
Hypnosis is claimed to be the magic bullet that could cure you of your addiction. Can it really be so? Find out in this article.

Most smokers try simple things at first to quit smoking, things like patches and inhalers. They seem to be cheaper and they're easier to get a hold of. But what about hypnosis? A lot of smokers consider it to be expensive and "messing with the mind". Usually, smokers only turn to hypnosis as a last resort.

This seems like false logic because, if it works, it'll be quick and cheaper than smoking cigarettes for the rest of your life. Let's see how hypnosis works.

Stage 1 - Induction

This stage is to take you from your normal conscious state of mind and to allow you to start to enter a trance. You might have seen this on TV - often a hypnotist will count down from 10 to 1 and tell you to feel relaxed.

Stage 2 - Deepening

This builds on the last stage to put you even deeper into a state of trance and make you feel more relaxed. Some hypnotists don't use a deepening stage but the deeper you are, the more suggestible you will be and the higher the chances that the hypnosis will succeed in helping you to quit smoking.

Stage 3 - Subject Suggestions

In our case, this is when the hypnotist will suggest to you that you have incredible willpower and that your cravings are reduced to nothing. This is the stage of hypnosis when all talk will be about smoking and your relationship with cigarettes. This is when you are most receptive to suggestion.

Different hypnotists will have their own different suggestions. You can even download free quit smoking hypnosis scripts off the internet although they will not be very useful without the other stages. A good hypnotist can be told from a bad hypnotist depending on what they say here.

Stage 4 - Awakening

Of course, you can't just return to work now! This is the final stage when again, the hypnotist might count down from 5 to 1 and tell you that you will awake feeling refreshed. This stage is used to free you from the trance state and return you to reality.

After The Hypnosis

So, how do you feel after the hypnosis is done? Does it work?

Most people need more than one session as the effect builds cumulatively. Most smokers need about 3 sessions and then they can normally quit smoking. It is also much easier than quitting using willpower alone because you don't need willpower to make the initial quitting attempt.

Does It Work?

The problem with hypnosis is that, although most people can easily make the initial quit, within weeks and months and sometimes even days, most people will return to smokers.

This is largely due to what suggestions were made to them in stage 3. If they were just told that they had incredible willpower and no cravings but given no justifications then over time they will eventually disbelieve these suggestions and the desire for a cigarette and cravings will return which are very hard to resist.

How To Stop Smoking With Hypnosis

The best way to stop using hypnosis is to find a hypnotist who will use justifications in his suggestions that will remain with you after you leave the clinic.

Sadly, many hypnotists do not use justifications but this does not mean that you cannot request a "custom" session where they can include them on your request. I advise that you find a copy of a "no willpower" cognitive behavioural therapy or neurolinguistic programming based smoking cessation program and prepare your mind before the session by reading it. Then, also explain the reasoning to the hypnotist and even pass the program or the book to them to read as well.

You'll find that if you use hypnosis to stop smoking by supplementing it with these justifications that it will have a much higher success rate and you should not get a resurgence of the cravings.
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