
Dear reader, if you have tried to quit smoking before, going cold Turkey or with the replacement of nicotine, and failed, then using a good hypnosis program is that extra bit of help that will tip the scales in your favor and let you succeed!

Did you know that stopping smoking with hypnosis has a success rate much higher than other methods, and for most people it takes only one session with a hypnotist to stop definitively? Most of us have heard the saying "it's all in your head" before, and this is certainly true for quitting cigarettes. The physical part of craving only lasts between one and two seconds, is the "urge to smoke now!" thoughts that create this desire that usually hang around and lead the person who stopped smoking again, this is where hypnosis gets right to the root of the problem and helps you beat the cravings.

During hypnosis, the person who wants to leave is placed in a State of relaxation of mind through guided imagery and sound, while in this state of relaxation you will be more open to suggestions and the hypnotist or audio program you selected will be implanting ideas on your smoking, such as sound effects of quitting smoking, how much better you will feel, look and smell and how much money it will save.

The best part about quit smoking with hypnosis is that you won't have to go through the first two or three weeks of arrest as a bear with a sore head and a thorn in all four legs! Because through hypnotic suggestion your mind will be thinking the positive points of quit smoking instead of shouting "feed me smoke!", and this greatly reduces the need for constant iron willpower on your part.

Another great advantage of this method we can strengthen your determination to home, this is done by going to place in your home that is as relaxing and put themselves into a State of deep relaxation you can learn from a good hypnosis audio, breathing exercises and again listening to the suggestions of the audio program. If you have already visited a hypnotist before then reinforce at home will double your chances of success. It is also much cheaper than other methods like nicotine replacement.

Now if you want to know more about quitting smoking with hypnosis there is much more information on my site.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The benefits of quitting begin to occur as early as 20 minutes after your last cigarette. Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal standards. Within a day, the risk of heart disease begins to decrease. However, this is the beginning of a process of 15 years, only then does the risk becomes closer to those of a non-smoker.

The first week after the arrest, is the most difficult and that's when most relapses occur, but if a person can stick it out for over a year, the chances of a relapse are reduced to less than 4% and after 10 years is almost negligible.

Many, mainly withdrawal symptoms from nicotine addiction, are prevalent in the first 6-8 weeks; peak in its first week. Nausea, irritability, tingling hands, headaches and sweating are some of those who have encountered. Will test the willingness and determination of those who surround the smoker. Many smokers loved ones are often relieved when an attempted quitter starts puffing again. To stop smoking is a test for the smoker, their family and their friends when take that final plunge. Support is a necessary ingredient when you stop smoking; You should be sought wherever possible.

There are more than 1 billion smokers in the world today. This year will see 5 million of them die. In the United States, of those 5 million people, about 10% of them will be from the United States. It is sad to think that every one of those deaths is preventable.

Smoking bans are implemented slowly in an effort from all over the world, Phillip Morris estimated that smoking bans in workplaces alone caused a major arrest report that previously experienced, has caused as much as 10% to 15% reduction in tobacco consumption. In many developed countries smoking is now banned in public places altogether in an attempt to create a smoke-free environment.

Measures such as the "day without tobacco" were seen around the world and increased awareness of the effects of tobacco use. The late 1990s also saw tobacco companies accept their defeat in several high-profile lawsuits settlement costs and having to accept terms that were unfavorable to their industry. The result of these causes have created mistrust of industry and increased public awareness.

The next steps to quit smoking, from a perspective of the world, must be addressed in low-income countries or the Middle representing 70% of smokers. These countries are the most affected, as they often do not have the same level of awareness-raising campaigns that can reach the public smoking, or the public smoking just doesn't seem to care much since there are no regulations that govern it.

It was well documented that smoking is poison for the smoker and those around them, it is now the responsibility of every smoker be aware of these effects and do what is right for them and the people around them and that's it, quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
At some point in every smoker's fight to quit, he or she will run up against a wall. The smoker will feel like he or she just cannot do it anymore, just cannot resist the urge to light up. But in these difficult times, there is a special tool that one can use to fight temptation and stay motivated: how to stop smoking books. Reading books on the subject will remind you why you wanted to quit in the first place, and will also remind you that you do have the strength to control your decision not to smoke.

One book that stands out among how to stop smoking books is Quit: Read This Book and Stop Smoking by Charles F. Wetherall. It's 208 pages, but it's only about the size of a pack of cigarettes, so it's a quick read. It's a great primer on how to quit smoking, and it fits right in your pocket, so you can carry it with you in case temptation catches you off guard. It is a simple, if general, method to look at your habit and evaluate your dependence on it. It's not the most detailed method available, but it'll certainly do in a pinch.

Another classic among how to stop smoking books is Edwin B. Fisher's American Lung Association Seven Steps to a Smoke-Free Life. This volume is a book adaptation of the American Lung Association's Freedom from Smoking program. It acknowledges that every smoker is different and will require a different strategy, but it provides seven guidelines for the smoker to build the strategy that's right for him or her. The steps are understanding your habit and addiction, building your motivation to quit, developing you're quitting plan, preparing for your quit day, quitting, fighting temptations (the first two weeks), and staying focused (the first six months). The book provides some great guidelines for what to look for in a specific quitting strategy.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Most alcoholics or drug addicts have several addictions, and smoking is the most common other addiction by far. You know that it is hard to resist the urge to have a cigarette when it sneaks up on you if you have smoked for any length of time. It's true that quitting is one of the best things that you can do for yourself, but it is also very hard to do. When you decide this is what you want to do, you have to find sources of stop smoking support. You can find this in more places than you think.

Apparently, stop smoking support begins within yourself. You have to be ready to quit, and committed to do so for good. Many stop and start quite a few times before they can finally kick the habit. If you fail once or twice, don't give up. Keep going until you are done with cigarettes for good. The stop smoking support you get from within is going to help you when you are all alone. You can't have others around you all of the time, and you certainly don't want to call friends at three AM to talk you out of lighting up.

Today, the treatment industry and the recovery community are returning to the original positions. Smoking is recognized as a drug addiction on a par with other substance addictions, and is being treated accordingly. That being said, your friends can otherwise be great sources of stop smoking support. They are the ones that are going to be very honest with you, and they are going to be hard on you if you ask them to be. Some are more passive and do not want to upset you. However, most will do what you say if they ask you to take away something if you light it up, or to do something to get your mind off of your craving. This type of stop smoking support is easier than you think. If you can resist the urge for five minutes, it can fade away and you are fine. However, those five minutes may feel like hours if you are struck with a craving.

Well, if your state has a quit line, you can probably get stop smoking support. New York State has one, and many of the other ones in the US have them as well. These should be toll free numbers, and many are funded, in part, by settlements from lawsuits against tobacco companies. They can give you the stop smoking support that you need, and they can also see if you are eligible for some of the tools you can use to quit like gum or patches. You can get these free at times, or perhaps at a nice discount through such a help line.

Yes, through online you can find also stop smoking support on your own. You can also find facts and figures about smoking. You may also find some stop smoking support by thinking about how much you really spend each month on cigarettes. You are probably going to be shocked when you see the total. Think about what you could do with that money otherwise. That can really help when nothing else does.

When I was a smoker, I have tried everything I can think to quit. I started smoking when I was 16 years old, and I think perhaps this was part of my problem. It was one of those things where my friend wanted me to try one, and it became the cool thing to do. I have not given up, but nothing I have tried thus far has been very successful. Teen smoking is a huge issue for a lot of people, and I know that my daughter will be more susceptible to starting if I don't stop soon.

I know that you probably have seen some ads on television that are devoted to stopping teen smoking. Some of these ads are quite blunt about what smoking can do to you, and others expose how the tobacco industry seems to target teenagers. Makes a lot of sense to me, and I also understand why the tobacco companies don't want to admit it. Teen smoking is a huge issue because it often leads to a lifetime of smoking. This is not something that any of us want for our children.

One of the best thing to stop smoking is to not smoke yourself. Another way is to make sure that you talk to your children about teen smoking as early as you can. If you are a smoker yourself, they may call you a hypocrite. There is a lot of truth to this statement, and that is why it is important that you stop smoking. If you are a smoker, and you want to talk your children about teen smoking, there are many resources on the Internet that can help you. Even if you still smoke yourself, show your children how hard you are trying to quit. This may help drive the message home.

For the recovering alcoholic even more than for the ordinary smoker, kicking cigarettes may be a question of life or death. If you're an alcoholic or drug addict in recovery who wants to quit smoking no matter when or how this idea is a support for you. It is important you always talk to your children whenever you suspect something is going on, and never let up. They will thank you for in the end.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You can chew gum; you can wear a patch; you can suck on a lozenge, or swallow some pills or have acupuncture, hypnotherapy, or a laser treatment. You can even be incredibly brave and decide to go cold turkey. You, in other words, can approach the challenge of giving up you cigarettes in a variety of ways, and perhaps you already have.

