
Stop smoking hypnosis puts you in a really relaxed and calm state and it allows you to be more susceptible to suggestions about your smoking habit. There are about three different areas of smoking that need to be addressed. The first is the habits you do when smoking, like smoking at work breaks, smoking at or after meal times and smoking when you first get up in the morning. The second is dealing with the nicotine addiction itself and learning to cope with the withdrawal symptoms. The third involves dealing with the long term triggers that might put you over the edge later in the process.

Stop smoking hypnosis techniques directed at the habits of smoking occur this way. The hypnotherapist will have you count down from ten or a hundred or will use some other visualization technique to put you in a deeply relaxed and calm state where you are susceptible to statements the therapist says to you. The hypnotherapist will then say things like "I don't need to smoke around bedtime" or "I don't want to smoke at work" or "I don't need to smoke after a meal".

If you truly want to stop smoking, hypnosis has to address the nicotine addiction. The therapist will put you into a really relaxed and calm state and then will address the symptoms of nicotine addiction like anxiety, shakiness, and being irritable. The therapist will talk to you and say things like "I can tolerate the side effects of nicotine addiction" or "I won't feel jittery when I quit smoking." The idea is to train your brain to block out the effects of nicotine withdrawal and to help you feel better once you have stopped smoking.

The last part about stop smoking hypnosis that you need to think of is the long term effects of quitting smoking. There are triggers that can persist for a long time around stopping smoking and you will need to address them through hypnosis. The hypnotherapist will put you in a tranced and highly suggestible state and then say things related to the long term triggers of smoking like "I won't feel triggered when I'm around smokers" or "If my spouse smokes, I won't be swayed to smoke again". You can also say "I am a nonsmoker for the rest of my life".

It can happen that stop smoking hypnosis will work in one session but don't feel badly if it takes more than one session or even if it takes several sessions. There are many layers to smoking cessation and it might just take a session to deal with just one area of smoking and another session to deal with another area of smoking cessation. It has the capacity to work well, no matter how long it takes.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
How To Stop Smoking By Hypnosis

If you want to stop smoking by hypnosis, you should have an idea on how it works. If you know hypnosis inside and out, it would help you submit to it better and that would increase its effectiveness for you to be able to progress in your smoking cessation program. This article will explain what hypnosis really is in relevance to smoking cessation, how it would work, and how it will be able to help you control the urges that you would have. After you are done reading this article, you should be able to have a clear idea to go with hypnotherapy as a primary treatment in your smoking cessation program.

As what have always been believed, hypnosis is a process in which you would put someone in a state of trance where they are able to become more open to suggestions and ideas. It is often used to change people's behaviors for the better. In fact, hypnosis is also quite effective in fighting anorexia and other eating disorders. It is also used in cognitive behavioral therapy. This is where the usual subjects suffer from disorders related to stress. However, hypnosis has become quite popular in helping those who are addicted to cigarettes stop their habit.

Hypnosis would work by putting a target into a relaxed state first. This state is having an intense focus on an idea, or object. As a matter of fact, almost all of us go through hypnosis everyday. Did you ever have that moment when you lost the concept of time when you were daydreaming? That is almost the same kind of trance. You would become more open to suggestion once you get into that kind of intensity of concentration. This would then be followed up with positively oriented use of sentences or phrases.

Affirmations could vary in smoking cessation context. One example could be that there is just a bit more to go until the symptoms of withdrawal from smoking would start disappearing. The kind of phrases used would be to motivate the subject. Another type of phrasing would be to convey suggestions. For example, having no cigarettes for the rest of your life is quite a good thing for various reasons. From there, various reasons would become open. When you are out of the trance, you would believe every word that has been said to you.

These would be able to alter the patterns of your thoughts and would change your behaviors. You will be able to control the compulsions that you would be having. This is how you will be able to stop smoking by hypnosis.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
When you are trying to stop smoking you have many options to choose from. There are patches, gum, cold turkey and hypnosis. Hypnosis is an old concept but can be incredibly useful in the fight to quit smoking. Many of us have seen the stage shows where people are hypnotized to quack like ducks or do other fun tricks.

Hypnotism is a serious therapeutic technique and can be very useful in your fight to quit smoking. It is possible that you can finally stop smoking with hypnosis. There are several keys components to stop smoking with hypnosis. To use hypnosis you must be relaxed and be open to suggestion.

In addition, you must be relaxed, be able to use visualization and utilize scripts. Relaxation is an incredibly important step in hypnosis and even more important when using self hypnosis.

The scripts that are used in hypnosis contain several key phrases that help reinforce why the change in your life is needed. These scripts must be positive and stay in the present tense to be repeated throughout the session.

When used in conjunction with visualization these scripts can be very helpful for stopping smoking. However this whole process does hinge on keeping an open mind that can is willing to hear suggestions.

To use visualization you must be able to picture yourself not smoking. When you start to use visualization you will start to form pictures in your mind and at first you may picture this in a third person format. Picturing a third person in your visualization is called disassociate visualization.

When using visualization you picture yourself as smoke free and see what your life will be like when you are smoke free. The images and feelings that you have during this visualization will help you conquer the negative feelings that can with stopping smoking.

Hypnosis is an effective therapeutic process and when used in conjunction with behavior modifications your chances of quitting smoking are greatly increased. Even though you are very familiar with the benefits of stopping smoking the habit is ingrained into every ritual of your day.

Breaking these rituals are even harder when you consider the addiction to nicotine that you are also trying to break. Quitting smoking is one of hardest but most worthwhile tasks you will ever undertake. Keep in mind that quitting smoking by any means takes time, you didn't form this habit overnight and you will not break it overnight.

Hypnotherapists are the experts in hypnotizing people to stop smoking. Your best chance to stop smoking with hypnosis will come from seeing a certified hypnotherapists. A nationally known expert in this field is Mark Patrick. Mark guarantees that you will stop smoking with hypnosis using his program or he will pay you $20.

There are many online books and trainings that will help you in your fight to quit smoking. Quitting is more than a matter of will power in order to quit smoking you need a structured program that will help you deal with both the behaviors and the addiction.

Stopping smoking is one of the hardest things that you will do, but there is help through hypnosis. You can stop smoking with hypnosis as long as you are open to the idea, relaxed and are able to visual and use the scripts. It is up to you how to pursue hypnotism, there are great online resources as well as local centers within many urban areas.

It is never to late to take the first step to quit smoking. You can quit smoking through hypnosis and today can be the first day of your smoke free life.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Hypnosis could be the most effective way to stop smoking there is. Studies have shown that it's a far more effective method than the common nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) where you wear patches, take injections or chew gum to wean you off of the drug. Hypnosis is also a cheaper, faster and more natural way to quit smoking.

You must want to stop smoking

The biggest single factor that determines whether you will successfully stop smoking appears to be your motivation. Simply put: if you don't want to stop smoking then it's unlikely that you will no matter how hard you try. It's not good enough to say that you will give up because of the health risk or whatever, you have to genuinely want to stop so that you can enjoy the benefits of not smoking such as a longer, healthier and more active life.

If you don't want to give up then hypnosis is unlikely to help you and neither is any other method. The first step to stopping smoking should be to find good reasons why you want to give up and believe that you will be better off by not smoking. Start believing that you want to taste things again and that you want to have more energy. You might also want to make more friends by not smelling like an ashtray all of the time.

When you want to stop smoking you will find it easy

Many people seem to find a lot of excuses why they can't give up smoking. They might say that they are addicted or they need it to relax. Ok nicotine is addictive but it's not like real hard drugs are addictive. Going cold turkey by stopping smoking might give you a few unpleasant symptoms for 2 or 3 days but you won't start convulsing and it's unlikely that you will need medical intervention.

Going without a cigarette for an hour or two will start the withdrawal symptoms and smoking will replace the nicotine that your body craves and bring you back to normal. It's this normality that smokers seem to mistake for relaxing. Why not stop smoking for good and be normal all the time?

Make the decision now that you don't want to be a smoker any longer and when you get to the point where you truly want to start living life to the full without smoking, you will be ready to stop. You will then find it easier to quit smoking than you could have imagined.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop Smoking Hypnosis can be the key for breaking the multiple addictions associated with smoking. People who try to quit smoking soon realize it is not easy. This is because smoking has several layers of addiction. First there is the mental addiction, then the behavioral addiction and last the physical addiction. Hypnosis addresses all these addictions unlike gum, patches or other stop smoking aids.

The physical addiction to smoking can be very powerful. We not only crave the nicotine in cigarettes, but also the sugar that is added to cigarettes. If you have tried to quit smoking, have you noticed you crave sweet foods? No wonder people gain weight when they quit smoking. Hypnosis can address these physical cravings for sweets and nicotine and eliminate them.

Hypnosis also deals directly with the mental addiction. We create neural pathways in our brain every time we do something. Do that something more and more and we create more neural pathways. This can actually be very usefully for things like driving a car, riding a bike and so on. For smoking it works against us. Just think, every time you light a cigarette you reinforce the neural pathway. With all the thousands of cigarettes you have smoked you now have a neural super highway. Hypnosis will alter these neural super highways and break the mental addiction.

