
Of course you have heard of the long term health benefits of stopping smoking. Other than the lowered risk of cancer, emphysema, heart disease and stroke, there are tons of benefits. What about the immediate benefits that you will experience as soon as you quit smoking. When you begin inhaling clean air instead of cigarette smoke that is filled with toxins, many things begin to change. In fact, in less than a half an hour after you stop smoking your very last cigarette, your body begins to improve.

Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal levels and less than a day later, your blood will be cleared of high carbon monoxide levels. Many people experience shortness of breath when walking or jogging if they smoke, but a few months after stopping smoking, all this will be gone! Your lung function improves greatly along with your circulation. In less than a year after stopping smoking, the cilia in your lungs will have worked to clean the tar filled mucus out of your lungs so that you are able to breathe filtered, clean air. This means that you will not cough as much and you can take deep breaths.

At the first completed year of not smoking, you will have cut your risk of heart disease right down the center! That is a huge improvement and just quitting smoking cuts the risk in half. Within five years of stopping smoking, you will also reduce your risk of a stroke, lung cancer and other cancers. These many include throat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer and even cancer of the pancreas.

Although long-term good health is a reason to quit smoking, other immediate benefits will show as soon as you stop smoking. The premature aging from smoking will cease, along with the yellow stains on the teeth and fingernails as well as the odor of cigarettes which cover your hair and clothing. Your skin immediately begins repairs, working to undo the damage that tobacco has done. Your sense of smell and taste will become sharper and clearer and food will taste and smell better. Although these reasons are just some of the reasons to stop smoking, there are many others and utilizing them for your own 'stop smoking' plan will greatly help you to kick the habit for good!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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