If you are one of the millions of people desperate to stop smoking for whom nothing else has worked, you may be a candidate for the stop smoking injection, which uses two FDA-approved anticholinergic drugs, scopolamine and atarax, to block nicotine cravings.

How The Stop Smoking Injection Works

Your smoking habit has caused your brain to develop extra nerve endings--and the longer you have smoked, the more of them you have--which produce an excess of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine while you smoke and for a brief period after you quit.

If the nerves producing the acetylcholine are blocked, they will not be able to signal your brain and body that nicotine withdrawal has begun. The concept is similar to having an anesthetic before you get stitches; pain messages are from the nerve endings in your skin to you brain simply do not get through.

The stop smoking injection will reduce, or completely eliminate, physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal during the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours after you quit, when they are at their most severe. By taking a stop smoking injection, you can spare yourself any or all of gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea, headache, lowered heart rate and blood pressure, increased irritability, fatigue, nervousness, and an inability to concentrate.

Because it will take you body three to four days to completely rid itself of all traces of nicotine, and up to fourteen days for the acetylcholine concentration in your brain to return to normal levels, the stop smoking injection must be supplemented with oral medication and a scopolamine patch, similar to the nicotine patches used to help people quit smoking.

The medication and patch will be of lower strength than the stop smoking injection, but are adequate to block the acetylcholine-producing nerves while your body adjusts to nicotine withdrawal.

Shortcomings Of The Stop Smoking Injection

Critics of the stop smoking injection say that, in spite of its high success rate in helping people get through the physical aspects of nicotine withdrawal, does nothing to help a smoker understand the psychological reasons for his or her addiction several clinics offering the stop smoking injection also have follow-up interactive programs in behavior modification.

One study has shown the stop smoking injection, without behavioral modification therapy, has an initial success rate approaching 90%, with 40% of those who used it still nicotine-free after one year. The stop smoking injection, because it uses FDA-approved medicines, may be covered as a medical treatment by your health insurance provider.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are many stop smoking programs, many of them teach you to rely on remembering to put on that patch or chew on some gum but the easy way to stop smoking begins with a little bit of research.

For your convenience, I have done the research and listed smoking facts here on this article as well as found what claims to be revolutionary system helping people quit 99.7% successfully after 1 session.

If you have been smoking for some time and are finding it hard to stop smoking, let me take a moment to explain why. When you began smoking, maybe without realizing it, your mind thinks to itself that each time you smoke your going to feel better in one way or another. And so it happens like this; your feeling stressed and so you take a cigarette and the stress goes away or your feeling down and smoking another cigarette brings back that sensation of joy or happiness. What you have trained your brain to do is associate smoking with 'Good' and in turn associated quit smoking with 'bad'.

Why gum and patches fail to help people quit is because they don't deal with the relationship your brain has made with smoking, what they do is ween you off the addiction of nicotine. Chewing gum to help you end smoking and wearing patches drags out the stop smoking process. You may find that even after a week or two of successfully wearing patches or using gum you still had to fight mood swings and cravings which are just some of the symptoms which cause people to go back to smoking while they are trying to quit.

Hypnosis to quit smoking is the only method which deals directly with the associations your brain has made with cigarettes. Hypnosis breaks the cycle your brain fell into when you began smoking.

Hypnosis to quit smoking unties all the illusions you brain made up about how good a cigarette is and how it makes you feel better, it teaches that you no longer need a cigarette to feel better. Additionally it seems to be the only stop smoking program that denies what happens when you stop smoking such as cravings or irritation.

When you stop smoking with hypnosis, not only do you come out not addicted but you also come out without quit symptoms. You will not feel cravings, you will not feel irritated nor have mood swings or have weight gain issues which so many of the alternatives to quit smoking leave people with.

Quit Smoking Today has helped over 5000 people to quit and with 99.7% of them quitting for 30 days after just one session. This is pretty much an over-night method, an easy way to stop smoking. You to could end your smoking habit in under 40 minutes with Quit Smoking Today!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Marijuana may have played a large part in your life for a number of years, but I'm glad you realize that now is the time to finally stop smoking weed. Firstly, I should congratulate you, as you are about to take a long and tough journey, and that in itself takes a lot of courage. You should also be aware that you are likely to face many barriers along the way, but the following 5 tips can show you how to deal with these and stop smoking marijuana.

1) Take control of the situation - I would hazard a guess that many of your friends currently smoke marijuana. Well if you're trying to quit, hanging out with these friends could be extremely difficult. In fact, you are far more likely to relapse and start smoking again.

I would suggest that for the first few weeks at least you avoid the friends you typically enjoy smoking marijuana with. In addition to this I would remove all temptation from your path, and throw out any weed paraphernalia that you own. This should include anything that is remotely connected to your "habit".

2) Trick your cravings to go away - A craving (any craving) is generally limited to a certain amount of time. Think about the number of times you have had a food-craving, and because you are unable to feed this need, the feeling soon subsides. The exact same can be said when you feel that you really have to smoke some marijuana.

I would typically advise you to ride out the feeling for approximately 15-20 minutes and you should notice that it has gone. You will also find that each time you put off the decision to smoke weed it actually becomes easier.

3) Change your thought process - Many of us are held back by a pot addiction because we believe it is something that we need and therefore cannot live without. How often have you told yourself that you are only able to do something if you smoke some cannabis first? Trust me when I say that you do not need marijuana or cannabis, and you can definitely live without it.

4) Take part in activities that are totally unrelated to smoking - I often relapsed into smoking cannabis after quitting due to boredom. Unfortunately, it took me a fair while to realize that I would now have far more time on my hands (as I had extra energy and didn't simply want to lie on the couch all day), and so I should look to fill this void.

I have always been fairly fit, so I just upped the amount of exercise I did. I also go for walks most evenings, I have started to read a lot more, and with all the extra money I have saved, I like to treat myself once in a while. You need to find something that will keep you busy and keep your mind off the marijuana.

5) Always remain positive - When you initially stop smoking weed you will be filled with negative thoughts. How will I cope? Who will I talk to? What happens if I start smoking again? This is the perfect opportunity to remind yourself how well you are doing.

What good things have come out of you quitting marijuana? How long have you managed to go without? Are your friends and family pleased with you? There are so many positive aspects to stopping smoking weed, but sometimes we just need to give ourselves a little shove in the right direction.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
About 55% of smokers gain approximately 3 kilograms after they stop smoking. This increase in weight is caused by two reasons:

first: is that Nicotine increases the rate of digestion of any food. Therefore, to stop providing your body with Nicotine makes food burning slower than it was, and this provides a good opportunity for the body to store some of the foods in the form of fats.

Second: is that smoking affects the minute parts of the tongue which are responsible for tasting, and thus stopping smoking improves the tasting sense which lead to eat more quantities of food.

Medical studies assures that about 10% of smokers fear to stop smoking because they are afraid of the kilograms gained by stopping smoking, and for this reason not to be your excuse not to stop smoking. I will present some tips to help you stop smoking without gaining any extra weight or any complications.

The decision of stopping smoking has to be accompanied with another decision, which is practicing sports to help alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from one hand and to resist the increase in weight, on the other hand, in addition to increasing the volume of muscles in the body, as it is known that the muscles are burning fat.

There are also some drinks that help to reduce the tension results from smoking cessation like Orange Juice.

You can also stop smoking using some of the following steps:
* Stop smoking at once; it is proved that stopping smoking gradually is usually futile.

* Choosing a particular time to begin stopping smoking, as not to be experiencing heavy pressure.

* Some foods and beverages increase the tendency to smoking so you have to temporarily cease taking them such as coffee, tea, chocolate and red meat.

Finally try to get rid of any packet of cigarettes, lighters, or any other thing related to smoking in your house.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop smoking patches are one of the most popular ways to quit smoking. The best and most secure way to start a NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) is to give your doctor a call and ask for an one to one appointment to discuss various stop smoking methods. Nicotine replacement therapy in general is a way to replace the nicotine your body is going to be missing. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are a common side effect, so nicotine replacement products are highly recommended.

The most common quit smoking methods are:

1. Stop smoking patches

2. Quit smoking clinics

3. Quit smoking laser therapies

4. Natural stop smoking methods

5. Herbal quit smoking methods

Let's focus on the probably most tested and most effective methods to stop smoking: The stop smoking patches. The biggest problem for smokers are withdrawal symptoms and side effects. So lets take a closer look how to use the patches:

How to decide which stop smoking patches are right for you?

Basically all stop smoking patches usually come in a box with a number of patches. There are various companies to choose from, but all patches include pretty much the same chemicals. They come in different colors. The most popular patches are the clear ones since their "footprint" is smaller which means they can't be seen easily.

As already mentioned a doctors appointment is crucial before starting to use patches. The doctor will help you to decide the level of nicotine you are going to need.


Patches for heavy smokers: 1 Pack of cigarettes or more per day: Heavy smokers are going to need the largest dose. If you smoke a pack or more a day, even if you are smoking a little less then a pack a day you are going to need the heaviest dose which is 21 milligrams.

