
You can get a number of free stop smoking hypnosis scripts via download in MP3 or PDF formats to help you with your quest to eliminate smoking from your life. The stop smoking industry is a multibillion dollar business churning out products by the dozen to supposedly help you quit smoking. Americans are famous for wanting the easy way out when it comes to just about anything. We will try something if it promises to help us accomplish our goal in a few days or weeks as long as we do not have to put out much effort or adjust our schedule to make us uncomfortable.

Studies have shown that people who try to quit smoking on their own only succeed about five percent of the time. These studies do not go into detail about how long the study participants had been smoking. Longer term smokers find it harder to quit than people who have been smoking only a few years. By using some sort of quit smoking aid your chances of success are said to increase to twenty five percent, but again the studies do not say anything about how long the successful quitters were smoking in the first place. The interesting part of the study stated that using hypnosis administered by a certified psychologist increased your chances of success to sixty six percent. Again, this does not say how long any of the successful quitters were smoking in the first place. It also said that the higher the degree of the psychologist (PhD versus Masters) the better the results.

Because our society likes the easy way out and because people love bargains you can try out many of the free stop smoking hypnosis scripts available on the internet to help you quit smoking. You will need to learn self hypnosis and some good self induction methods to help you get into the deepest relaxed state so that the self hypnosis scripts can work their magic on you. One of the best ways to help you in your quest to stop smoking is to write down all of the reasons you have for quitting along with the potential benefits (like being able to smell again) versus the negative factors of continuing to smoke.

Once you have the list of positive reasons you can tailor your smoking cessation scripts to build on those positive reasons so that you constantly reinforce the good behaviors you need to have for a successful smoke cessation program. Using free stop smoking scripts will help you achieve your goal.
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