
How many times have you heard the benefits of quitting smoking? You see it on television, the newspaper and on the Internet. I am here to remind you again of the quitting smoking benefits:

• When you have quit smoking for about a half hour, your heart rate and blood pressure reduce back to normal levels.
• After a good nights rest of full sleep, all of the carbon monoxide and nicotine that was in the blood are cut in half.
• After some time has passed, you will see a dramatic difference in how you breathe. This is because your lungs are functioning normally and aren't being restricted by the chemicals you were putting in your body.
• Your chances of heart disease will dramatically decrease

If you are planning to have a family and you are a smoker, the major benefits to you when you do quit is that you will help reduce the risk of a still birth, SIDS and premature birth. It is so important that the mother, and people around her, do not smoke. That will enter into the baby and there could potentially very harmful side effects to that. So, if you are planning on a family in the near future, the quitting smoking benefits aren't just for you, but for your baby.

These are just a few quitting smoking benefits for you to ponder over, and besides all these benefits, don't forget about all the money you will be saving. Most smokers will spend more then $2,000.00 per year on cigarettes. That is about $167 per month. Think about what you would be able to do with that extra money every month! You also won't smell like a cigarette either. Your clothes and car will smell fresh and clean.

The quitting smoking benefits are so important not just for your on health, but for all those around you. You will gain your confidence back and have more energy.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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