
Have you ever said that to yourself or have you ever actually said that to someone? I am not a smoker but my father has been a lifetime heavy smoker. He has reached out and asked for help and I can see deep inside that he is screaming for help.

It has been a very difficult journey for him in the quest to stop smoking. As far as I can remember, he has tried to quit smoking. He tried cold turkey, the patch, the gum, and anything that was suggested to him. He even tried to chew tobacco thinking that would stop the smoking habit. Nothing has worked for him and he feels like a failure. This is a man who had always helped others, loved his farm, loved to travel, loved adventure and the outdoors. He is unable to help anyone, needs constant care, and is unable to enjoy all the things he loved.

Today, he can barely take a few steps because he can't breath. He is in a wheelchair and needs a tank of oxygen. He constantly gets infections even though he coughs out mucus all day. He has given up on himself and life, accepting what has happened and doesn't want to try anymore. He has lost all his hope. At this point, I see a man waiting to die. The most devastating thing about all of this is that he still smokes. He cannot quit and his life depends on it.

He has been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease has severely limited him from enjoying the rest of his life. He already misses things like, fishing, camping, hiking, traveling, driving, just to name a few. He has lost a lot of his independence and daily tasks become increasingly difficult. He also had to sell his farm that he worked so hard to acquire, just to help with his medical expenses.

I can see that trying to quit smoking, failing to quit smoking, and the disease has been mentally draining on him. All I can say as his daughter to anyone in this similar situation is to please don't give up on yourself. Keep trying to stop smoking whatever it takes and for as long as you possibly can. And as a father who has been struggling with smoking and smoking related diseases, if you are unable to fight for yourself any longer, please fight for your children and all who love you.

I have not given up on my father even though he has given up on himself. I will keep trying to help him stop smoking even if he has to try a method, two, three, or more times until something works. Don't ever give up on yourself.

To any smoker who has not yet succumbed to any smoking related diseases, and for whatever reasons, you want to quit, try to quit as soon as possible. Keep trying. Don't find yourself in the same position as my father and so many others out there struggling with a disease, the heartache, and the mental anguish.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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