
There has been a lot of buzz around a quit-smoking aid called Cig-Arette. Normally, if there is a lot of hype around a product around the internet, its usually is too good to be true. As a former smoker myself, I was interested to see if Cig-Arette was a scam, or if it actually lived up to all the talk. Below is my report on this product.

What This Product Offers - Is It The Truth?

One of the main reasons why people use this product is because it doesn't contain nicotine. Users have reported that quitting without the use of nicotine is the best way to effectively end your habit. You have to remove that which you're trying to break free of, not replace it (which is what patches, gums, and other nicotine replace therapy products do). Cig-Arette aids your body with dealing with the nasty withdrawal symptoms (headaches, cold symptoms, irritability, tension), just like most of these nicotine replacement therapy products, except without actually including nicotine in the aid.

I was impressed with how Cig-Arette deals with your physical cravings you'll get, especially during the first 3 weeks of quitting. They've included an inhaler fragrance that will help you deal with intense cravings. After a week of the program, since you aren't taking nicotine, you're cravings will disappear.

I was also impressed with its Cig-Arettes program to help you mentally get through quitting. This was pretty much the ex-factor that separated this product from many others. This is because the creators of Cig-Arette realize that there are two huge obstacles in quitting which includes dealing with both the physical and psychological barriers. This program comes with audio cd's and exercise guides that will help you to abolish the subconscious mental triggers you've placed upon yourself that makes you smoke. It will also help you to stay motivated throughout the difficult first few weeks.

The Verdict

After reading all the feedback and conversations with past users, it seems that Cig-Arette isn't a scam and actually works. The majority of users have reported that they've managed to stop smoking after using Cig-Arette. The big thing was that these users said they no longer get cravings or withdrawal symptoms and are completely free of cigarettes. This is congruent with the confidence the makers have with Cig-Arette because they've offered a 6 week money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you. Although I was rather skeptical at first if Cig-Arette was a scam, it seems like the real deal and one of the best options you should consider if you are serious about quitting.
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