
If you are a smoker, you probably have experienced many troubling symptoms that usually accompany this nasty habit, such as experiencing breathlessness after just walking a few flights of stairs or having a hacking cough in the early morning. Some of you may even have already developed emphysema or, worse, lung cancer. The problem is you can't seem to stop smoking that cigarettes or cigars.

Aside from being addicted to nicotine, there are other reasons why you can't seem to quit, such as you are intimidated by the struggles involved in quitting the habit or you are afraid of the mood swings and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal that you are sure to experience. Thankfully, self hypnosis can help you to get rid of this bad habit while, at the same time, bypassing all the struggles that accompany nicotine withdrawal. It will also prevent you from quitting one bad habit, such as smoking to overeating.

How do self hypnosis techniques work? Self hypnosis gives you the chance to tap into your subconscious which you could not do consciously through your will power. You have probably heard that most often abused phrase "I lack the will power to stop smoking." But the fact of the matter is you DO have the will power. The problem is your subconscious mind dominates over your emotions and habits, and this includes smoking. You will need your subconscious to "cooperate" with your will power or for your will and conscious mind to be dominant if you are to quit smoking. This is where self hypnosis comes in. By using powerful motivators or "suggestions", you will be able to get your subconscious mind's cooperation, which will in turn enable you to stop smoking.

There are many phases to self hypnosis. The first phase is the use of meditation techniques to achieve a complete state of relaxation. This can be achieved by allotting a room or space in your home and a particular time in which you can meditate and practice putting yourself in a trance-like state without being bothered. The next phase is to create positive self hypnosis scripts. These scripts should always be phrased positively and in the present tense. Always refer to yourself as "I". Some good examples of self hypnosis scripts include "I am going to quit smoking and I am happy with this decision", "I am going to reduce the number of cigarettes that I smoke per day", or "I am in complete control. I will not let my cigarettes and smoking habit control me."
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