
Natural medicines are always the best healing terms for smokers. They are quite simple in usage and do not cause any side effects to smokers.

These are some of the best remedies being followed by most of the smokers. They help in lessening the cravings of smokers.

Some of good natural herbs are

1. Safflower powder

2. Lobelia inflata

Safflower powder acts a good medicine for smokers. When smokers quit from habit of smoking in earlier stages after quitting they face problems like tingling in hands and foot, restlessness, nervousness and some kind of other stress in the body.

They become more common for a smoker in the initial stages. Safflower powder helps to reduce all those symptoms which a patient gets, so that he will forget the habit of smoking soon.

Lobelia inflata is another category of natural herbs. This herb is also called as Indian tobacco.

When people make their mind to quit the habit of smoking they face many problems like dizziness, head ache, restlessness etc. this is because they are addicted to a drug present in cigarette.

Nicotine is one kind of drug which is quite harmful for human body. Its excess content creates problems like asthma and bronchitis. Nicotine goes into the lungs and reduces the flow of fresh air into them.

Not only that but it increases carbon monoxide level in the body, which can lead to carbo oxy hemoglobin problem.

Carbo oxy hemoglobin problem is nothing but carbon monoxide mixes with oxygen forming this product. Which blocks oxygen from mixing in the blood, thus it gives a chance of heart attacks.

So Lobelia Inflata when used for smokers, if first reduces the nicotine content in the body. This herb is mainly developed in some eastern parts of USA. It has a famous ingredient called lobeline which cleans the lungs and makes air passage into it easy.

Though it gives a feel of pleasure like nicotine, it fights against nicotine. So when next time a user smokes cigarette this herb generates a kind of bad taste and makes a smoker quite smoking.

This product also contains other good ingredient called isolebelanine which is effective and helps in relaxing nerves.

With these two powerful ingredients Lobelia Inflata stands out to be the best herb in the market. It cures a person to maximum extent.

Using natural herbs is always safe and secure and there are chances of quitting smoking easily.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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