Patches for medium heavy smokers, 10 - 15 cigarettes a day: If you are smoking about 10 - 15 cigarettes a day you are going to need the second level which is 14 milligrams.

Patches for light smokers - 1 - 5 cigarettes a day: If you are smoking up to 5 cigarettes a day you are going to use the lowest level which is 7 milligrams.

Here are some tips how to use stop smoking patches correctly:

1. Only wear one patch a day.

2. Clean the area you are going to use. The recommended and preferred areas are the forearm or the shoulder.

3. Make sure the patch and your skin is dry.

4. Put the patch on. The best time to use stop smoking patches is in the morning, after your morning routine.

5. After the first day wearing the patch, take it of and don't sleep with it on since they can give you restless sleep and even nightmares

Side effects:

The most common side effects from wearing nicotine replacement patches is itching. This is a minor side effect. Don't try to scratch to often, because the patch will come of eventually. If you feel any side effects like dizziness or drowsiness, cold sweat or irritated skin take the patch of and call your doctor immediately.

Insider Tip:

For those of you who have the greatest cravings for a cigarette in the morning a good way to overcome these is to set your alarm in the morning 1 hour before you usually get up. Clean the patch side and then put it on and go back to sleep again. This is a great working method to tackle the morning cravings.


Using stop smoking patches is a relatively safe and successful way to quit. But always remember. Without a 100% commitment you will never taste the sweet smell of a smoke free life, with or without the use of stop smoking patches.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Anyone who has ever wanted to quit smoking, or tried and failed with repeated frustrations at some points wonders about hypnosis - Does hypnosis really work to stop smoking? And the answer is... yes - but it requires the right attitude.

As a matter of fact, hypnosis is probably the best method for quitting smoking. However, the success of hypnosis, like any method, relies on the individual's true desire to quit smoking and follow through with a disciplined mindset which promotes continued success.

How does hypnosis work for quitting smoking?

The best way to describe how hypnosis works for helping to quit the smoking habit is to view it as a tool which helps retrain the mind. In essence, new neural pathways get created and old habitual ones get neutralized.

Neural pathways are the tracks that become embedded in the brain which hold the lessons, experiences and conditioned behaviors that one relies on and uses every day. All of the time and experiences invested into smoking get stored in these pathways.

Over a period of time, these neural pathways tend to be used on "auto pilot". Not only does smoking become second nature, but it can also become an addiction. And since nicotine is a stimulant drug, some individuals also develop a physical addiction to smoking to go with their psychological addiction creating a dual dilemma when it comes time to quit.

New and positive experiences need to become conditioned and embedded into the brain via the mind. In doing so, new neural pathways are created.

These neural pathways are like new highways with new names. The old highway was the "smokers" highway and the new one becomes the "non-smokers" way. You see on the non-smokers' highway, all of the signs and information point toward a healthy mindset which characterizes that of a non-smoker.

The goal of hypnosis is re-training the mind and convincing it that it's a non-smoker. Anything to do with the mindset of smoking gets pushed to the backburner, or literally buried over!

Hypnosis works to treat the psychological aspect of the addiction by infiltrating destructive psychological thoughts which lead to smoking and replacing them with positive, modified thought processes.

The Path of Least Resistance:

The negative and destructive thoughts have become embedded and never challenged and have become rooted, and created the neural pathways related to smoking. It is very much like kids sledding down a hill in the winter and using the same trail. Over many trials, the trail becomes embedded, icy and prominent. These are how thoughts are produced with smoking-they become embedded on the same slippery slope!

The goal of hypnosis is to bring the sled down other, undisturbed paths-the paths of least resistance.

Why Hypnosis is an Excellent Method:

Hypnosis is an excellent tool for quitting smoking because it has the ability to effect the addiction two-fold; psychologically and physically. Most times other methods target only one aspect of the addiction and not both. The outcome of this is that it makes relapse more probable.

Methods such as; patches, nicotine gum, pills, aversion therapies, cold turkey and acupuncture do not retrain the mind to develop new sets of cognitive scripts and conditioned responses as fast as hypnosis does, or even at all for that matter.

Hypnosis is able to tap into the unconscious mind immediately. It is in the unconscious mind that all scripts and conditioned responses are housed. Hypnosis is the quickest and most effective way to get into the mind!

What is best about hypnosis is that within one or two sessions changes are made immediately in the unconscious mind. Since you have direct access to the mind, you can put into it what you want or replace what you don't want.

The key to success in using hypnosis however is expectation. One has to believe it will work and want it to work. Going in with that mindset makes hypnosis the most effective method for quitting smoking!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Without medication, without nicotine patches, nicotine gum or other nicotine-based products, then what is the best way to quit smoking naturally? Many researchers reveal that smokers who take the task to stop smoking naturally literally get into the most difficult episode of their lifetime. There are a couple of ways to do so. You can either go cold turkey immediately and for good or you can reduce the nicotine intake coordinated with a pre-organised plan. So, let us have a closer inspection of these 2 ways to give up smoking naturally and identify how efficient they end up. Smokers who want to stop naturally are generally opposed to alternative replacements or are absolutely reluctant to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are often identified with them. For the cold turkey solution, probability of success are lower and you'll see why.

Firstly, the best way to quit smoking naturally and gradually, is to make a plan and stick to it by all means. By this I mean that you'll need to constantly decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to stop smoking naturally, you'll need to assist your body by alternative methods, making up for the lack of nicotine. Try to, minimize stress, and you won't have the urge to smoke so much. You can give up smoking naturally by increasing the quantity of sweet fruit you eat a day, since reduced nicotine equals lower sugar in the blood. The sugar you'll receive from the diet will compensate for the lack of nicotine, without exposing you to additional weight risks. In addition you may also assist your cause by lots of physical exercises and good water intake, since this assists you eradicate toxins from your body.

Alternatively if you think the best way to quit smoking is to just stop abruptly, you should well be prepared for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to your choice not to smoke, you may not succeed. As well, statistics show that this method to stop smoking naturally is likely to be distressful for your system as the nicotine reduction brings a number of cravings and is not generally thought of as the ideal way to quit. The fight to give up naturally can take you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and so on. You may reduce the cravings whilst you try to quit smoking naturally, by hydration, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even counseling.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
So, why do you want to quit smoking Weed? What is it that you want to have or be when you quit?

Do you want freedom, confidence or to be better at your job? Whatever it is, take a minute to think about how your life could be if you quit smoking Weed. Imagine what it would be like to have freedom to do all they things you have been wanting to do.

Close your eyes for a moment and do this now! Ask yourself 'what will quitting Weed do for me, get me or give to me.' If you actually took the time to do this then I'm sure your getting excited about quitting!

It IS Exciting to stop smoking Weed.

So quitting Weed can be and IS fun. We often make quitting sound like something we're not looking forward to, maybe even something we're dreading! This doesn't help when we are trying to find the motivation we will inevitably need at some point when quitting. If your not looking forward to putting the Weed down and have been putting it off for for a while this is probably the why.

Don't wait for the perfect time.

I said for about three years that I was going to stop smoking Weed, but eventually I realized that I was just going to have to bite the bullet and go for it. I just couldn't go another three years smoking whilst Weed was causing me so much pain mostly in the form of depression. In the end, I decided that now was the time. Actually three years before was the perfect time but I knew that I had to just put my foot down and do it.

Now is the perfect time. Think of everything you would have now if you had quit when you first wanted to, chances are high that you would either be well on your way to your ideal 'Weed free' life or you would at least be over the first week which is, in my opinion the only difficult part.

If you can stop smoking Weed for a week, then you have done it! Just continue doing what you have been doing and you have quit! This is the only way you will ever quit, just do it. You won't be able to quit until you smoke your very last joint, and remember it's something to be excited about not something to be worried about. Stop smoking Weed today.

Too many people say they want to do something but never actually get around to doing it, don't be one of these people. I have no doubt that when you stop smoking Weed it will be one of or possibly the most important thing you do in your life! I can guarantee AT LEAST, it will be life changing and your life will only get better once you stop smoking Weed!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Quitting smoking can be a long process. It is also not an easy process. However, don't let that deter you. It is one of the best things that you can do for your health, the health of your loved ones, and your monthly budget. If you can break up your quitting process into small, manageable plateaus, it won't seem like such a large mountain to climb. How to stop smoking can be as easy as one, two, three.

First, you need to decide that you are going to stop smoking. You should tell your family, friends, and coworkers of your decisions, thereby building up an unofficial support network. You should throw away every last cigarette and lighter in your house.

You should make a list of all the good things that come from quitting and paste it on your refrigerator. Set up a system of rewards for going without a cigarette for one day, one week, one month, six months, etc.

Second, you need to conquer your physical addiction to nicotine. Most people choose to use a nicotine substitute like a patch or gum. If you use a patch, you will have a small amount of nicotine running through your bloodstream at all times, quenching your cravings before they start. If you use the gum, you take a piece as soon as a craving starts; this also helps people who feel the need to put something in their mouths.

