
When they took that first cigarette you probably didn't know how hard it would be to stop smoking. You may already have made several attempts and more or less given up to get rid of your bad habit. Let's say one thing: it is difficult to stop smoking on your own, but you can do it, especially if you are a smoker for many years and your body is set to get their daily dose of nicotine. You have certainly created a wide range of behaviours around smoking as you experience as positive and relaxing. This double habit is hard to break in a hurry.

Why would you quit smoking? The question may seem obvious, but the chance of success increases considerably if you know your reasons. And you've really something to look forward to, a life when cigarettes no longer rules your life. Your health will make big profits. You feel better, cope more and - most importantly - you can probably prolong your life. Even though health is obviously the main reason why to stop smoking you can not ignore the fact that smoking is also practically the same as to burn money. Most smokers tend to ignore this fact.

Your body begins to heal itself directly; it is never too late to quit smoking! Your body has an amazing ability to recover from the harmful effects of smoking. Already after two days without cigarettes, your sense of smell and taste improves considerably, and you've already reduced the risk of suffer from myocardial infraction. After a few weeks, your airways relax and you may easily breathe.

Positive statistics

If you manage to remain smoke-free, you can rejoice in the following figures. After a year, it is half as likely to have heart attacks. After ten years, the risk of lung cancer is halved. And after 15 years is the risk of getting heart attacks as low as for those who have never smoked a cigarette in their life.
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