Hypnosis also works on the behavioral addiction. This are the habits that people get into when smoking. For example you light a cigarette after you eat, when you get in the car or before going to bed at night. These behavioral addictions are called triggers and you think of smoking a cigarette when ever you experience a trigger. Stop smoking hypnosis will help you to forget these triggers.

When using hypnosis, you need to want to stop smoking. If you just want to give it a try and see what happens you will be wasting your time and money. Hypnosis is not a magic pill, the motivation and desire to achieve your goal of being smoke free must be there. The reason you must be motivated when using stop smoking hypnosis is because the subconscious mind is in control of whether it wants to except or reject a suggestion. If you do not really want to quit smoking and a stop smoking hypnosis suggestion is given, the subconscious mind will reject it and it will not have an effect. When you do decide you want to quit and start a hypnosis program you will be brought to a very relaxed state. Once you are in this relaxed state the subconscious mind will become open to stop smoking hypnosis suggestions. These stop smoking hypnosis suggestions will act to reprogram the brain for you to become a non smoker.

There are several ways you can use stop smoking hypnosis. The first is to find a qualified hypnotist that works with smokers. This does tend to be the most expensive route, but can be effective if the hypnotist offers multiple sessions and gives you a guarantee. Another way to use stop smoking hypnosis is to buy a cd or download a recording and quit in the comfort of your home. This method is considerably less expensive then seeing a hypnotist and is usually guaranteed. You can also learn self hypnosis for the stop smoking hypnosis techniques. This can be very effective, but there is some time involved and a learning curve.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Hypnosis is claimed to be the magic bullet that could cure you of your addiction. Can it really be so? Find out in this article.

Most smokers try simple things at first to quit smoking, things like patches and inhalers. They seem to be cheaper and they're easier to get a hold of. But what about hypnosis? A lot of smokers consider it to be expensive and "messing with the mind". Usually, smokers only turn to hypnosis as a last resort.

This seems like false logic because, if it works, it'll be quick and cheaper than smoking cigarettes for the rest of your life. Let's see how hypnosis works.

Stage 1 - Induction

This stage is to take you from your normal conscious state of mind and to allow you to start to enter a trance. You might have seen this on TV - often a hypnotist will count down from 10 to 1 and tell you to feel relaxed.

Stage 2 - Deepening

This builds on the last stage to put you even deeper into a state of trance and make you feel more relaxed. Some hypnotists don't use a deepening stage but the deeper you are, the more suggestible you will be and the higher the chances that the hypnosis will succeed in helping you to quit smoking.

Stage 3 - Subject Suggestions

In our case, this is when the hypnotist will suggest to you that you have incredible willpower and that your cravings are reduced to nothing. This is the stage of hypnosis when all talk will be about smoking and your relationship with cigarettes. This is when you are most receptive to suggestion.

Different hypnotists will have their own different suggestions. You can even download free quit smoking hypnosis scripts off the internet although they will not be very useful without the other stages. A good hypnotist can be told from a bad hypnotist depending on what they say here.

Stage 4 - Awakening

Of course, you can't just return to work now! This is the final stage when again, the hypnotist might count down from 5 to 1 and tell you that you will awake feeling refreshed. This stage is used to free you from the trance state and return you to reality.

After The Hypnosis

So, how do you feel after the hypnosis is done? Does it work?

Most people need more than one session as the effect builds cumulatively. Most smokers need about 3 sessions and then they can normally quit smoking. It is also much easier than quitting using willpower alone because you don't need willpower to make the initial quitting attempt.

Does It Work?

The problem with hypnosis is that, although most people can easily make the initial quit, within weeks and months and sometimes even days, most people will return to smokers.

This is largely due to what suggestions were made to them in stage 3. If they were just told that they had incredible willpower and no cravings but given no justifications then over time they will eventually disbelieve these suggestions and the desire for a cigarette and cravings will return which are very hard to resist.

How To Stop Smoking With Hypnosis

The best way to stop using hypnosis is to find a hypnotist who will use justifications in his suggestions that will remain with you after you leave the clinic.

Sadly, many hypnotists do not use justifications but this does not mean that you cannot request a "custom" session where they can include them on your request. I advise that you find a copy of a "no willpower" cognitive behavioural therapy or neurolinguistic programming based smoking cessation program and prepare your mind before the session by reading it. Then, also explain the reasoning to the hypnotist and even pass the program or the book to them to read as well.

You'll find that if you use hypnosis to stop smoking by supplementing it with these justifications that it will have a much higher success rate and you should not get a resurgence of the cravings.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Stop smoking hypnosis is the most effective way to quit smoking. There are so many options available; patches, gum, inhalers, and of course willpower. There is a lot to be said for these methods but hypnotherapy is the best option.

When we start smoking we make a conscious choice to do it. Overtime it becomes subconscious, no longer about how we look or whether everyone else is doing it, it's just something we do, like eating and drinking, it's feels natural. That's why quitting feels unnatural; we cannot comprehend not doing it.

Quitting is hard because we try to quit consciously but the habit still exists in our subconscious mind. Even when using patches or gum, we are still using willpower.

Stop smoking hypnosis is effective because it bypasses the conscious mind and allows positive suggestions full access to the subconscious.

You have the option to start in a professional setting or by yourself, either way the principal is the same. In the professional setting you sit opposite the therapist. They might start by asking why you want to stop, how long you've been smoking for and if you're really ready to stop. Stop smoking hypnosis only works if you feel 100% ready to quit. If there is the slightest hint that you want to keep smoking it will not work.

The therapist will guide you into a hypnotic state, it is like being between sleep and awake. Once in this state you are completely receptive to the hypnotist's voice. They will give you suggestions like 'you are happy as a non smoker' or 'you are free and more active as a non smoker'. Once you are back in a state of alertness you will feel calm and relaxed like you've just woken from a nap.

You can continue having sessions in stop smoking hypnosis with a therapist or go on with self-hypnosis. You should be able to get a CD recording of the session. The best times to listen to it are first thing in the morning and last thing at night, because you're at your most relaxed. Don't worry if you fall asleep while listening, you've dozed off with the suggestions going into your subconscious; it's taking care of itself.

You might choose to start stop smoking hypnosis with self-hypnosis. This is the cheaper option as you only pay a one-off fee if purchasing a CD or download. It also means you don't have to rely on anyone to guide you and you won't have to answer anyone's questions.

You can also use your own suggestions. Remember to focus on what you want not on what you don't want; for example; 'I am happy and breathing better' not 'I want to stop smoking', one is positive and the other is negative. To keep yourself relaxed and focused visualize a place that makes you feel good.

With self-hypnosis you are doing exactly what you would in a professional session, but you are starting by yourself. Don't worry if this sounds daunting, you have the assurance of knowing you understand the process.

It's your health and your choice, and you have complete control over both. You don't need to smoke and once you've quit with this method you'll remember doing it but it'll be a fleeting thought, not an unbearable craving.

There was a time when you didn't smoke and this will be like going back to that time. It's a beautiful feeling knowing you are completely smoke free and that you did it without the stress of willpower. Stop smoking hypnosis is the only way to end your addiction.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you're a smoker, you have probably tried many ways to quit the habit. Your hacking cough is just one reminder of how much you yearn to be free from nicotine addiction. Don't give up yet, because you can stop smoking with hypnosis.

You know that quitting smoking has been a struggle for you in the past, and you probably remember how miserable you were when you did try to quit. However, now you can use hypnosis or self hypnosis to overcome your smoking habit, and you can do it without the horrible withdrawal symptoms you have experienced in the past. Plus, your smoking habit won't be replaced by another habit that's just as dangerous and you won't experience the crankiness or other symptoms that smokers go through when they try to quit without the help of hypnosis.

Self hypnosis will allow you to use your subconscious to train your conscious mind to overcome the habits that your willpower cannot accomplish by itself. Your subconscious mind is actually the power behind your habitual behaviors and emotional drives. So it needs to be included in your program to stop smoking. Self hypnosis helps you to get in touch with your subconscious, so that it will move in harmony with your conscious mind. Hypnosis gives you a more powerful motivator to stop your smoking addiction, which helps you to overcome the desire you have to smoke.

When you use self hypnosis to stop smoking, you need to enter a state of complete relaxation. Find a space or room that doesn't have distractions so you can relax yourself. You can use self hypnosis scripts with positive phrases that you can repeat over and over to yourself, during your period of relaxation. Be sure to keep your scripts and phrases positive and in present tense. Use the word "I", and tell yourself that you are in control, and that you won't have cigarettes as part of your life. Remind yourself that this is your decision to make, and that you are pleased with your decision.

Self hypnosis is a successful way to stop smoking, since it helps with your desire to quit. Your subconscious mind can absorb the quitting idea, and within a short time, possibly in days, you can live a healthier, smoke-free life.

Smoking is called a habit, but actually it's a nicotine addiction. It is unhealthy, and can eventually threaten your life. Smoking affects not only your life, but the lives of those around you. The reason it is so hard to quit is partially nicotine withdrawal, but you also lose the comfort that smoking has always given you. Your urge to light up a cigarette may be triggered by your emotions, stressful as they can be.