Finally, you should find someone to help you with your psychological addiction. This could be a friend, a relative, or someone you know who has recently quit. You could also join a support group, either online or face to face. Just find someone who can convince you that you don't need to smoke. How to stop smoking is completely within your reach.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
This article will help determine if you need to stop smoking weed by asking a few simple questions. It will also show you where to get the type of help that has done wonders for me & others who want to stop smoking weed.

Just remember to be honest to yourself when answering them...

Being hooked on pot is a long way from staying safe. The addiction to this so named "fun substance" could cause many social, mental, and external issues that may pester its followers each day of their lives! Contemporary, modern bud is really a lot more addictive and more powerful than what it used to be historically.

Decades ago it was considered a recreational or mild drug. With this kind of addicting components this can no longer possibly be regarded as a light substance. Thus, the reason so many are looking to stop smoking weed.

The strength of modern bud may be so potent, most people blazing this stuff suffer severe cravings when these people go without it. It's those two warning signs that continue to keep men and women smoking weed for a considerably longer time period.

Because their habit can be so powerful, despite the fact that they know they should stop smoking weed & do whatever it takes to kick this addiction.

If you think that you could be enslaved to pot, then truthfully address our next couple of questions.

Exactly how Addicted to Weed are You Quiz - Should you stop smoking weed?

I highly recommend you respond "yes" or "no" to the next questions.

a. Has your current blazing habit got in the way of your current social living, impacted your work, and had unfavorable consequences on your own relatives? Have you quit carrying out things that you used to enjoy or cherished to do, simply to smoke weed?

b. Have you experienced a rise in the quantity of weed you smoke? (Ex: Rather than smoking just one bowl, you find your self smoking more than a single joint or taking for an extended time frame?)

c. When you can not smoke or get a hold of bud do you begin to get restless or troubled? Have you ever substituted another drug to replace pot because you could not get any?

d. Are you able to smoke far more weed than you did in the beginning? When smoking, do you have to have alot more to experience equivalent effects?

e. Are you frequently planning on getting buzzed, smoking to get stoned, or looking for some money to get high?

If you responded yes to any of these inquiries it is most likely that you're addicted to to marijuana. What you do right now is up to you! If you know you ought to stop smoking weed and be marijuana free, then you will have to know the best way for you to stop blazing. There's lots of different methods you could work at to give up your addiction to this drug.

The only thing that I can wholeheartedly recommend to you is exactly what worked effectively for me when I needed to stop smoking weed.

This guy James has a blog about the same easy-quitting marijuana audio program that helped me stop smoking weed. If you're interested, check it out by clicking the link below. He shares about how it also helped him when he was having a challenging time quitting marijuana.

p.s. Should you plan to stop smoking weed, having a strong support circle of best Friends and family and a solid "stop smoking weed program" are likely to drastically improve your probability of quitting marijuana. Keep in mind that you're not merely carrying this out for you simply because you need to recover, but also because you are achieving this for your best Friends and family! I wish you the best, Good Luck... Mike
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What do I mean by LEARN, shouldn't I be telling you to go buy some nicotine gum or some quit smoking NRT products. Hey! It's not that hard for anyone to stop smoking and NO you don't really need a pill, potion, patch or gum. As a matter of fact I believe you only need one thing to help you quit smoking and that's Knowledge, because knowledge is power.

Some historians claim that tobacco has been apart of our history since around 6000BC, however a little closer to our end of the time line in the pre- Columbian Americas the native Americans cultivated tobacco for ceremonial pipe smoking. Explorers like Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh and France's Jean Nicot after whom nicotine was named began to popularize the use of tobacco as the new fashion throughout Europe. The process of smoking was learnt back in the early 16th century and it's still learnt the same way today. In the US every day 3000 new non-smoker kids become smokers! Each and every person has had to learn how to smoke.

You LEARNT how to become a smoker in the first place. You practised the draw-back and various smoking techniques over and over, including all those body image traits until you finally achieved that great `smoker status' . You convinced yourself how good and cool it was - right! You just taught yourself how to be a smoker even when the first few cigarettes nearly made you vomit.

You may be asking yourself right now, how can I learn how to stop smoking. The answer is easy, if you want to become a non-smoker, then you need to learn how to THINK as non-smoker. The reality is that gums, patches or NRT's won't change your smoker mindsets, knowledge and understanding is the key!

Listen ...'If you think the way you always thought, you'll have what you always had.'

Answer this... Who talks to you the most? Your partner? your boss? your neighbour? your friends? your dog or cat?

Nicotine Addiction is approximately 20% physiological and 80% psychological. Think about it, the chemical affect of the drug doesn't have to work very hard to keep you addicted because you will reinforce your perceived satisfaction with just about every cigarette through your thoughts and words.

I can show you a quit smoking process that will change your life forever. Your only problem will be deciding what to do with all that extra cash. Imagine the freedom of waking up every morning and thinking "I'm a non-smoker" now that's cool!

The bottom line is this - the nicotine addiction IS NOT your friend or buddy, it's a lying parasite that basically wants to kill you. Have you ever wanted to quit smoking?

To learn more please visit http://www.quitsmoking-4-life.com
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


While some people prefer a gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoke while quitting, many people would rather stop smoking cold turkey. I was one of those people. This means that a person quits because of their sheer will, from one day to the next.

It's not true that not much preparation goes into it when you stop smoking cold turkey. It's often just the opposite. People who have sufficiently prepared themselves both mentally and emotionally (although it's not always a conscious process) to reach an unequivocal decision to stop smoking cold turkey are those who then pull it off and quit once and for all.

When you stop smoking cold turkey, it very often means that you don't use any other aids such as nicotine gums or patches.

There are many natural aids which will support you without any side effects. They are also FREE. One of them is exercise. It's a very good way to balance your body as soon as you stop smoking. It's one of the signs that you choose to take care of your health. It builds confidence, gives you a wonderful activity which probably never involved smoking for you and helps you learn to breathe properly.

Also important is to stop doing things which were associated with smoking or which you enjoyed doing while smoking. For example, stay away from coffee and alcohol for a couple of weeks after quitting smoking. The same applies to certain foods. The psychological attachment to certain foods and habits associated for you with smoking should be recognized and loosened, as it tends to pull people back into their smoking past.

When I stopped smoking cold turkey many years ago, I did it during a vacation. I knew that I couldn't comfortably sit on one particular bench in the lobby of our office, because it was my regular hangout while "grabbing a smoke". The association was too strong. But after a couple of weeks without a cigarette, going back to that spot wasn't a problem.

You will need to face and be willing to conquer some of the unpleasant feelings and withdrawal symptoms early on when you stop smoking cold turkey. Nicotine is addictive and there can be strong withdrawal symptoms initially. They can be easily overcome with will power and the right attitude. Remember - it's always mind over matter. The more sure you are of your goal, the easier it will be. And with every passing hour the path becomes smoother as nicotine is leaving your tissues and cravings gradually disappear.

The best defense against the side effects of irritability, cravings, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, tension etc, is keeping in mind the benefits you are striving for when you can finally become a "non-smoker". You need to focus your mind on your desire to attain this goal and then all else will fall into the right perspective.

Drinking plenty of water helps with the detox process and will speed it up. It flushes toxins out of your body. As the remaining nicotine is thrown out of your system, the urge for more nicotine lessens.

The sense of achievement and the freedom you will experience once you quit will be well worth every bit of discomfort you may encounter during the first week. You see, the benefit of stopping smoking cold turkey is that it's the fastest way to break the habit! Remember that and only that. You will never regret having quit smoking!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people who try to quit smoking marijuana fail to do so for a number of reasons, but ultimately it comes down to them not taking the right approach. To really quit for good and not experience a future relapse, you will have to know the information that will end up helping you accomplish whatever goals you have for yourself. This article will get you started by examining addiction at its core and what you can do to beat it.

Although it is said that cannot become "addicted" to smoking marijuana, it is addicting in a psychological way. This means that the high you get from smoking it makes you want to do it more and more because of the feeling that it produces in you. To avoid this kind of addiction, you will want to make sure that your time is being occupied with things that are healthy for you and keep you active, such as sports or exercising.

You can start by joining a local gym and become active in using all of the equipment that is has available for you. Exercising and doing weight training will not only keep you busy, but it will also give you a real sense of accomplishment that will make you feel good about yourself and keep you from having to turn to drugs as a way to feel good.

There are a number of ways to detox your entire body after you decide to commit to quitting. One of the best, most natural ways is to drink as much water as possible. Water is perhaps the safest and most effective way to drain all of the harmful substances and chemicals that are put into your system when smoking. A good rule of thumb is to have at least 8 tall glasses of water a day for the first few months you quit. This will reduce the urge to pick up a joint, so you will be able to see long term results without any relapses in the future.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Finding information on how to stop smoking is easy, but what is not as easy is sorting through it all. Which method is the best; or better yet, which one will work the best for you? Each person is different, and not everyone will respond the same way to the same approaches. This information may help you decide to quit smoking, and, with some effort, end up smoke free.

