
Have you ever asked yourself: why can't I use my will power to stop smoking? You say to yourself: I know people were able to quite smoking with only the force of their will power, (at least they think they did) so why can't I? Then you remember, that most of the people you know who tried to stop smoking with will power failed.

The reason so many people who attempt to use will power to quite smoking fail is because will power is a product of the conscious mind. Unfortunately for those people trying to quite with will power, the root cause of the difficulty of stopping smoking resides in the subconscious mind. Any approach that does not reach down into this deeper level of consciousness will most likely fail. What you need is a technique which can eliminate the unconscious relationships that cause one to crave tobacco products, thereby eliminating the conditioned urge to smoke.

To stop smoking, the easiest method I know of is hypnosis and/or self-hypnosis. And, there is a lot of scientific evidence to back up my belief. In the largest study of its kind ever conducted, involving 71,806 smokers, scientists at the University of Iowa found that of the top 15 methods of quitting smoking, hypnosis was the most effective.

I believe that most smokers want to quit, they just are not sure how to stop. Also, many smokers do not want to deal with the difficult task of the withdrawal from nicotine. Between 70 - 80% of smokers say they want to quite and approximately 95% have tried and failed. But, quitting smoking does not have to be an agonizing process that makes so many smokers unwilling to even try to stop.

You can stop smoking fast with advanced hypnosis and/or self-hypnosis techniques. The most advanced technique that I am aware of is called "brainwave entertainment or brainwave programming". Most of us have heard about how different frequencies can affect our brain waves. Well, brainwave programming is based upon this scientifically proven principle. The technique is used to develop CD's that can train us in the use of hypnosis, including stop smoking hypnosis. All you have to do is listen.

You can easily learn the self-hypnosis techniques based upon brainwave entertainment and apply them to stop smoking. An added benefit is that you will also discover how to make massive improvements in your life. Once you finally get rid of the negative thoughts and negative self image that have placed limitations upon your success in life, you will have discovered the secret way in which some of the successful business executives, sportsman and celebrities get ahead in their chosen fields. You will have unlocked the hidden mental power that is dormant most of the time.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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