When you stop smoking with hypnosis, you'll retrain your brain to understand that smoking is unhealthy and toxic, to yourself and others. Using hypnosis to overcome the addiction helps to build up your inner strength, so that you can resist the urge to smoke again. Through visualization, you can overcome the smoking urge, and live a healthier life.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Anyone trying to stop smoking needs help they can get. It's one of the best things they can do for their health and general well-being but it's never very easy for anyone. Quitting smoking hypnosis however can be a big help and anyone looking to kick the habit should consider it.

While results very, it can be extremely effective for some people. I know one person who stop completely after only one group hypnosis session. That's certainly the exception, but it does work that way for some lucky people. More commonly, people report success rates between 10 and 30% using hypnosis along to stop smoking.

Some people hesitate to consider quitting smoking hypnosis because they have misconceptions. There are several reasons for this.

For one thing, Hollywood has painted a picture of hypnosis that is generally negative. Very frequently, a hypnotist is portrayed as slightly sinister and manipulative rather than as a supportive and helpful therapist.

Hollywood's portrayal of anyone undergoing hypnosis isn't any more flattering. They are weak willed and easily influenced by the strong personality of the hypnotist.

The reality is quite the opposite. The people who are most successful with hypnosis are curious, creative and have a high level of self-confidence.

Another major reason for failure to accept hypnotism as a valid treatment was medical professions hesitancy in acknowledging its value. For many years, the American Medical Association considered practicing hypnosis a breach of professional conduct. It wasn't until the work of Dr. Milton Erickson that they change their position acknowledged that hypnotism could be a very useful therapy.

Some people hesitate to consider hypnosis because they're afraid of giving up control to the hypnotist. Nothing could be further from the reality. The person under hypnosis retains full control of all time. They can never be made to accept a suggestion that contradicts any strongly held value that they have.

Another fact is that we all commonly experience brief periods of trance every day. Have you ever found yourself daydreaming with no awareness of where you wore until some action or event brought you back? You were in a trance.

Many of us have had the experience of driving by our exit on a freeway, arriving at destination without any real recollection of how we got there. Again, we were in the type of trance.

The aim of hypnosis is to purposely induce an altered state of consciousness that allows more direct communication with the subconscious. In this state is possible to reinforce ideas and beliefs that will support the desired attitude and outcome. In this case, that is to quit smoking.

I think you can see that is highly desirable to have your subconscious in agreement with your conscious mind to help you reach your goal and hypnosis is an excellent way to do that.

However, I think of hypnosis more as an additional aid. As I mentioned above, the success rate using hypnosis alone is rather low. However, using hypnosis as part of a comprehensive quitting smoking system is very helpful. Combined with other methods, the results are much better than they would be with a single method alone.

You can get more facts about quitting smoking hypnosis at:
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


As we can see from research evidence, there is no other treatment that even comes close to hypnotherapy. However, if you want to stop smoking with hypnosis, it is important that you take hypnotherapy sessions seriously and do as you are told. No hypnotherapy program can be successful without your commitment and hard work. Another thing that you need to make sure is that the hypnotherapist you choose is a licensed and experienced psychologist; otherwise you will be unlikely to achieve the desired outcome. Thus, you should do a bit of research before appointing a hypnotherapist. You should expect to pay an experienced therapist a minimum of $200 for one session.

If you want to stop smoking with hypnosis but can't afford a hypnotherapist, then a cheap alternative for you are the hypnosis audio sessions. Audio programs are becoming increasingly popular and can be as helpful as attending hypnotherapy programs run by therapists. Not only are these hypnosis programs very much affordably but also offer you the flexibility to listen whenever you like, wherever you like and for as long as you like. Surveys of people who have tried out audio hypnosis program confirm that not only these programs made it easy for them to give up smoking but were also relaxing for the mind and body and allowed them to cope with stress.

If you are really interested in successfully quitting smoking, you need to change what smoking means to you and the impact it has on your life. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective tool that can help you develop a strong commitment to give up smoking. The treatment will focus mostly on benefits and reasons for quitting and will try to address the problems that draw you towards smoking in the first place. If you choose to stop smoking with hypnosis programs, you can expect to receive support and assistance at every stage of the treatment, together with several hours of hypnosis sessions that will change your outlook on smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Deciding to quit smoking is always easier said than done. While your logical mind tells you that a lifestyle change is both beneficial and necessary, your pleasure-oriented subconscious would stubbornly dictate you to go on with your blithe smoking ways. It's always a struggle between wanting to stop and wanting a delightfully toxin-filled puff.

Some would say "once a smoker, always a smoker". This may not be true to all but the adage is certainly understandable as most nicotine addicts just could not stop smoking no matter how badly they wanted to. They could be smoke-free for a period time, but once temptations and peer pressures start to creep in they would resort back to their old habit. What could be worse is that they often do smoking more than they did before quitting.

It would seem to appear that a smoker who wishes to quit smoking is a hopeless case. If you are this person, you may very well be thinking that you're already doomed! Not really. You can actually stop smoking with hypnosis. The subconscious mind, which is the main scoundrel of a successful withdrawal, can be tamed to serve your purpose. With hypnosis, you will no longer need to face the constant struggle between your health and a cigarette.

Of course, the quitting process won't be bump-free ride. In the first day or so your craving for nicotine would still take its toll, but afterward, the craving will just be in your mind. And that is, basically, where hypnosis can do its wonders on you. To quit smoking is to learn a new way of life with new associations.

Hypnosis can aid you in learning this new lifestyle pattern faster; giving you the needed push to pursue a smoke-free life. Instead of having the impression that smoking is a friend, hypnosis will train your mind to consider it a menace, disgust... a disease. In the process, you not only change the way you think, but also change the way you act. In some respect, it is a case of changing the mindset to break the bad habit.

By acquiring the services of a professional hypnotherapist, reinforced with self-hypnosis, one can be victorious in the struggle with cigarettes. It is important to take into account though that despite success stories of former smokers, it is never too unlikely for some people to resort to their old ways and re-emerge as a smoker once again.

This usually happens after a few months, maybe a year, of stopping cigarette smoking. For this reason, it is vital to maintain or engage in periodic meetings with the therapist whenever necessary. Better yet, one may do self-hypnosis every once in a while so as to sustain the process of quitting. It's like recharging batteries once they run low or get empty.

Stop smoking with hypnosis and relieve yourself from the stress of quitting or withdrawal. Hypnosis by a professional, as well as, self-hypnosis can equip you with better coping mechanisms; thus trying to be smoke-free need not be burdensome and difficult to handle. With hypnosis on one's side, the battle with cigarettes can be won with ease.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
When someone wants to stop smoking, it can be the hardest thing for them. You might know what we are talking about. There are many things that a person might try to get them to kick this habit. For instance, there are many who try to change their habits that they associate with smoking. For others, it might be something else. Whatever you try, if that does not work, there is hope for you. Many have found hope in stop smoking hypnosis.

This can become your best friend if you allow yourself to try it. However, there are many people who have come to the realization that something is wrong. What is wrong is that your subconscious is not letting go of the idea that you need a smoke.

That is where hypnosis comes into play. This reaches your subconscious to the level that you are not able to do. What happens is you get relaxed. When you get into a state of relaxation, a person can suggest something and your mind will follow it. It is sort of like your own subliminal message.

Now, there are quite a few people out there who say that they do not trust this concept. They fear having a person who can reach that level working with them. They fear this because they are afraid that they will alter their mind to a point where they go about and take all of their control. Some hate the concept of their mind being altered. There are more reasons why people are afraid.

While some will tell you that the only way to have this hypnosis done is by going about seeing a professional, there are methods which do not entail a high feel to a shrink. They do make CDs that you pop in. They hypnosis you first by getting you in a setting where you are at peace. They then make you think about smoking. When you hear this they will tell you from then on, you will think about something else.

There are things known as self hypnosis. What a person will do when you go to them will be to get you in the state of mind and get the mental image that when you crave a smoke, you do something else. Some will tell you to think about something else rather than thinking about the cigarette you want to smoke.

It can do a world of good for you. This might be your last option. However, you will find that it is best when you know what you are walking into. You might just want to pay the money and go to someone who practices psychology. It might be costly, but you might see the best results.

There is a lot to learn about if hypnosis is something for you. It is best that if you have questions, you talk to your doctor to see what he or she thinks. There are a number of methods out there to get more information to see if this is something for you. It is time to get rid of that habit, but how?
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Most every smoker wants to quit at some point in time. Although the anti-smoking campaign isn't quite up to par, most smokers know that cigarette and pipe smoking leads to disease. In fact, 90% of all lung cancers are caused by smoking. So with such overwhelming scientific medical evidence available, why do they continue to smoke? The simple answer is nicotine. The more complex answer is behavioral conditioning, otherwise, known as "the habit". Both are very powerful contributors to the continuation of smoking in our society. Add to this the cultural aspect associated with smoking and you have a very powerful formula for addiction.