What are the Benefits of not Smoking?

In the U.S., there are over 170,000 deaths per year due to cancer, including lung cancer. Certain cancers may not be preventable, but lung cancer caused by smoking is, so keep that in mind while trying to quit. Beyond cancer, quitting smoking lowers blood pressure, and lowers the risk for both heart attack and stroke. It also helps you breathe better, not to mention the money you will save when you no longer need to buy cigarettes.

When it seems Impossible to Quit

Smokers struggling to quit seem to have tried it all, the patch, gum, hypnosis, self-help books and groups, cold turkey, yoga, and even shock treatment! Even after all this, they are still smokers. Some physicians are now using what is called a cold (low-level) painless laser, fired at specific points on the hands and face like acupuncture, to rid the body of nicotine cravings and other symptoms of withdrawal by raising the body's own natural pain and stress reliever.

One Medical Breakthrough in the Science of Battling a Nicotine Habit

There are smoking treatments that use the cold laser to help you overcome the need to smoke. What sets this system apart? Nicotine gum and patches just give the body nicotine in another form, while prescription drugs are expensive and may have some serious side effects. This program has less side effects, provides ongoing support without a long-term commitment, and causes the release of natural stress and pain reducers.

What does this new Program Involve?

Step One: A consultation with wellness clinic that offers cold laser treatments.

Step Two: The cold laser treatment, in which a low-level laser beam will stimulate the acupuncture points related to smoking. This releases chemicals in your brain that relax you, which reduces the withdrawal symptoms.

Step Three: The dietary and lifestyle action plan, to help with cravings, rid the body of toxins, give exercise ideas and stress reduction tips, not to mention a free relaxation CD.

Step Four: The follow up visit, to track your progress, and determine if you might benefit from further treatment, or if the dietary lifestyle plan is enough to keep you on course to your goal of becoming a non-smoker, although the clinic staff is always available for additional support as needed.

No matter what anyone may say there is no 'miracle cure' that will make cravings disappear overnight. With the right support, though, you can overcome the need for nicotine. Do the homework; find out everything you can about any new program or product before investing time and money into it. The most important step in the journey to stop smoking is the first one.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Did you know that smoking is the most avoidable reason for early death in the U.S.? In fact, it reportedly causes the deaths of over 35,000 people every year. Those who smoke can also expect to have approximately 20 years cut from their expected life span. Then why do so many people smoke anyway? Unfortunately, most get started simply because of social influences around them. Then, even if they decide to quit later, it is very hard because of psychological and health issues that relate to the addiction.

One of the hardest things about quitting smoking is the fact that using nicotine has been shown to elevate the body's natural serotonin levels. This causes an increase in anxiety when a person smokes. It tends to be a vicious cycle, because the more cigarettes a person smokes a day, the higher serotonin levels are elevated, which leads to increased anxiety. So, when a person decides to quit smoking and stops cigarette use suddenly, serotonin levels drop dramatically, and the opposite emotional state is often experienced, which is depression.

When the nicotine supply is cut off to the body and brain, not only can depression develop, but high anxiety levels can increase as a result of withdrawals. No wonder those who really try to quit are sometimes absolutely miserable! This is at the heart of why so many people fail to quit smoking, no matter how many programs they join or how many prescription medications they try. There just is no totally pain-free way to quite smoking, if honesty prevails. For those who try to attempt to quit gradually, sometimes the symptoms of withdrawal are more prolonged and emotionally painful, than for those who just quit all at once.

Fortunately, there are some natural ways that can really help a person who is committed to stop smoking, without risking anymore side effects from drugs or other medications for that purpose. Dealing with depression is one of the worst parts of stopping this habit, so here are some proven tips to help you kick the habit less painfully, while giving your body a health boost in the right direction.

You can enhance your state of mind by naturally raising your serotonin levels. Eat lots of serotonin-producing veggies such as soy beans, almonds, beans, pumpkin seeds, and other soy products. Going vegan during this difficult time can really help you mentally. Get sun exposure everyday that lasts for at least 30 minutes, either during late morning or early afternoon. Add an exercise regimen to your week for at least 6 days. You need walk or take part in some brisk activity for about an hour a day. Also, take 3 tablespoons of flaxseed every day.

Eat English walnuts every day, a half cup at breakfast and a half cup at lunch. Add a B complex supplement to your diet everyday. The B vitamins are known to fight depression and are good, natural mood enhancers. By simply making these small, safe, natural changes to your day and diet, you will be surprised at how much better you will feel when you stop smoking, for a better life today and in the future.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The fear of weight gain discourages many smokers to attempt giving up smoking. They rather avoid weight gain than quit smoking. Studies show that at least 25 percent of ex-former smokers with weight-gain phobia lose weight after quitting smoking.

Do all smokers gain weight after they stop smoking? Fortunately, not everybody puts on weight. If you gain weight, the average increase will be as much as 10 pounds. Only smokers who smoke between 10 to 20 years or have more than one pack of cigarettes a day are more likely to experience weight gain.

Why do some smokers put on weight when they quit smoking? The outcomes of quitting smoking cause your body to experience physical changes. Your taste bud begins to improve which leads you to eat more. Smoking increases your metabolism. When you stop smoking, your metabolic rate begins to fall. Your weight goes up because your body now burns less calories. The absence of nicotine causes your insulin level to rise. This gives you the feeling of hunger. If smoking at the end of a meal used to be your habit, you now use food to replace the vacuum left by smoking.

You can maintain or lose weight after quitting smoking. As mentioned, When you quit smoking your metabolism slows down. Exercise can get rid of unneeded calories. To enjoy the benefit of exercise, you need to work out for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can include climbing stairs, walking briskly, and cycling into your exercise routine. Exercise can also stop you from craving for cigarettes.

Improve your eating habits. Chances are if your eating habit remains the same, you shouldn't put on much weight. Choose your food wisely. Use the Food Guide Pyramid each day so that you eat different kinds of food. Eat lots of beans, grains, vegetables, fish, and fruits. These healthy foods don't carry much calories. Opt for lean meat, low-calorie beverages, and low fat foods. You don't need additional calorie and fat as before. Just use your common sense when it comes to food selection.

Don't let the fear of weight gain discourage you from quitting smoking. The health risk of gaining 10 pounds is nothing compared to the health hazards of smoking. You should worry only if you put on 100 pounds, which is uncommon. Being smoke free will bring you more health benefits. You can lose weight but you can't make lung cancer or heart disease go away.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The Dr Phil television show last Wednesday (January 22, 2008) featured a man who had a heart attack but checked out of the hospital so he could smoke a cigarette!

Job-searchers, who can't stop smoking for the sake of their health, can be motivated to stop for the sake of their careers.

It's nobody's business if you smoke, unless you're a candidate for a senior-level position. Then you better think about "what happens after I quit smoking," or your career plans could go up in smoke.

It's no secret that corporations do lots of checking before offering positions to higher-level job hunters. Potential employers check you out carefully because a company's life and disability insurance premiums skyrocket for smokers. The cost of key person insurance can be up to 100% more for the executive who smokes. That's why candidates for senior positions are often required to reveal how much they smoke and drink.

It's no wonder you're still puffing away despite a New Year's resolution to quit smoking. Experts say nicotine is a stronger addiction than alcohol. So it's tougher to stop smoking than it is to stop drinking.

Alcoholics in recovery stop drinking "one day at a time." Many former smokers have used the same method to quit. So when it comes to tips on how to stop smoking, stop telling yourself you'll quit forever but will not smoke just for today.

So when your New Year's resolution to stop smoking hasn't kicked in yet, change your attitude from stopping cold turkey to postponing your next smoke for ten minutes. Then go without a cigarette for 20 minutes the next time, working up to longer periods between smoking. That's how I practice quitting many years ago when I wasn't ready to stop for a full day. Before I knew it, I had stopped smoking one day at a time.

When you're a job candidate who is not ready to quit and is still puffing away, avoid lighting up before interviewing or you'll smell like a cigarette. Your last smoke can be an hour beforehand. Then chew gum or pop a mint ten minutes before you meet and greet.

Now you can reflect upon the question, "what happens when I quit smoking?" The answer for job hunters and senior level employees is clear. You're chances of climbing up the corporate ladder is a heck of a lot easier when you stop smoking. You can fall off if you don't.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Nearly every smoker expresses the desire to stop smoking. For many, this is easier said than done. It isn't "just" addiction a person has to deal with when quitting. People spend years developing the habit and then find that breaking a habit can be nearly as difficult as overcoming an addiction.

We've all heard the adage, "Don't quit quitting" and while that is a great thought, at some point, the "quit" needs to be permanent. Whether a person's preference is cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, the roots of the problem are the same: nicotine and ingrained habit.

Here are some important guidelines for a successful stop smoking program:

1. Tailor your program to your needs. Some people are successful at quitting cold turkey, but most smokers find themselves running back to cigarettes within days. This is likely due to the lack of a replacement for the cigarettes combined with the sudden cessation of nicotine. A good program can help ex-smokers deal with the cravings and teach them how to choose healthy habits over a bad one. Whether you choose hypnosis, gum, patches or pills, the program should be one that is comfortable for you.

