
It is unlikely any surprise to hear that smoking cigarettes can be devastating to your health. Nicotine is very addictive and the burning of tobacco, as well as the additives found in most cigarettes, can contribute to a number of health risks including heart disease and cancer. Another concern for many is the fact that second hand smoke presents a health risk to those around you. With increasing awareness of the dangers of smoking, as well as the ever increasing number of smoking prohibitions being passed across the country, there has perhaps never before been a greater number of reasons to quite smoking.

The following is just a few of the top reasons to quit smoking:

1. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more prone to have chronic ear infections.

2. A team of researchers from The Cancer Center of the University of Minnesota detected cancer-causing compounds in the urine of babies who were in constant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This finding supports the concept that persistent exposure to ETS can contribute to the development of cancer later in life.

3. A study conducted by the British Institute of Psychiatry found that smoking later in life may lead to mental decline. Researchers found that smokers were 4 times more likely to experience a significant intellectual decline than non-smokers. The test that was used to assess intellectual power was similar to those used to screen for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

4. Your sense of smell will be better.

5. Costly. Why not save the cigarette money? Surely there must be other better ways to spend it.

6. If now is not the time to quit then when do you prefer?

7. Think of your well-being too.

8. Quiting smoking is a precious and meaningful gift to give yourself and to the people you care about.

9. Set a good example for kids.

10. Forget about the number of times you have failed, don't be discouraged. It is that one success that counts.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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