However, there are several scientifically studied stop smoking aids available for smokers to use. There's nicotine replacement therapy which hopes to supplant the nicotine found in the tobacco. But it has only a slightly better success rate than quitting cold turkey. Then there's Chantix and Zyban, both considered non-nicotine pills. These use different pathways to achieve smoking cessation, but many are afraid to use them because of their potential side-effects on a person's behavior.

So, there are options available for people that do have proven levels of success. But what about the alternative forms of therapy available for smokers? We read a lot about liquids and shots that have some mysterious mix of chemicals and herbs. Those aren't really studied scientifically, so we won't comment on them here.

Hypnosis though, is an interesting art to look at. I recently spoke to a hypnotist in Dallas and asked her if she had any clinical studies that looked at the effectiveness of hypnosis as a tool for smoking cessation. She told me there were no scientific journals for hypnotism and she herself had not been able to find any published articles on the subject. She did tell me though, that she had a pretty high rate of smoking cessation at her practice. She claimed the results of her hypnosis to quit smoking was above 50%. Now I don't know if those clients remained smoke-free for say, at least 6 months or not, and she didn't offer any more information than that.

However, I do know that most in the scientific community feel the success rate for hypnosis is right around that of quitting cold turkey - or somewhere between 3 - 8%. In fact, a recent article was published out of New Zealand, reviewing 11 studies which compared hypnotherapy with 18 different control cessation methods. The researchers concluded that hypnotherapy had no greater effect on 6-month quit rates than other stop smoking methods or no method (cold turkey). Finally, they state that randomized controlled studies did not support the claims of uncontrolled studies which claim hypnotherapy as a superior stop smoking method.

What does this mean? Well, it means that hypnotherapy might or might not have a chance to help a smoker quit. Many people are desperate to quit and will try anything. Maybe, just maybe hypnosis is the key to unlocking their ability to quit. However, I wouldn't expect it to be effective for everyone. As I've said all along, it is important to match your stop smoking aid with your addiction, personality and behavioral tendencies. If you are one of those holistic people, then maybe hypnosis is right up your alley.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You are probably amazed when you hear that such an obstinate habit like smoking could be cured by Hypnosis. But it is true. To really understand how this works i.e. how you could stop smoking through hypnosis, you are on your way to permanently rid yourself of this scourge. First off , you must understand what actually happens when you reach out for the next cigarette. And on the other hand you must know how hypnosis works and what it actually does. That is where is the connection between smoking and hypnosis.

First of all, you would agree that smoking is a habit which seems to be deeply entrenched and very difficult to root out. A habit is actually controlled by your subconscious mind and that is the reason why it is so difficult to stop smoking. Since you are using your conscious mind to urge yourself to stop smoking whereas it is the inner mind which actually needs to be worked on. And that is where hypnosis comes in. Because hypnosis essentially works on the inner mind.

Hypnosis is a technique which silences the outer, conscious mind and then once the outer mind is put to 'sleep', teaches the inner mind to change entrenched thought patterns. This is the entire process of hypnosis.

Put the outer mind into a trance.

Make hypnotic suggestions to the inner mind.

The inner mind accepts the suggestions.

Entrenched beliefs and habits are changed.

Although we try to be and are rational human beings going through our daily chores as rationally as possible, there remains a part of us which we are not able to govern. Our childhood and the plethora of experiences that we have had in our lives shape our psyche in ways that we are not able to fathom, normally. But this inner reality forms the prejudices that we harbour and leads to what you could say to be our 'style' of functioning. There are often self-defeating thought patterns that dominate our style. There are a lot of things which we would want to change in ourselves but we dont know how to. Because, primarily we don't know how to tap into our inner minds. That is where the panacea lies.

And the inner mind it is that you have to educate, prompt and convince that smoking is bad, that you must stop smoking and for good. And hypnosis has proven non-intrusive ways to help you stop smoking for good. No questions. There are methods not only to help you stop smoking, but also to save you from falling back into the habit after a while.

See there could be two syndromes associated with stopping smoking. One is that you could start on some other bad habit to substitute smoking, like say overeating. But hypnotic methods can stop that too. Hypnosis can make sure that smoking is stopped without recourse to any other bad habit replacing it.

Moreover, smoking is usually activated by stressful situations that trigger you to light up. There are hypnotic methods to counter such situations too. Stressful situations will come and go but the hypnotic methods specifically chosen for such occasions will work wondrously and the craving that you have always felt would simply finish. Instead you could fill yourself up with energizing thoughts that will boost your confidence to deal with any situation of conflict or stress with far more success in your workaday life, at office or home or with family.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
You may have heard of stop smoking hypnosis or even know of someone who's tried it. More and more people have turned to this method. Does it work? And if so, how?

The different theories for how hypnosis works are:

o One is dissociation, which suggests that the subject's behavioral control sector is temporarily separated from ordinary awareness.

o Another theory is that the subject is in control the whole time but has made an unconscious decision to act as if he were not.

Some people are more easily hypnotized than others. Studies done of people under hypnosis have shown that different areas of the brain are more active in people who are easily hypnotized as opposed to people who are less susceptible to hypnosis. When they were not hypnotized there was no difference. This suggests that there is a difference in the way that the brain works when it is hypnotized.

Hypnosis for stopping smoking involves the hypnotist making suggestions to the person trying to quit smoking while under hypnosis. It does not require any control of his behavior. This works because during hypnosis the brain will not censor what is said: it accepts everything it is told without question.

So if the person is told that he no longer wants to smoke, when he wakes he will not have a desire to smoke. There is no 'Do I want a cigarette or don't I?' He may feel cravings from time to time, but he will know they are just the effects of a former addiction that is no longer relevant to him.

Unlike other methods of quitting, hypnosis can even help with the problem of weight gain at the same time. Many people do gain weight when they stop smoking, but as hypnotism can also be used for weight loss, the hypnotist can easily tackle both of these problems at the same time in order to prevent the subject gaining weight when they quit.

While scientific research on the success of hypnosis for quitting smoking may not be entirely conclusive, some results claim a success rate of up to 80%. Three factors contribute to success.

Success probably depends on three factors:

o The subject's motivation level

o Whether or not the person is easily hypnotized

o The hypnotist's technique

Sometimes the hypnotist suggests a follow-up session a few weeks or months afterwards. It's a good idea to follow through with this even if you think you don't need it. Since people sometimes pick up the habit again, even after a long time, this can help you avoid that problem.

There is no way to know if you will be a good hypnotism subject without trying it, but you can certainly work on your motivation. Try to choose a time for your appointment when you will be relaxed and feeling positive, not when you are under a lot of stress for any reason. For women, it is better to avoid the premenstrual time of your cycle.

If you are considering hypnotism to get over your smoking habit, it would be a good ideas to ask for recommendations in your area for a good hypnotist. Your doctor or other health practitioner may have some advice to give. Generally, people who attend any kind of quit smoking therapy do better than those who do not, and stop smoking hypnosis can be one of the best kinds.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Hypnotic therapy is found to be very effective in the fight against smoking habits if used in combination with other treatment modes. Basically hypnosis is a process by which hypnotist gives positive suggestions to the subjects to bring positive changes into his life style. This treatment mode is commonly used for rectifying the behavioural problems of people of any age and gender.

Smoking is basically a behavioural problem that can be easily rectified by injecting positive vibrations that discourage smoking habit into the mind of a person suffering from the problem.

The most important thing to be considered while you decide to undergo a stop smoking hypnosis therapy is the experience and qualification of the hypnotist that you are approaching. It should also be remembered that you should also be ready and willing to cooperate with the hypnotist by accepting the positive suggestions of the hypnotist. Be prepared to submit yourself to the treatment made by developing a positive frame of mind. No hypnotist can create miracles if the subject is not ready to accept the hypnosis treatment.

Most of the hypnotists who provide service in stop smoking hypnosis therapy offer a one-off session for smoking cessation. Some cases may require a few more follow up sessions depending upon the gravity of the smoking problem of the patient undergoing the therapy.

Hypnosis, being a treatment intended to rectify the behavioural problems of the patient may require all the information regarding the personal life of the subject to find out the root cause of the problem. You should be willing to answer all questions of the hypnotist if you want to get a complete stop smoking hypnosis therapy successfully.

Normally a stop smoking hypnosis therapy includes all hypnotherapy techniques such as preparation, induction, deepening, purpose and awakening. You will be given positive affirmations and suggestions that can reduce your carving for smoking while you are undergoing a hypnotic therapy for smoking. Most of the hypnotist will provide you a tape or a CD by using which you can continue the therapy by yourself.

Normally sudden quitting of smoking may invite a lot of emotional and psychological problems in most of the persons who are addicted to smoking. Hypnotic therapy can also be used an effective tool to help these persons to over come these withdrawal symptoms that they face while undergoing treatment for smoking. A large number of studies conducted on the effect of hypnosis in treating smoking habit reveal that it enjoys high success rate when compared to many other treatment modes to treatments for smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The market is flooded with different aids to help you quit smoking. You may have tried the nicotine patch, maybe some medications, or simply relied on your own willpower and tried it cold turkey. Some people have succeeded with these methods, but unfortunately the vast majority have failed. If this sounds like you, this may be the perfect time to try self-hypnosis, as not only does it help you quit, but also keep you there. You see, how many people have quit once, twice, maybe ten times, only to pick it up again a few weeks or months down the track? Quitting smoking for one week is one thing, quitting for a life-time is something completely different. By using self-hypnosis you will be able to change your views about smoking within your sub-conscious mind, which is the most effective way to end the addiction once and for all.

