
As it turns out, body alkalinity has an effect on nicotine cravings. When your system has a low alkaline level, you will find it harder to resist the urge to smoke, and end up being stuck on the cigarette. When we were trying to quit the smoking habit, a dietitian ordered us on something of an acidosis diet with a rigid regimen of proteins and fat, while starch and sugar were to be greatly reduced.

We also had to take a magnesium diet that consisted of valerian and wild lettuce. The dietitian warned us to be careful on the diet; we could stay on it for only two weeks at a time before we absolutely had to get back to eating normally. He said the body could only take that much acidity or alkalinity at once without shutting down. Surprisingly, my partner and I ended up smoking. It was like magic!

Increased alkalinity in the body system equals reduced thirst or yearning for nicotine, is what the dietitian said, but I'll never know if it was not the fact that we were together, our focus on sticking to the tenements of the diet, or simply willpower that was eventually able to help us stop smoking. We do know though that we stayed with the diet for another six months before I first ditched it, and then Harry did. He never smoked again since.

Talk to your doctor or dietitian. They surely will have a solution for you that will help you quit the terrible smoking habit. If my partner and I could, you can too!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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