
When all other methods of smoking cessation have failed, some people may look into acupuncture, an alternative treatment to stop smoking. Despite the intense willingness to quit, some smokers still fail even after more than three attempts, using other programs.

What exactly does acupuncture and smoking cessation involve?


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method that is still being used to treat a variety of illnesses. In the west, it has become known as a method for relieving pain. Studies have been and are being conducted to look into acupuncture as a way to quit smoking.

The traditional form of acupuncture which is still being practiced today involves inserting very thin needles into acupuncture points in the body. Acupuncturists believe that these specific points are located along meridians that cannot be seen by the naked eye. These meridians connect the organs of the body and allow the proper flow of energy or one's life force. Illness is believed to be caused by the blockage of these meridians. Acupuncture is therefore supposed to open these blocked pathways to allow passage of energies.

Acupuncture and Smoking

Acupuncture for smoking cessation is not considered a cure that will automatically let someone quit smoking. It is a method that can promote an easier path towards quitting in people who show the commitment and resolve to quit. Acupuncture is believed to be able to work on a person's cravings and irritability during the process of quitting.

The quit smoking treatment follows the method of traditional acupuncture. Needles are inserted in points usually in the ear. These points are believed to be able to affect the organs and pathways associated with smoking. The organs targeted include the lungs and throat. Self-acupuncture sometimes through the use of ear pellets is encouraged after the sessions to promote the continued opening of energy pathways.

Programs and Practitioners

A number of practitioners believe that acupuncture sessions should be tailor made based on an individual's smoking history and details. Not all sessions therefore have the same length and duration. A good program therefore would involve an acupuncturist who would take the time to prepare you, set realistic expectations and study your smoking history.

Results of Studies

The results of studies that have looked into acupuncture for smoking cessation send out mixed signals. Some studies point to the effectiveness of acupuncture for smokers while other studies show that sham acupuncture and real acupuncture methods have the same effects on smokers. It is possible though that acupuncture may not be effective for some people simply because of a lack of real commitment or a weakening commitment to stop smoking. As the results stand, there is still a need for further studies on acupuncture as a way to help smokers quit.

Dangers of Acupuncture

If you would like to consider acupuncture as a way to help you stop smoking, it is within your best interest to make sure that your acupuncturist is licensed and qualified to perform acupuncture. Inserting needles in real acupuncture involves no pain. The sensation of pain with needle insertion, physical damages, infections and bleeding are early signs that you are not being handled properly.

An Alternative to Needles

There is of course another way of unblocking the meridian pathways. The EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique works similar to acupuncture but without the needles. By simply tapping various points on the body, the flow of energy is released and helps one to quit smoking by eliminating the craving and causes of smoking addiction.
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