There are a few main concepts in self-hypnosis, some of which include relaxing, scripts, and visualizing. Being able to relax is imperative to be able to self-hypnotize. The very first thing you will be taught is how best to relax and open your mind to new suggestions. You will learn certain key phrases or suggestions that are created to stop you from smoking that you will have to tell yourself several times per day. You will also learn how to visualize, which is very important in the process of quitting.

It is very beneficial to master the art of visualization if you want to learn self-hypnosis. By creating mental images in your mind of you performing a certain activity, you will be more able to perform the actual thing. When starting out, it might be wise to create a picture of yourself as if you are watching yourself on TV. This is what is referred to as dissociated visualization. This is a technique which can be a very effective tool as it allows you to see yourself smoke-free. Once you have seen yourself in this image, and imagined it as being a real event, it will make the outcome of quitting smoking an inevitability rather than a possibility.

First of all, when visualizing, you have to become clear in your mind that you are going to quit, no matter what. The outcome is that from this day on, you will no longer smoke, period. We are all different emotionally, so you will have to create images that appeal to you. The key is, it has to make you feel something. If it doesn't, try a different image. These emotions that make you feel something are your keys to success, simply because the more emotions are involved in your suggestions, the quicker and better you will respond to it. You have to find your own words, but here are some suggestions. "Exciting", "caring", "loving", "beautiful", "radiant". The more dramatic and vivid the image you create is, the greater an effect it will have because ultimately these visualizations are your suggestions. Think of tobacco smoke. Imagine in your mind that it smells and tastes awful and the look of it makes you sick. Use other associations to depict how bad it is. Imagine the smell of cigarette smoke as week-old socks or even worse, week-old prawn shells.

Like many other before you, using self-hypnosis and visualization to end the habit once and for all may be the solution. Those who have done it before you found that through the use of their own imagination they can simply create the desired change, powerfully and effectively. With the use of visualisations you can see yourself after the change has happened and therefore meet your goals of being a non-smoker more easily.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
A smoking habit starts for a number of reasons. Some may say that smoking gives them a sense of release; some say that a cigarette tastes good after a meal. In reality, smoking is expensive, the odor is offensive to some and it can cause medical problems such as poor lung capacity and coughing. Trying to stop can be a difficult process but you can stop smoking with hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a unique therapy that uses certain words and phrases along with relaxation to change a habit or behavior. Working with the subconscious mind is done easily as long as the proper steps have been taken. There are different hypnosis techniques that can be used, but all use the basic concepts and all will provide the end result, obtaining your goal to quit smoking.

This therapeutic process has been used for centuries and if the mind is willing, the results that are expected will be obtained. Hypnosis uses relaxation, key phrases or scripts and visualization to reach that little but powerful voice that each one of us has inside us. A simple but powerful and proven process; a process that can stop unwanted habits is possible with hypnosis.

You can stop smoking with hypnosis. A qualified hypnotist can help guide you to your goal or you can learn self-hypnosis and reach your goal on your own. If self-hypnosis is used, you must understand the each process and what is necessary for each step. Preparing for a session requires a quiet place where relaxation can be obtained without being disturbed, a set of scripts and the process of how you will achieve your goal.

Relaxation is very important as this moves you from awake to a level of between awake and asleep. This level is where you can work with the subconscious mind but still be able to remove yourself from the hypnotic stage if necessary. This level is the same level you use during the day when are doing things automatically without really thinking about them.

Being in the relaxed stage is when the scripts are then used. Scripts are powerful and positive words or phrases that direct the subconscious brain to change what it believes and do what you want to do. Scripts should be in the present tense and should advise your current state, what you want to change and how you will accomplish your goal to stop smoking with hypnosis. In addition, the scripts can be personalized by using "I". A phrase you might use could be "I will stop smoking."

The combination of relaxation and the encouraging scripts will help you to visualize what needs to be done. The visualization brings the goal into a different perspective; it makes the goal appear to be a reality which makes it more personable and believable. If you can see yourself be smoke-free than your subconscious will agree to change and you will stop smoking with hypnosis.

Using hypnosis to stop smoking is indeed possible. This therapeutic process is easy and pain-free; there are no medicines or special foods that you need to eat, no special exercising or spending tons of money. We all love to relax and we all want to better ourselves. Using relaxation and positive encouraging words, you can stop smoking with hypnosis.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


For newcomers to hypnosis, the idea of quitting your longtime habit this way may seem a little ridiculous. Most of us think of hypnosis as that silly stage act where the magician-like hypnotist makes a bunch of audience volunteers act like chickens, and we may wonder how that funny stage show could possibly translate into real-life therapeutic benefits. But in spite of what many people think, hypnosis is the real deal, and it only gets better and better as modern science continues to learn about how the human mind works. As a result, more and more people are finding that they can stop smoking by hypnosis, and this phenomenon is likely only to get bigger in the future.

How does hypnosis actually work?
If you think you might want to stop smoking by hypnosis, the first thing you need to do is forget about those silly stage shows that are associated with this science. Those types of hypnosis are completely different from the types you'll be using. In fact, they're so different that they might as well be considered as two completely different things. One is a form of entertainment, and one is a therapeutic science.

The therapeutic varieties of hypnosis work by giving the hypnotized person power to make changes to the deepest portions of his or her mind. You know those uncontrollable cravings for cigarettes that you get every few hours or so? There's a reason you can't control them-it's because they come from a deep part of your mind that isn't accessible during the normal course of events.

It's really that simple, and it's what gives hypnosis its great power. Changes that usually take weeks or months to make within the brain can be done within minutes through hypnosis. And with all the interesting things that we're now learning about the brain, it's possible that the science is going to be capable of even greater things in the near future.

How to stop smoking by hypnosis
To actually begin your hypnosis therapy, you're obviously going to need someone to guide you through the process. One method is to go to an actual hypnotist and have your sessions done personally. This is a great option for anyone who has the money to spare, but it can also be expensive and time consuming.

An even better way is to use hypnosis videos and audio tapes. Many of these can be either accessed or ordered online, and you might be surprised by how powerful they can be. I've met people who have used these methods and have quit smoking within weeks without ever suffering a relapse.

The process is simple: You just get rid of all distractions, relax, turn on your hypnosis video or audio file, and let the hypnotist do his work. The results may not be instant, however. In fact, most of these hypnosis programs emphasize that you're going to have to do several sessions before you feel the effects. But don't give up. Even if it doesn't work right away, your persistence will pay off.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you trying to quit smoking? Have you ever thought and wondered if hypnosis could possibly work to break you of your addiction? The truth is that hypnosis works for many people, but can be ineffective for other people. Why, you may wonder?

The reason that hypnosis can be successful is because it implants suggestions into a smoker's subconscious mind when they are in an open, relaxed state. You are not actually unconscious when being hypnotized, contrary to what most people think. The majority of people that are hypnotized simply feel very relaxed and calm - yet completely aware of their surroundings and all that is happening around their body.

During a hypnosis session, a hypnotherapist implants firm suggestions, verbally, into the subconscious of the person that desires to be a non-smoker. Usually these are suggestions that coincide with the patience desires to be able to breathe freely, have more respect for their bodies, break free from their addictions, etc.

Sometimes It Does Not Work

Why doesn't it hypnosis work for everyone? Why is it that some people are completely cured after hypnosis and others continue to keep smoking?

Most of the time, it simply do to the fact that the person is choosing, through a conscious decision, to block out or override the hypnotherapist's suggestions that were instilled into their subconscious during hypnosis.

Another reason hypnosis may not work is that the smoker could not become relaxed enough during the hypnosis session, therefore, the hypnotherapists suggestions didn't completely enter the subconscious deep enough. For a hypnotherapist to completely access a smokers subconscious, that person has to be extremely relaxed and in an open state. They have to be willing and also desire to accept the suggestions from the hypnotherapist.

So is hypnotherapy right for you? The only way to truly find out is to try for yourself. For many people it represents a way to break their addiction. The most important thing is that you are able to kick the habit. If hypnotherapy can possibly allow you to quit smoking, than it is definitely worth looking in to.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Hypnosis to stop smoking has been proven to be the most effective way to stop smoking. The problem that most smokers have is getting to the point where they feel they are ready to stop smoking. In this article we decided to help you get to the point where you are ready to stop for good.

The Surgeon General of the United States has said that stopping smoking is the biggest step a person can take for improving the quality and length of their lives. As a little joke Mark Twain said "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Seriously, to help in the quitting process it helps to know what you will be going up against.