2. Replacing tobacco can be very challenging. Many find themselves replacing it with food. The key to breaking a habit is in choosing a new and healthier habit. Exercise is not only a healthy habit; it can keep those extra "ex-smoker" pounds from showing up in two different ways. You'll burn off calories and avoid a binging episode.

3. Recognize that a stop smoking program is not going to be a walk in the park. Programs can help ease withdrawal symptoms and take the edge off the cravings, but while there are ways to make quitting easier, you are responsible for doing most of the work. Stay determined and don't let yourself use excuses for starting again. It is true that stress triggers a smoking response, but when you recognize a stressor and feel the urge to smoke, utilize techniques from your chosen program or use self-talk to keep from giving in.

4. Find a friend or buddy that will help. This might even be your spouse where they can provide the encouragement you need to avoid falling off the wagon. Keeping yourself accountable to this friend or buddy can provide the extra incentive you need to really quit.

With the right mindset, you can stop smoking and go forward with a healthy lifestyle. Your determination coupled with the help of a good program can make all the difference in succeeding at quitting.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Most smokers don't talk about it, but there exists a method for quitting cigarettes that works every time with very little effort, in fact it requires no effort at all.

You don't have to go through the immense discomfort of withdrawal nor do you have to wear uncomfortable nicotine patches for hours each day.

Many smokers know about this method but they don't talk about it. Most non-smokers know it and avoid cigarettes for this very reason.

It works without the smoker having to exert any effort at all and it is 100% guaranteed to ensure that the smoker will never relapse.

So what is this technique and why is it so easy?

Yep, you guessed right, it's death! It is the one thing that guarantees you will quit smoking one day whether you like it or not, and according to the statistics it you'll do so a lot sooner than most non-smokers.

Now you may be wondering why would anyone wait until the grim reaper comes knocking before they realise the truth about nicotine? It's very simple; in life most of us if we're truly honest with ourselves will tolerate almost anything as long as it's within our comfort zones and has no real "immediate" damaging effects.

This is why people continue to smoke even when they know it's slowing killing them. They know it's bad but - and this is the kicker - it's not bad enough...yet!

I've met many people in my life who've struggled with a variety of circumstances many of which were caused by their own indecision and failure to act. Through each of these people's lives ran a common thread - a sad thought system based on the idea that "things are not really that bad, I don't have to do anything now, it can wait".

All too often this attitude this leads bigger and more severe problems further down the line.

Don't let that happen to you. Make a decision today to choose an easier method for quitting cigarettes...and let the reaper pass you by for now!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are looking for quit smoking help so you can really quit smoking this time, then this article is for you. First we'll look at the number one reason people have for wanting to stop smoking and why it is not good enough, then we will look at your bodies rebellion when you start the process of quitting smoking, and finally we'll look at some ideas that will help you get through it all and achieve your goal.

Reasons to Quit Smoking
There are many good reasons to quit smoking and the big one is that smoking will lead to various illnesses and your premature death. Since these things are off in the future these reasons don't work for most people. I've seen smoking victims hooked up to oxygen, saying they want to quit but having accepted their condition, believing it to be irreversible, and still sneaking smokes. The thing is you have to find the reasons that are right for you. You have to take those potential illnesses and while you are healthy see them in place now chaining you to your bed, see yourself choking for air and not being able to get out and do the things you love doing. Is it really worth giving up all of the things you love doing for a smoke? Failure to bring this reason into the now, failure to make it up close and personal is the biggest reason people fail when using health reasons as motivation for quitting smoking.

The Cigarette Addition
Your body will fight you with its cravings when you begin to give up smoking. This is because you are plain and simply addicted. It is interesting how people will resist a prescription from their doctor when the doctor tells them they will probably have to keep taking the medicine the rest of their lives to control their health condition; those same people don't give a second thought to their cigarette addiction. Whereas the doctor seeks to help with medicine, the cigarette pushers only seek to hook you so that you pay them forever for the privilege of ruining your health.

Your Best Hope for Quitting Smoking
What can you do about all of this? Since you are addicted already your body sends signals to the brain that causes your cravings, your brain is conditioned to answer those cravings by grabbing a smoke. Have you ever tried putting your cigarettes someplace a little difficult to get to in order to cut down? Did you notice what most people notice that soon you have adapted and you go and get the cigarette from the new place with hardly any thought or effort? This is because you have let smoking become an unconscious act. You have abdicated your responsibility for doing it.

To counter this unconscious act, you have to have a way to keep the reaching for a cigarette in your conscious mind. One of the methods that will help you master quitting smoking is by consciously conditioning of your mind and body with awareness of what you are doing, and with an empowering self-talk response to it. Your mind is powerful and it can deliver you from cigarettes and the terrible end that most smokers face. Learn to speak to the cigarette urge.

We've looked at the big reason most people want to quit, we've looked at you're bodies addiction to cigarettes and it's rebellion against stopping smoking, and finally we have briefly discussed conditioning your mind to be able to counter the resistance with awareness and self talk. These tips will help you really stop smoking this time.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you have been smoking cigarettes for one year or many years, you'll know how addictive they are. Your body gets used to the nicotine and the smoking habit, and it lets you know when you need to have a smoke break. What if you could free yourself of that craving, and improve your health at the same time? A stop-smoking vaccine, or injection, can help you do just that.

There are various methods and products available to help you quit smoking, and each one of them is effective for some people but not for others. Some of these methods include natural herbs, nicotine-free cigarettes, nicotine gum and patches. One of the methods that has proven to be most effective, with over 70 per cent of smokers having success in quitting, is the stop-smoking vaccine.

The vaccine, which must be administered by a doctor, works rapidly once you receive it to block the receptors in your brain which recognize and crave nicotine. Stopping the craving for nicotine is the most difficult and important part in quitting smoking, and the results of this vaccine show themselves almost overnight. Once you no longer have to worry about craving nicotine, you will have more energy and willpower to devote to breaking the smoking habit.

Along with the need for nicotine, there is simply a habit in stopping for smoke breaks, having something in your hands, and the social part of talking with others about your day while having a cigarette. You can learn to replace these habits with other, healthier behaviors that don't make you crave a cigarette. Try talking on the phone, or going outside for a five-minute walk. Even chewing gum can help break old habits.

Your doctor will be able to provide you with all of the information you need on stop-smoking vaccines, including how effective it will be for you, if there are any possible side effects, and what the cost will be. Although the cost of the vaccine is not incredibly high, you may consider it out of your budget. But take a minute to think about two things: how much you would spend on cigarettes over the course of your life, and what types of health problems you could end up with from smoking. This helps to put the cost of the vaccine in perspective, and you'll realize that it is definitely worth investing in.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The biggest problem with quitting smoking is the cravings. But you have a better chance of succeeding if you know what to expect. Find out more in this article.

One third of the adult population globally smoke cigarettes and it is responsible for more premature deaths than anything else. Most smokers will want to quit eventually but the biggest obstacle is the cravings? How long is it before they stop?

How Do Cravings Work?

Cravings are what you get if you are a smoker and you stop smoking. Actually, you get cravings within a few minutes of finishing your last cigarette. That's why sometimes you'll have two cigarettes in a row. But mostly when you finish a cigarette you do not get cravings straight away because you know that you'll soon have another cigarette. Normally, you can go at least an hour or two without a cigarette.

So What Is Actually Happening?

Think about before you were a smoker. You never craved cigarettes. And now that you smoke, do they make you a much happier person? Nope.

The way that cravings work is that you smoke cigarettes to bring yourself back to normality, the the "ground level", where you were when you were a non-smoker. And when you don't have cigarettes then you are basically slowly sinking down. Like someone being slowly buried alive, you crave what will get you out of this hole, in this case - a cigarette!

So with smoking you are always sinking and the cravings are just your natural response to this sinking feeling. Have a cigarette and the cravings are extinguished!

When I Stop, How Long Will They Last?

When you quit smoking, your cravings will get worse. It's kind of like being slowly buried up to your head. As more time passes by, you will want a cigarette even more. After about 3 days to a week, you'll reach maximum cravings. If you are using willpower to stop then you must not give in now.

Then you'll grow used to your situation and the cravings will gradually disappear over time.

Will The Cravings Disappear?

The problem with cravings is that they'll never truly disappear. After you reach your peak then they will slowly disappear. But most smokers say that they'll be there for life.

Also what can happen is that you can be walking down the street 2 years after quitting and suddenly get a big craving. Most ex-smokers will try to put it out of their mind but many will also relapse. I know smokers who have quit for 10 years and then started again.

Does Everyone Get Cravings?

People who use traditional willpower based methods of stopping smoking always get cravings. But there is another technique that is used by a silent minority of smokers and thousands of people quit every year using methods that don't involve any willpower or cravings whatsoever. These methods don't use smoking aids and they are very similar to cognitive behavioural therapy.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
You can spend a fortune looking for a way kick the smoking habit with gums, patches, shots and therapy. But what about hypnosis? Exactly how much does that cost? It depends upon which method you end up picking.

