
For those who want to quit smoking but have tried everything with little success, this is the answer; hypnosis to stop smoking really works. Imagine being ten times fitter and never being winded again. After many attempts the idea of stopping becomes intimidating because there's always the fear that it won't last and that smoking has got you forever.

So, why would you like to stop; to breathe better, be fitter and feel healthier, but continue to make excuses that keep you smoking, while knowing they are untrue? Because the habit is coming from your subconscious, so no matter how much of an effort you make you are overpowered before you've even realised, this is why cravings are so unbearable.

It isn't true to refer to hypnosis to stop smoking as just another aid to quit; it's not a patch or a piece of gum. For those who want the challenge of using willpower this is one step further. You are going past the level of willpower (the conscious mind), into the subconscious where the habit starts.

With willpower you might tell yourself 'I am better as a non-smoker' but if you were to write this statement as a suggestion and repeat it to yourself or have it repeated to you while in a hypnotic state it would have a real unconscious effect on your behaviour; as it has felt natural to smoke very soon it'll feel natural not to.

There won't be any cravings or any need to overeat; this is again the subconscious mind's habitual response to not getting a cigarette or nicotine. Once you reorganize your subconscious mind it won't be missing anything.

When using hypnosis to stop smoking you can start in a professional session and carry on with self-hypnosis or start with self-hypnosis, it's up to you. With the former you might be able to get a CD recording of the session to help you when by yourself.

Starting with self-hypnosis means guiding yourself; here are a few things to remember:

• Find a quiet place where you can either sit or lay.
• Get comfortable and focus on your breathing.
• Count down from ten to one on every exhale.
• Visualise a place that makes you happy, this will keep you relaxed.
• You may find yourself drifting into a hypnotic state, between asleep and awake.
• Repeat the pre-written suggestions to yourself, remember to keep them progressive, for example 'I am in control and happy' or 'I am happiest as a non-smoker'.
• Conclude by counting from one to ten as you exhale, bringing yourself to a woken state.

Whether you start with self-hypnosis or not, hypnosis to stop smoking will be the best decision you ever make if you are serious about quitting. Medical studies have proven it to be the most successful way to quit smoking forever. By using hypnosis to stop smoking your subconscious will absorb the suggestions and in a very short time you will be smoke-free and happy and healthy once more.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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