Tobacco produces a drug that is called nicotine. Nicotine is now considered one of the most addictive substances, rating right up there with cocaine and heroin. You do not only become addicted to the nicotine, but develop a psychological addiction to the smoking habit. This is why it can be so difficult to quit smoking, you have both the psychological and physical addictions to overcome.

So what does nicotine do when it enters your body? As you take a hit off the cigarette the nicotine enters your lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream it circulates to virtually every part of your body. Nicotine will have an adverse affect on hormones, blood vessels, heart, metabolism and your brain. In pregnancy nicotine will cross the placenta and can effect the development of the unborn child. Nicotine has even been found in the blood of children born to smokers. The good news is once you stop smoking nicotine and tobacco by products should be out of your system in about four days.

So why do so many people get addicted to nicotine? When nicotine enters the bloodstream it creates a pleasant feeling that makes the smoker want more. On top of this it interferes with information flow between nerve cells. Because of this, the longer you smoke, the more you tend to smoke. Did you know that the nicotine entering through smoke will reach the brain faster then drugs introduced to the body through an IV. Over time you will build up a tolerance to nicotine. This is bad because you will have to smoke more and more to get the same good feeling from cigarettes.

When a smoker attempts to cut down or even quit smoking the with-draw symptoms begin. These withdraw symptoms manifest themselves in both a physical and mental withdraw. If you want to give up smoking for good, both these types of withdraw symptoms have to be addressed. Withdraw from cigarette smoking can be a couple days long or last for several weeks. The good news is after the second or third day the with-draw symptoms will become less and less each day.

As a person withdraws from cigarette smoking they may experience a host of symptoms. These include dizziness, depression, anger, impatience, frustration, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, boredom, concentration problems, headache, increased appetite, weight gain, constipation, dry mouth, tight chest, gas, and a sore throat. When a smoker starts to have one or more of these symptoms they want to start smoking again to get rid of them.

This is why the use of hypnosis is so effective. Hypnosis to stop smoking will address all the with-draw symptoms mentioned above. Now the use of hypnosis to stop smoking will not completely eliminate the symptoms, but it will make it tolerable. All you need to do now is decide you want to quit and give a hypnosis to stop smoking program a try.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you are a smoker, you probably have experienced many troubling symptoms that usually accompany this nasty habit, such as experiencing breathlessness after just walking a few flights of stairs or having a hacking cough in the early morning. Some of you may even have already developed emphysema or, worse, lung cancer. The problem is you can't seem to stop smoking that cigarettes or cigars.

Aside from being addicted to nicotine, there are other reasons why you can't seem to quit, such as you are intimidated by the struggles involved in quitting the habit or you are afraid of the mood swings and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal that you are sure to experience. Thankfully, self hypnosis can help you to get rid of this bad habit while, at the same time, bypassing all the struggles that accompany nicotine withdrawal. It will also prevent you from quitting one bad habit, such as smoking to overeating.

How do self hypnosis techniques work? Self hypnosis gives you the chance to tap into your subconscious which you could not do consciously through your will power. You have probably heard that most often abused phrase "I lack the will power to stop smoking." But the fact of the matter is you DO have the will power. The problem is your subconscious mind dominates over your emotions and habits, and this includes smoking. You will need your subconscious to "cooperate" with your will power or for your will and conscious mind to be dominant if you are to quit smoking. This is where self hypnosis comes in. By using powerful motivators or "suggestions", you will be able to get your subconscious mind's cooperation, which will in turn enable you to stop smoking.

There are many phases to self hypnosis. The first phase is the use of meditation techniques to achieve a complete state of relaxation. This can be achieved by allotting a room or space in your home and a particular time in which you can meditate and practice putting yourself in a trance-like state without being bothered. The next phase is to create positive self hypnosis scripts. These scripts should always be phrased positively and in the present tense. Always refer to yourself as "I". Some good examples of self hypnosis scripts include "I am going to quit smoking and I am happy with this decision", "I am going to reduce the number of cigarettes that I smoke per day", or "I am in complete control. I will not let my cigarettes and smoking habit control me."
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Have you tried endlessly to quit smoking only to fail after just a month, week or even a day? Do you want a healthy and secure future knowing that you will be free from smoking and have reduced the risk of getting all of the nasty illness' that smoking offers? Are you just fed up and want to quit now? Stopping smoking can be as easy as you want to make it with hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis. In fact science proves just how successful hypnosis is for stopping smoking, so why not give it a go today and let the results speak for themselves.

As a hypnotherapist the mass of my business is helping people successfully give up smoking - especially around new years with folks trying to stick to their resolutions. I am amazed how many people come to see me to use hypnotherapy to quit, saying that 'this is my last chance, I have tried everything before'. The reason that this statement shocks me so much is that according to research, hypnosis is the second best way to quit smoking. It is only seconded by contracting heart disease and let's face it - who wants to go that far to give up smoking? Not me that's for sure.

So what would life be like if you could just walk away from your smoking right now and leave it in the past? What a relief will it be when you have no cravings and full control over your habits and behaviours? What will you do with all of the extra money that you will save from not smoking? Just imagine how much more fitter you will feel and how great it will be not to smell of cigarette smoke all the time. Just imagine the freedom that your new life will bring you and your loved ones!

If you are really serious about being a happy and contented non smoker and want to do it the easy way, then I suggest that you think about hypnosis being your best chance of success. Just think, this time tomorrow you could be that happy and content non smoking person. I recommend trying a hypnosis download or recording or even take the time to look up your local hypnotherapist and seek their help.

Your success in stopping smoking is just around the corner! Grab this opportunity with both hands and get the life of your dreams. I wish you the best of luck and success in your new life as a non smoker.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Wanting to change but feeling pessimistic?

When people first come to me for help they know they want something in their lives to change. Most of them have already tried to make those changes themselves with limited success. Some of them have tried so hard they have become pessimistic about change being possible.

No-one wants to be told what to do

Even more sceptical are the ones who have been nagged, pleaded with and threatened into taking action. I sympathise with them - I don't like being told what to do either.

'I don't really believe in this sort of thing' is a typical opening statement, usually spoken with an apologetic smile. 'That's OK', I tell them, 'Nor did I - until I realised how well it works'.

Myths about giving up smoking

Take smoking, for example. A kind of conventional wisdom exists that it's very hard to quit and even if you succeed you'll immediately eat twice as much as you did before - oh, and you'll be bad tempered and the cravings will be unbearable.

When I ask someone who thinks like this how he or she knows these things the reply is often something like 'Well it's common knowledge, isn't it' or 'Everyone says so'. On further examination, it emerges that these ideas are often based on little or no evidence, yet the more you question them the more dogged the defense.

In two minds about it all

What's going on here? Someone who doesn't believe in hypnosis is paying me to hear how I can't help them. This person wants to quit but thinks he or she probably can't succeed. It could be that they are in two minds - and of course they are.

We all have two minds: conscious and unconscious. It's the way we are meant to be. The conscious mind is the one that gives us reason. It tends to like linear thinking: x plus y equals z and so on. Most of our schooling is aimed at this mind and leads us to feel we're lacking if our lives are not rational and orderly. So why aren't they?

Heart rules the head

To answer this we need to turn to the unconscious mind. While the conscious likes reasoning, the unconscious actually contains the reasons why heart so often rules head and habits tend to triumph over logic.

How come this isn't already clear to us?

Because 'Conscious' means 'Aware' and 'Unconscious' means 'Unaware'.

We constantly operate on two levels and we're only aware of one of them. That's why, after tripping ourselves up in some way, we sometimes wonder 'Why did I do that?'

Pete isn't stupid

There is always an answer, of course, even if the reasoning seems strange. Take the example of the smoker who both wants to quit and has many reasons not to try. Let's call him Pete.

Pete isn't stupid - far from it - but when he started smoking, aged fourteen, he saw the world very differently. Back then his main focus was on being accepted by slightly older kids who seemed very sophisticated and confident to him. They were the in-crowd at school and, most importantly, a few of them were pretty girls.

This group would meet in the coffee bar, sometimes while playing truant, and were bound together by a few important ideas: they all smoked and made cigarettes a kind of currency, a bit like they are in prison. Smoking was a unifying symbol of rebellion that showed that they weren't afraid of being bad. Those outside the group were 'Lame' or 'Stupid' and simply didn't understand them. The only opinions that counted were their own, because no-one had ever felt like them before.

Smoking to feel special

For Pete, cigarettes had now become a symbol of belonging to the elite and being different from the boring majority, a means of exchange, fashionable rebellion and sophistication. Of course, he wasn't aware of all this as he reeled from the waves of nausea after his first cigarette, but he soon learned to look nonchalant as he puffed away.

In his unconscious mind, smoking was by now an activity that gave him status and security and defined him as a special person - and his unconscious is bound to protect him, because that's its main job. What do you think controls your breathing, digestion and heartbeat - all the processes that keep you safe?

Skip forward ten years

His unconscious by now was maintaining a trance - a story your unconscious tells you about what is going on that feels real - in which he was secure in being special, as long as he smoked.

Skip forward ten years and we find Pete standing in the office doorway in the rain, having another fag break. He has over-spent recently and will have to find a way of repaying the money by the end of the month. It's at times like this, when things get on top of him, that Pete feels the urge to smoke, so he can calm down.

