
Lets look at how you may be able to stop smoking using hypnosis. You can consult a stop smoking hypnotist, it would be best, however, to choose a licensed therapist that treats a variety of conditions, rather than just a hypnotist that states they can help you quit smoking after just one session. So, how does hypnosis work with quitting smoking.

Every smoker knows that it's bad for their health, but many smokers continue the habit for decades. Each year they experience a decline in their health. But why do people take up the habit and why do they find it hard to quit?

Lets look at it rationally. Smoking is a strange behaviour. Smoking is disgusting. Smoking stains your teeth and fingers. Smoking causes bad breath. Smoking creates an unpleasant environment for non-smokers. Most start smoking when they are teenagers because they need to be one of the 'crowd' and they want to be cool. If their friends smoke there's a lot of pressure to take up the habit. Other people turn to smoking because they are looking for a way to relieve stress. Even though tobacco does provide short-term relief, it is a contributing factor to stress in the long run.

Most smokers come to a time in their life where they want to quit. Perhaps their health problems have increased and they finally realise they have to give up their habit. Unfortunately, the addictive nature of tobacco has taken hold and makes it difficult.

How does hypnosis work? Lets look at why hypnosis is a viable option to achieve your goal. In a hypnotic state the emphasis is laid on the psychological healing rather than the physical, to change the persons habit or a behavior. During the time you are in a state of trance you will not appear to be aware of what is being said to you, although, contrary to popular beliefs, you will be conscious throughout. When in a hypnotic state it is your subconscious mind that takes over, this is the part of your brain that stores your memories. The hypnotherapist will talk to your subconscious mind about the benefits to you of not smoking, they will put thoughts into you subconscious like; My thoughts are my own. I am free to do what I want, when I want and go where I want, with no thoughts of smoking cigarettes coming into my mind. Your conscious mind will be conditioned to want to stay away from cigarettes, and there will be no withdrawal symptoms. Now you can feel the freedom without tobacco, how great It is to feel cigarettes no longer have that power over you. You want to stay here in this moment of no smoking for ever, and when you come back from your hypnotic state these thoughts will have been automatically accepted by your conscious mind and you will have no tobacco cravings.

If you choose hypnosis to help you quit smoking you should feel more relaxed and in control. Your intention to quit should still be clear in your mind. Your subconscious mind will kick in and help you to ignore the urge to "light up". If you choose to quit smoking using hypnosis, you will avoid becoming dependent on nicotine replacement therapy and also avoid the side effects associated with prescription drugs.

Smokers who have tried any of the aids to quit smoking and have found them unsuccessful, or who do not want to go for nicotine replacement therapy (some people find they cannot wear the patches or use the gum) then quit smoking hypnosis seminars can be an attractive option. However, there is a chance that the group hypnosis seminar may not work for some of you. This is because the depth of hypnosis varies from person to person, and the motivation for quitting also differs, everybody is different after all. Hypnosis requires absolute quiet with no distractions. If you are in a room full of other people you may be distracted by small noises which in turn, may make your concentration stray. A better option would be a one to one hypnotherapy session.

Self-hypnosis is good option, the recordings provided in self-hypnosis programs do the same job that a hypnotist's voice would, they improve your ability to focus. Of course, this is done in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. What could be better? It works for most people. And of course you can have as many sessions as you like and as often as you need, and at no extra cost.

Hypnosis can be effective in other areas too, such as stress management, sexual difficulties, eating disorders, obesity,anger management and shyness. Hypnosis is also used for managing pain. It is especially useful for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease that do not respond well to prescription drugs.

Now looking back, I remember how easy it was for me to quit smoking, I was amazed when I realized that I stopped having a craving for cigarettes and that I never gave smoking another thought.

The bottom line is hypnosis works! Isn't it time to find out more information about how you can improve your own life? Don't you owe it to yourself
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