigarette can do to the mind and body is one of the most pivotal issues in smoking.

Relieving the mind of such addictions can pave the way for treating the body's addiction towards smoking. Smokers believe that a cigarette is always needed to relieve them from their daily stresses. If the connection of the mind with smoking is broken, then a person will be able to overcome their smoking habit. Over time, they will understand that their happiness does not depend on a cigarette but in what they really do in life.

Another hint on how to quit smoking would be to attend counselling sessions and get assistance from someone who is an ex-smoker, a person who has learnt the value of life and had stopped smoking. Sharing out your fears in quitting smoking, relieving the doubts in your mind can all be cleared out by participating in such sessions which are good to anyone who is seeking to stop smoking.
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