His unconscious mind has extended the trance so that Pete perceives smoking as a relief from the pressures of life - ironically, as a breathing space, a little time just for him.

The doctor's warning

When his doctor tells the forty year old Pete that it's vital for his health that he quits smoking, it scares him. He decides to stop - and his unconscious resolves to stop him from succeeding. It has to, because it believes that smoking is part of his identity and a special time when he can relax.

Every time Pete worries about his health, his unconscious tells him 'Don't worry, have a cigarette and feel better'. When he thinks about the doctor's warning and feels scared it does the same, because logic is no part of the way it works. Instead, the unconscious makes connections between things and then turns them into habits.

Ironically, it is always doing the best it currently knows how to do to help him - and it's killing him with kindness.

Old dogs and new tricks

So here we are, Pete and I, sitting together in a quiet room. My job is to help him to wake up out of his smoking trance so he can create a better one, a trance in which he has the confidence to respect himself without needing old symbols and to deal with his problems by taking action to change things, and to do that I need to help him to have a discussion with his unconscious and to make a new agreement.

The exciting thing is that once the new trance is in place it will maintain itself just as reliably as the old one did. After all, his unconscious mind can't help but do the best job it knows how to do to help him - and now it knows a better way.

Old dogs and new tricks? No problem...
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you smoke, you probably have given a lot of thought to giving up the habit; if you are reading this, you are probably currently making an effort to quit smoking. As you know, smoking can kill you as well as having a wide variety of other negative effects on your health. In order to ensure a longer, healthier lifespan, kicking the habit is a necessity. You've probably tried to quit before, maybe several times and not managed to give up the habit for good - it's hard to quit, in fact one of the hardest things you can do is to quit smoking, but it is important to stay committed to this goal, since the benefits for your health are well worth the effort. Hypnosis to stop smoking is something you may not have considered before - but it is something you should think about, since it has helped a lot of people to quit smoking, even when all else has failed.

There are a number of prescription drugs which are intended to ease smoking cessation and while these are effective for some people, you do need to know that these drugs are not entirely without risk. As with any other prescription medication, there can be side effects (including serious ones) which can come along with the use of these products. These drugs can also have interactions with other medications, making these an option that a lot of people would rather avoid given the option; and thankfully, there are several other ways to quit smoking other than these drugs.

Some have success with nicotine replacement products such as the patch, nicotine gum, inhalers and lozenges. The problem with these products is that they just replace one form of nicotine intake (smoking) with another. While it is certainly much better than smoking (nicotine in and of itself is not especially harmful, but smoking is), this method makes it too easy to slip back into smoking, since the cravings for nicotine are still there.

You could also try cold turkey. No one can argue with the logic of simply not smoking, but this is by far the hardest method of smoking cessation available to you. You have to simply ride out the symptoms of withdrawal and deal with that familiar craving for a cigarette using your own will power; and many of us just don't have it in us to succeed this way. It's admirable, but it is not the right answer for every smoker looking to kick the habit.

Using hypnosis to stop smoking often succeeds where other methods have failed. Best of all, hypnosis does not have harmful side effects and is certainly a lot easier than going cold turkey when trying to quit. This kind of hypnotherapy consists of the hypnotist planting suggestions in your subconscious while you are in the trance like state of hypnosis. These suggestions can help you block the cravings for cigarettes and even lead you to be repulsed by the smell of smoke, which can have people off cigarettes for good after only one session of hypnosis.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many smokers typically think that hypnosis is going to automatically make them stop smoking. Or they go into it thinking that only people with weak will power can stop smoking with hypnosis. There are few things that all smokers should know before they decide to use hypnosis to stop smoking.

The most important thing is the smoker has to make the decision to quit. Hypnosis does not make you do anything against your will contrary to what you see on stage shows or Hollywood. Hypnosis can help you to not feel urges, cravings, and desires to smoke. It can help you to feel fulfilled instead of feeling like something is missing. It can help you to not feel irritable, and handle stress better. But ultimately, the smoker has to make the decision to quit. That is the most important part about using Hypnosis to stop smoking. Because even if the hypnosis session completely eliminates your cravings, and you have no desire, you can still decide to pick one up!

So that is the most important part about it. As long as you can make the decision, hypnosis is the most valuable tool you can possibly use. When using hypnosis to stop smoking you have very little or no withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. There is no need for any nicotine patches or gums. You will feel fulfilled and complete by using hypnosis to quit smoking.

That being said, there are many different methods out there for quitting smoking. Not every hypnotist really knows what they are doing unfortunately. Some people offer stop smoking hypnosis in one session. Some people offer it in 3 sessions, and some even more than that. The reason for this is based on success rates and the actual person. The biggest reason is because of hypnotizability. Not everyone feels the instant effects of hypnosis at the same pace. If you use hypnosis to stop smoking you will notice a difference right away. But it does not necessarily mean you have complete success after one session. There are some people who are naturally somnambalistic, which means they instantly go to the deepest state of hypnosis right away. That is about 1 in 5 people. And many other people are able to go very deep into hypnosis on the first session. These people are the ones who can quit in one session. Do not worry, it has nothing to do with your intelligence. It is simply based on the size of your pituitary gland in your brain. There has been no relation at all based on someone's intelligence. If you do not naturally go deep, as some people do, that simply means you need more sessions to get into the deep state of hypnosis to create a more profound effect. Hypnosis works for everybody, the only problem is people give up on it sometimes after one session because they lose confidence in it. This is why many hypnotherapist's require three sessions for using hypnosis. And that is why you should consider a three session or more program. It only gets better with more sessions but do not let anyone simply get more money out of you with 5+ sessions. But in general, three sessions is the ideal number for hypnosis. And make sure you do at least more than one session in order to use hypnosis properly.

I like to use the factory worker metaphor when describing why someone should have multiple sessions. If you are learning a job as a factory worker where you only have to do one task, such as put a lid onto something, then you can learn that quickly and easily. Your mind becomes "trained" quickly and you eventually can do that job without thinking. But if you were to get a much harder job where you built an entire product, then it would take you more days to eventually get to where you could do the job "subconsciously". Hypnosis works exactly the same way. You are training your body to feel a certain way and the more complicated it is, the more sessions it takes. If you are trying to stop nail biting, that is typically a one session program. If you are trying to lose weight, that is four to six sessions. And stop smoking hypnosis falls into the three sessions on average category. So make sure you give it at least a three session program whatever you decide to do.

You have a few decisions. You can go to a local hypnotherapist and be charged anywhere from one hundred to three hundred dollars per session. Or you can choose a program online that would probably be less than one hundred dollars.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Have you tried nicotine patches? Chewing gum? How about tablets? Or tried anything else they currently have on the market to help you stop smoking? Have you found it lasts for a few days maybe has lasted up to a couple of weeks, then you give in to temptation and light up a cigarette again? Just one won't hurt you say but it is never just one. You want to consciously stop smoking but subconsciously your mind still wants to smoke and you will always give in, it doesn't matter what you try that little voice will continue to tell you to give in to those cravings.

Hypnosis works on your subconscious to stop the cravings and kill the addiction helping you stop smoking forever. Instead of being a smoker that has stopped smoking, still having that urge inside you, you become a non-smoker that doesn't want a cigarette anymore and you are free from all urges and cravings.

But does hypnosis really work? Most importantly, will it work for me, you ask? Studies have proven it has worked for thousands of smokers that have been in your situation. They have searched through all the Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) out there and never seem to find any long term success. Upon discovering and trying hypnosis, it has proved to be the most effective method for stopping smoking and never wanting to light up again. Hypnosis is at least 3 times more effective then NRT and at least 15 times more successful than will power alone.

Many scientists over the world have researched and tested hypnosis as a technique to quit smoking as well as tackling other forms of addiction. With these studies, Hypnosis has been proven to be the most effective and successful method compared to any other medication or replacement treatment. 80% of smokers found they stopped smoking after a minimum of 4 sessions of hypnosis and over 90% found it to be most successful after a minimum of 6 hypnosis sessions. There are even a few that have found hypnosis to be successful for them after only one session. It works differently for all of us but importantly, most find that it does work.

Do you feel like cigarettes control your life? Planning when you can have that next one, having to step outside in the cold to have a puff when all your friends stay inside, keeping an eye on how many you have left and making sure you don't run out. Did you know smoking also controls your life span? Every cigarette you have takes 6 minutes from your life. This isn't counting the negative health effects smoking can cause. By using hypnosis you can take back control in a stress free way at a time and place that you feel most comfortable and relaxed in.

Hypnosis doesn't have any side effects like other methods of quitting can have. You can have long term health problems not only from smoking but from medication that is meant to help you quit. Whereas, hypnosis can only make you and your life better. It isn't like the stage shows you've heard of or seen on television, it works by offering repetitive positive suggestions to your subconscious when you are awake and relaxed in your own home during the day or there are night sessions available if you feel most relaxed in the evening.