A Single Session with a Local Hypnotist

For anyone who is going into an office to see a hypnotist, you should expect to spend a healthy amount. Prices around the extreme low end usually start at $85 per session and climb from there, often reaching $500 or more for big-name hypnotists in large cities. Prices also vary according to experience and education. While you'll find extremely effective hypnotists that will work with you for under $100, remember that that's for the single session only, and you could require more than one. Prices can easily add up.

Stop Smoking Seminar

Going to a seminar helps to split the expense amongst many people. The common prices that you will find in your local paper range from $50 to $125. Since seminars are generally conducted by traveling hypnotists, there usually isn't an option for a follow-up session, so you don't have to be worried about additional costs. If you require a follow-up session however, you might need to consider other options, and consequently other costs.

Recorded Hypnosis Programs for Home Use

The best programs could cost from $50 up to several hundred, with the majority clustering within the $60 and $100 range. The biggest cost benefit comes from the fact that you can listen tothe program repeatedly without paying extra, effectively giving you session after session without additional cost.

There is no established industry standard for hypnosis pricing, but in general, what's listed above is what you can expect to find. Remember though, you often get what you pay for. That is not an argument for the most expensive option, however it is an argument to use your head. If a hypnotist appears to be charging far too little, you might like to ask why.

While discount prices can frequently seem appealing, it's not always the best choice when it comes to choosing your hypnosis solution! You absolutely must consider reputation, experience and, importantly, the "feeling" you get from your hypnotist or hypnosis program. Do they instill a sense of trust? Do you feel comfortable dealing with them, or using the program you're considering? Cost is merely one of the many variables in your quest to give up smoking with hypnosis.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When a smoker stops smoking, there may be a slight weight gain of five to ten pounds, or even more depending on the individual. While this is not predictable, it is common.

There are numerous causes of weight gain while on a stop smoking program.

This is a normal response to the cravings of nicotine withdrawal, for many people. Food is often a substitution for smoking a cigarette. Eventually you will gain weight, if you increase the amount of calories you consume, since these snacks do add up.

Individuals coming off a long-term habit of cigarette smoking most often do not immediately begin a daily exercise program, since the effects of smoking linger on for some time. These signs of shortness of breath, fatigue and other conditions common to smoking do not just disappear within a short time. It is tough for anyone to begin a serious healthy exercise program; however, for those who smoke it is more considerable.

Keep in mind that there are physiological effects involved, since smoking at low doses will elevate the heart rate. This is a stimulating effect, which plays its role by keeping off weight. Eventually however, long-term use of cigarettes influence the building up of fatty deposits within the arteries as well as other factors.

What does put on the pounds is a combination of little to no exercise while increasing the calories of food consumption.

To solve this problem, as you begin a stop smoking program, you should begin other changes in your lifestyle, such as outlining an age-appropriate exercise program and planning a healthy diet.

Like any other thing in life, willpower is a requirement for a stop smoking program. To decrease your cravings for nicotine, grab a piece of fresh fruit rather than something laden rich in calories. You can always balance your calories out by cutting down in other areas, to make up the difference. Do your very best to resist the urge to consume foods that are high in calories or large portions while attempting to compensate the strong desire for nicotine.

This may be a difficult task during the first two weeks as the compounds associated with smoking are flushing from your body. This is an excellent time to plan your diet and exercise program. Only a small weight gain is likely at this time.

Remember to drink plenty of water during this time, but keep in mind that it will show up as extra weight. However, this will easily flush away as you begin to taper off; it is not a permanent effect. Water is beneficial, since it aids the body to remove the contaminants from smoking, quickly. Water provides a zero calorie intake, which is a great way to respond to your cravings, since water is not fattening.

Maintaining your long-term goal commitment can be a struggle for anyone concerned with his or her health and diet. You can use visualization and positive affirmations to help reach your goal. Increase your willpower by visualizing yourself feeling and looking better.

You will be healthier. To encourage you keep in mind that soon you will enjoy not being short of breath from either smoking or obesity. Think positively about accomplishing all your goals and increasing your level of energy.

You can successfully stop smoking, without gaining extra weight, when you stay on track with your stop smoking, diet and exercise programs.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
To stop smoking is hard, and most smokers cannot quit - and if they do - it is only for a short time. More and more people are getting into the natural way of doing things anymore, and using herbs to stop smoking is a very popular method for smokers today. Those who have been able to quit smoking with using herbs as a preventive, swear by them as a successful aid. They help in combating the withdrawal symptoms that every smoker faces when he tries to give up smoking. Among other things, the herbal cures lead to positive mood swings and reduce the urge to light another cigarette.

One of the natural substances that can be used by people when they want to quit smoking is Lobelia, or Indian tobacco, an old and controversial herb that has recently become popular to smokers who want to quit the habit and cannot. Used for centuries as an expectorant that cleans the lungs, it was used for asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, or pleurisy. Many uses are connected with Lobelia - relaxants, antispasmodics, diaphoretics, reducing inflammations and pain, poultices, hyperactivity, easing muscle tension or convulsions - which go back in history until its recent popularity today. Many believe it makes the taste of regular tobacco "repulsive" while other naturalists use it to clam the nerves and relax the body muscles, easing mild depression. Lately, current evidence suggests the herb Lobelia can produce similar effects on the human body as nicotine, yet is not addictive and helps eliminate the desire to smoke. There is trouble when it is overused, such as vomiting, drowsiness, weak pulse, and respiratory failure.

Another herb is the Mimosa tea ("mimosa hostilis"), a perennial evergreen shrub that is native to northeastern Brazil and also found in southern Mexico. The root bark is the choice part of the plant, traditionally used in the preparation of a psychoactive sacramental beverage. Giving up smoking may make you feel anxious, or give you a headache but a strong cup of Mimosa tea can boost your mood and help you calm down. It is not addictive and is recommended for use instead of anti-depressant medicines. Similarly, the traditional Chinese CaoSu herb diminishes the desire to smoke.

Smoking non-tobacco cigarettes look like regular cigarettes and are available in many flavors like burnt sienna and menthol. They offer the same sensation while smoking as regular cigarettes but are healthier because they don't contain nicotine or tar. However, you must consult your doctor before taking these or any herbal medicines, because many of them may contain substances similar to drugs. You must also eat lots of raw or lightly steamed fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, fruit juice, herbal tea, etc, to flush out the nicotine. Try taking hot baths, whirlpool baths, and saunas. These make you feel better, and reduce the urge to smoke. Another way to fight the craving for nicotine is to chew on a large flavored toothpick, or squirt juice into your mouth. Similarly, drinking herbal tea, which is made from five different herbs, can help you to fight the urge to smoke.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There is substantial evidence underlining weight gain as the main concern smokers cite as a reason for not stopping smoking. This is amongst the many other excuses smokers give for putting off stopping smoking. Other examples include the inability to cope with stress or a fear that they will not be able to enjoy an upcoming party or their life in general without their trusty cigarettes.

Smoking is an addiction to nicotine but most smokers, and non-smokers for that matter, wrongly think of it as a habit. This is not the case. The urge to smoke is so overwhelming; it simply cannot just be a habit.

The suffering that smokers must go through in order to be able to smoke, is evidence as to why smoking is not a habit, but is an addiction. Smokers cannot inhale any other form of smoke, other than tobacco smoke, without coughing and spluttering or even being sick.

Once smokers come to realise the addiction to nicotine is the reason they smoke, it becomes easier to learn how to stop smoking without weight gain.

Smokers think they enjoy smoking as much, if not more, than eating. However, there is a very subtle difference between smoking and eating and understanding this is the key to learning how to stop smoking without weight gain. Read this two statements:

"When you are hungry, your body tells you so by giving you hunger pangs. You eat and you are rewarded with the discomfort subsiding."

"When you want a cigarette, your body tells you by giving you a craving. You smoke and you are rewarded with the discomfort subsiding."

When you read these two statements as a smoker, you are probably in full agreement with them. But, the second one is wrong and that is the secret of how to stop smoking without weight gain.

What you think is that you 'want a cigarette' when in actual fact, you want some nicotine. It is simply that over the years, you have wanted nicotine, had a cigarette to get it and then been rewarded with the discomfort of the craving subsiding. What has happened is that you have subconsciously replaced the connection of getting nicotine and the craving dying and having a cigarette and the craving dying.

In your mind, you see the cigarette as the thing you desire when in actual fact it is the nicotine. The cigarette is simply the delivery system. This is why pharmaceutical companies (wrongly) think nicotine patches and gum can help smokers quit.

So how does knowing this help you learn how to stop smoking without weight gain? Well, the point is that when you stop smoking, you will find that the craving for a cigarette (well nicotine) is very similar to the craving for food. It is a hollow empty feeling. Whilst you struggle with your willpower to overcome the urge to smoke, you will try and subdue the craving for nicotine with something that 'might work' - eating.

