
Smoking can be a difficult habit to break. There are actual physical timeline facts that you can add to your pre-talk and your hypnosis scripts to increase your clients chances of success. We owe it to our clients not to leave anything to chance. Throw in everything!! You never know when you say the one thing that may add to motivation. Of course, you will want to find out your clients personal reasons for stop smoking. Use these reasons to add to the direct suggestions while in trance.

I have found that some people are afraid of the damage they have caused their body. Letting them know that it does reverse can lead to hope and lessen the hopelessness.

Fact #1: 20 minutes after you quit smoking you will find that your heart rate and blood pressure will drop. Did you know that exhaling actually does help you relax. So let's find some other ways to relax!!

Fact #2: 12 hours after you quit smoking you will be surprised to know that the carbon monoxide levels in your blood stream drop to normal levels. ( I like to add that there will be no withdrawal symptoms whatever). Lot of people who use hypnosis to stop smoking often comment how the are surprised they just don't want a cigarette.

Fact #3: 2 weeks up until 3 months after quitting smoking, your circulation will improve and your lung function will actually increase. You will find you have much more energy!

Fact #4: 1 to 9 months after you quit smoking, you will find that your shortness of breath will decrease as well as any coughing will also decrease. The tiny hair-like structures called Cilia that are in your lungs, will regain normal function so they are then able to handle the mucus that develops in your lungs. This will clean out your lungs and will also reduce any risk of infection.

Fact #5: It is one year after you have quit smoking and your risk of heart disease has been cut in half compared to those who don't quit smoking. Aren't you proud!!!

Fact #6: 5 years after you have quit smoking you have been able to actually reduce the risk of getting a stroke to equal that of a non-smoker.

Fact #7: Now that you have been a non smoker for 10 years, your chance of dying from lung cancer is half that of some of your friends tat continued to smoke. Your risk of other cancers such as mouth,throat,esophagus,bladder and pancreas cancer has also decreased. This also includes the risk of cervical cancer if you are a woman.

Fact #8: And the best of all, at 15 years of quitting smoking, your coronary heart disease risk is equal to that of a non smoker.
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