Hypnosis has worked for thousands of people around the world and helped them stop smoking. Scientists have proven this method is the most effective to stop smoking for life. Will it work for you? You've tried other methods, why not try hypnosis and find out?
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Stop smoking with hypnosis by using the power of your subconscious mind. For those of you who are not familiar with stop smoking with hypnosis programs, let me tell you a story on how it worked for me.

I started smoking at a young age, my older siblings and parents smoked, so it seemed like a natural thing to do. I hate to admit it, but yes I thought I was cool because I smoked. In the beginning I did not smoke much, just a couple cigarettes now and then. As time passed I began smoking more and more. I developed triggers or times I liked to smoke. These included before bed, in the car, shopping (at this time you could smoke in stores), when I had a drink and of course after eating. At the time smoking was never considered that bad for you and was socially excepted. Boy, how things have changed.

I am telling you all this because I am sure you will find many things that are similar to your smoking addiction. I knew I was addicted and to be honest did not much care. My health was good, had no real noticeable side effects and I liked to smoke. At least that is what I told myself. Then things started to change, it was no longer sociably excepted, where you could smoke was limited and I would have to go out and smoke in the freezing cold to fill my need. I started thinking this whole smoking thing was rather stupid. why am I letting some plant that is slowly killing me control what I do and where I go. That is right, where I go. In the summer I would not eat at restaurant that did not have an outside patio where I could smoke. Think about it, that is absolutely insane. When it came to dating, I passed up on going out with some fantastic women because I smoked. I had to limit myself to smokers only and to be honest, they where not the healthiest bunch. I could go on and on about how smoking effected my life in a negative way, but will not bore you to much.

To quit smoking I tried gum, patches and about every hair brained idea that was out there. sure I had some success with these things, but what it boiled down to was a tremendous amount of will power. Some of these quit smoking remedies worked for a week or maybe a month, then I was right back at it. The worst thing was after a couple months of smoking again, I would be smoking more then I was before. I even tried to motivate myself by telling me how much money I would save. Lets see, three packs of cigarettes a day, plus the extra gas to get them, the extra things I buy when getting cigarettes, the extra car cleanings and all the other little things. I figured I was spending about $20.00 per day, WOW, that is $7,300.00 per year. What could I do with all that money if I just quit smoking. Well I did not quit, even with the fact I am not a rich person and could of really used the money. I finally figured out how many hours I would have to work to earn that money and said enough is enough, I have to find a permanent way to quit smoking.

That is when I tried a stop smoking with hypnosis program. I did some research on this and how hypnosis can change habits and believes. This is done through hypnosis talking directly to your subconscious mind. I really wanted to quit smoking so I gave it a try. Found a program I thought sounded good and set a stop smoking date. The date rolled around and I followed the program, was excited about getting rid of the dirty, nasty habit. Well it worked! Oh, I still had some cravings and my triggers would still tell me it was time for a cigarette, but the stop smoking with hypnosis program made these mild and easy to manage.

I am now approaching a year without smoking and must say I feel great. It amazes me how much smoking effected my mood, health, breathing and even digestion. I had been a smoker for my entire adult life and now feel like I have a new lease on life. Yes, it made that much difference for me. If you decide to try stop smoking with hypnosis I would suggest getting a program that comes with a money back guarantee. I would also suggest a program that has some kind of followup hypnosis sessions to keep the cravings and habit away.

I wish I could remember the stop smoking with hypnosis program I used and give you a recommendation for that one, but I just cannot remember. Good luck, I have complete confidence that stop smoking with hypnosis will work for you, as it did for me.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
People use different techniques to get rid of the smoking habit. Many use nicotine patches, some other rely on medication while few others try to stop smoking using their willpower. The success rate in any of these techniques has been very low with most people failing in their efforts.

As a last resort people then select self-hypnosis to stop the smoking habit. Self hypnosis is used to influence a person's views regarding smoking habit inside his subconscious mind and is considered to be the most effective way of quitting this addiction.

Components of Self Hypnosis

There are different components of self hypnosis such as visualization, relaxation and scripts. The first of these components is relaxation which helps to make the mind accept new suggestions. Next component is scripts which are small phrases that are to be repeated inside the mind and help you quit smoking. Last but most important component of self hypnosis is visualization.

Visualization provides several benefits to people practicing self hypnosis. By visualizing doing any particular thing it becomes easy for you to actual do it. Many people go through dissociated visualization while performing self-hypnosis. In dissociated visualization a person starts forming pictures of his own self which feel like watching himself on T.V.

This is an effective method as using it you are able to increase your imagination power and visualize how things would look like after you stop smoking. If we start visualizing any particular work as if it is really happening then actually performing it becomes relatively easy.

Optimize Visualization Process

The 1st step involves clearing visualizing that you are really quitting the habit. This will help you in believing that getting rid of the addiction is easy. As a 2nd step, try to use imagination and creativity to create images in your mind that have emotional influence on you. Emotional influence is important in self-hypnosis as the more any hypnotic suggestion is emotionally charged the better effect it has on our subconscious mind and thus results in faster response.

There are many words that are used to visualize emotions like "pulsating", "dazzling", "breathtaking", "magnificent", "dominant", "joyful", "adoring", "bighearted", "thrilling", "charming" and "gorgeous". By making such images vivid as well as dramatic we make the visualization process more effective since basically visualization is suggestions that we give to our subconscious mind.

As an example try and visualize tobacco smoke. Develop an image in your mind that tells you that the smoke smells, tastes and looks disgusting. You will also have to create associations which show how bad tobacco smoke is. Many people use negative things such as smelly shoe or garbage dump as associations for tobacco smoke so that our subconscious mind starts to consider cigarette smoke as a bad thing.

It is generally found that visualization and self hypnosis work quite effectively for people with respect to goal of stopping the smoking habit. People also find that visualization and imagination when used together for changing our thinking or our habits is a very simple but effective technique.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Hypnosis is extremely effective because it doesn't rely on 'willpower'. Willpower doesn't really exist, it appears to exist when your subconscious mind agrees with your conscious mind.

When you 'give something up' (as with willpower alone and some other stop-smoking methods), you often feel deprived. If you experience a stressful day, you may think to yourself, 'Why have I given up smoking when I enjoy it?'

At such stressful moments your subconscious and conscious mind are at loggerheads and your resolve may weaken. However, your subconscious mind can manage your habits, desires and cravings independently from your conscious efforts.

Hypnosis works because it alters the way your subconscious feels, so it ultimately agrees with your conscious mind, so that, after a stressful day you will think to yourself 'Wow, that was a hard day, I'm glad I have more energy since stopping smoking to deal with the stress more effectively.'

Hypnosis 'reframes' how you feel about smoking so that you are no longer 'giving up' which implies losing something. Instead you appreciate how your fitness has improved, how good things taste and smell now that our senses are no longer being damaged by the chemicals you used to inhale. You will notice how your breathing becomes easier and how much more energy you have gained... not to mention the money you have saved!

For more info you can go to http://www.mind-works.co.uk

Terry Doherty Copyright ©
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


You have seen and heard the warnings. You know what smoking is doing to your lungs. Perhaps you have tried to quit smoking before, but the gum tastes bad and no matter how hard you tried you just can't pretend that the inhaler is a smoke. You've even tried counseling and prescription medications. So, what else is there for you to try? You should definitely consider hypnosis to help you quit smoking.

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking does many things to your lungs. If you have seen the before and after pictures, you know how smoking takes a healthy pink lung and turns it into a black unhealthy one. Smoking can bring about cancer, emphysema and can increase your chances of heart attack and stroke. What causes this? The chemicals in cigarettes are outstanding and many of them are poisonous. There is also benzene, a chemical in gasoline, cadmium, found in batteries and oil paint, and hydrogen cyanide that cause headaches, dizziness and nausea.

There are actually 4000 chemicals and of these 43 are cancer causing. One ingredient is acetone, an ingredient in nail polish remover. Arsenic. That is right, arsenic, the ingredient that is used to kill rats! Arsenic is what gives your lips a burn and your mouth a very bad taste.

What Happens When You Quit

This is what happens to your lungs after you quit smoking. Within 20 minutes of quitting your heart rate begins to drop. Twelve hours off the smokes brings your carbon monoxide levels to normal. Between two weeks and three months smoke free you begin to lower your risk of heart attacks, and your lung function improves.

Within one to nine months, you will find that your coughing level is lowered and your lung capacity increases. One year, and you've already cut your risk of a coronary heart disease to to half of what it was when you were smoking. Fifteen years and you now have the same risk of a non smoker of having a coronary heart attack.

What Can Hypnosis Do?

Hypnosis is not what the cartoons and movies portray. You do not sit in front of a creepy man as he sways a dangly object in front of your face. The goal of hypnosis is to suppress the conscious side of the brain, which is the "thinking" part of the brain with which you function most of the day. The purpose is to let the subconscious become available for tweaking by you and the hypnotist. Often, the hypnotist will work to teach your subconscious to equate smoking with something unpleasant, like nausea. While counseling only works on the conscious part of the brain, hypnosis works on the deep rooted subconscious levels of automatic thought.

Many hypnotherapists can help you quit smoking with just a single session of treatment.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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