Smokers often turn to food to settle the craving for nicotine. This is where you end up gaining weight because you are wrongly trying to settle your hunger for nicotine by doing what seems right when you hunger for food. Your calorie intake goes through the roof and you pile on the pounds!

When you recognise that your apparent increased appetite is just you mixing up cravings for food with cravings for nicotine, it becomes easier for you to control your response - i.e. whether you chose to eat or not. Once you have mastered this understanding, you are on the right track of how to stop smoking without weight gain.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Do you want to get rid of your horrible habit but do not know how to do it? So you already know the bad and dangerous effects of smoking? It is time to get rid of this habit now. This article can help you how to stop smoking. Here are Simple Five Sure Fire Ways to stop smoking.

1. Keep yourself busy

Instead of puffing your cigarette the whole day, why not try other worthwhile activities like taking a walk, going to the gym, cook for your loved ones or better yet, clean your house. If you keep yourself busy with these meaningful activities, you will stop thinking about smoking.

2. Make a list for yourself

Make a list of your own about the advantages of a smoke-free life and disadvantages of a smoke-filled life. This list can help you realize that quitting smoking is really beneficial for you and most importantly to your health. Remember that if you are willing to quit smoking, you will realize that smoking is bad will truly bring him to a successful way in stopping smoking.

3. Try to cut out things that trigger you to smoke

One way to stop smoking is trying to cut out things that trigger you to smoke. Yes I know how difficult for you to surrender different kinds of drinks such as coffee, sugary drinks such as soda and juices, and most of all I know how difficult to give up on alcoholic beverages. But if you are really willing to quit smoking, you need to sacrifice these things that trigger you to puff your cigarettes.

4. Change your mind about smoking

Try changing your brand or flavor of your cigarette that you puff. If you are not happy and contented with the brand you have switch on, that is the time you can quickly change your mind on smoking. Remember that nothing is impossible as long as you are willing to do it.

5. Give yourself an incentive

There is nothing wrong in giving yourself a reward; this is one beneficial way on how to stop smoking. For instance, if you did not smoke for an hour each you can buy something you want for yourself as a reward, this can help you to stop smoking. This can even help you realize that instead of buying cigarette you will just buy something more important.

These are simple but helpful ways to stop smoking. If you are willing to stop what you have started, then I can tell you clearly that you can also do everything possible to stop smoking. Everything depends on you; luckily, you have the right to choose whether to be good or bad. Smoking is dangerous to your health so better stop it before it will be too late for you.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
O.K. You've decided to stop smoking. Great, we don't need to go into all the reasons for you to stop. You've done that to get this far. Of course, now you just want to know how to stop smoking quickly. As quickly as possible right?

The first step is to prepare for stopping. Pick a day that you are going to stop smoking, it doesn't matter what day, but not too far distant, say within ten days. It's also going to be really helpful if you can pick a day which you know is going to be stress free and relaxing. Having picked the day, stick to it, without fail.

Let's take the scenario that you usually have your first cigarette almost immediately after waking up in the morning. Then go on to smoke say 25 to 30 cigarettes over the course of the day. This makes you pretty highly nicotine dependent. So, as part of your preparation you would probably want to consider nicotine replacement therapy and other prescription drugs to help you.

Visit your doctor, they often have quit smoking clinics, and discuss the options with them. You can then get in a stock of the drugs you have agreed upon, so you're not dashing about at the last minute the day before you plan to stop smoking. This will raise your stress levels, putting you at a disadvantage.

As part of your preparation, in the run up to the day you picked, write down all the reasons you have for wanting to stop smoking. Yes, I know you already know them, but writing them down on paper will reinforce the message. Keep this list on you at all times. Use it as a reminder any time you are tempted to smoke after your quit day.

Keep a diary for a few days, in which you record every cigarette you smoke, exactly when, and the circumstances you reached for each one. This is knowing your enemy, and will help you through any particularly rough patches. If you know when you are going to have one, you can be ready to minimise it, and it won't be a problem.

Let all your friends and acquaintances know what you are doing, and when you are going to stop smoking. This has a twofold purpose. Having someone else support and encourage you is invaluable, especially in the early stages. Plus, you will subconsciously not want to fail in front of all these people. A powerful tool.

Do some simple relaxation exercises. Controlled breathing is good. Sit in a comfortable upright chair, feet on the floor. Do not cross your legs. Place your hands on your knees, and breath slowly and regularly in and out. You can close your eyes if it helps you, although this is not a must. Concentrate on each breath, breath from your stomach, letting it relax and swell out when taking air in, and pushing it out when exhaling.

Do this a few times, return to breathing normally, then repeat. If you can find the time to do this (and let's face it how long does a cigarette take to smoke?) say three times a day. Morning, during the day, and at night before sleeping, it will help greatly. Make this a habit in the run up to your quit day.

Get rid of everything to do with smoking in the house, ashtrays, matches, lighters. Cigarettes of course, and maybe a little spring clean to rid the house of any lingering stale smoke smells

Right, you've done your preparation, today's the day. You wake up, you've quit, that's it. That's how to stop smoking quickly. Just remember, take it from day to day. Before you know where you are it's a year down the line and you feel great. Here's a good tip. In the early days when you feel tempted, or maybe someone offers you a cigarette, DO NOT say "No thanks, I quit". Say instead "No thanks, I don't smoke". Welcome to the world of the non-smoker.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Although many people still continue to smoke. It's a great sign that the number of people who are trying to quite is increasing. While we have come a long way in our fight against smoking, we still have a long way to go. Young people are still not giving serious attention to the deadly effects of smoking. Perhaps it's they're "live for today" altitude, which can be good. However recognizing the risks is important so they can have a better tomorrow.

In cases like this, many times fear is the best motivator. When trying to convince someone to quit, it's a good idea to talk about the shortened life expectancy of smokers, compared to non-smokers. The lives smokers live are also not the best. Many times smokers die of one of the following: coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular lesions, heart diseases, lung cancer, pulmonary disease, duodenal and gastric ulcer, cancer of the mouth or larynx, circulatory diseases, Buerger's disease, aneurysm, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer of the bladder; add to that accident, violence, and even suicide.

It is true that there are fewer smokers today then years ago. However it's also important to consider that on average they smoke many more cigarettes per day. Filters may be one reason for this since they take out some of the nicotine and tars that smoker's need.

The good news is that it's never too late to quite. The human body is amazing and will be able to repair itself relatively quickly. In as little as three months ex-smokers should be able to feel happier and healthier.

Keep in mind when trying to convince people to quit that logic and reason are usually the base ammunition. If you present a few facts about how deadly smoking is to the human body, most people will see how important it is to quit. Don't forget to be there as support for your friend in need. Many times just being there will be enough to help your friend through this tough time.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


We all know that nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant and many people worry about putting on weight after they stop smoking.

If you follow the advice below you will not have the desire to over eat.

Nicotine provides the addictive nature of cigarette smoking, but when not consumed in cigarette smoking is safe and non toxic.

Nicotine by itself has an affect on the neurotransmitters in the brain that control hunger signals and acts as an appetite suppressant.

Recently there has been a lot of research into providing organic nicotine to people who have stopped smoking in it's organic form.

Nicotine in water has been looked at by a number of companies as a safe delivery method, which does not have the added chemicals of many other Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) methods, such as patches.

An easy way to curb hunger pangs

Nicotine water was designed not as a stop smoking aid, but as a convenient way for users to get nicotine when they cant or don't want to smoke.

It's ideal in terms of stopping hunger pangs.

It gives the body pure organic nicotine and pure fresh water both of which are proven appetite suppressants.

Water is the best delivery method for people wanting to control hunger pangs when they have given up smoking.


Because, water keeps your stomach full and stops dehydration which, can lead to hunger pangs.

When you get a hunger pang, in many cases it's just a thirst signal, and if you drink the hunger goes away.

Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat in the body by helping the kidneys flush out waste and toxins.

Nicotine and water together are therefore an ideal way to keep weight off when you have given up smoking.

Nicotine & Health

Nicotine is an organic compound that is safe, non toxic and is found in a number of foods we eat everyday including:

Potatoes, vegetables, bell peppers and some teas.

Medical research

Major research is being carried out at present into how nicotine can help treat obesity and a number of other illnesses.

Nicotine for example, helps to improve mood, concentration and memory. Therefore, it is seen as being able to relief and treat the symptoms of a variety of conditions including:

Depression, Schizophrenia, Altzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Many companies are looking at producing nicotine drugs to help and treat the symptoms of the above diseases.

Nicotine water is already available and on the market and more products will follow as the health benefits of organic nicotine are accepted by the general public.

Nicotine has suffered from an image problem simply because it is consumed in cigarette smoking however, it is a proven fact that it is not nicotine that is the killer, it is some of the other 4,000 chemicals consumed in smoking that cause illness and death.

From the point of view of keeping weight off after you stop smoking nicotine water provides a great combination to curb appetite and control hunger pangs.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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