
If there was one person who correctly portrayed how hard it is to quit smoking, then there is no one as right as Mark Twain. He said that it is quite simple because he surely has done it a thousand times! Though many people just dropped the habit like that, they usually took it up within the next few days!

To ensure that you quit this habit successfully, there are many quit smoking aids that are available. Before committing to a particular product, it would be best if you could take your doctor or your dentist's advice.

Most smokers are more afraid of the withdrawal symptoms than they are of quitting. Such withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, fatigue, cough, anger, insomnia and in many cases rapid weight gains too. Such fear of withdrawal symptoms usually stops people from even giving smoking aids a try.

Here are some of the time tested methods that would help you quit smoking really soon.

Nicotine chewing gum or nicotine patches are the most popularly known aids to help a person kick the smoking habit. These products work on the nicotine replacement therapy. These aids would give your body the necessary amount of nicotine that it needs without the harmful chemicals that are found in a cigarette. Since these products have nicotine in them, there is a very high chance of re-addiction.

You can also find prescription based drugs that are nicotine free. Since these drugs do not have nicotine and since they are prescribed, they have to taken under a medical practitioner's care. Alternatively bupropion hydrochloride, an anti-depressant, is well known to eradicate withdrawal symptoms and thus help kick the habit. Champix, is also well known to reduce the level of satisfaction derived from smoking, thus helping you to kick the habit.

It would be best if you could follow a particular process when looking forward to quitting cigarettes. Always ensure that you decide to give up the habit, make the necessary preparations and then go ahead and choose the right aid to help you quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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