
Smoking is a strong habit that is difficult to break. Many people need some sort of medication to help them kick the smoking habit. There are many medications available from pharmaceutical companies in the US and all over the world. Whatever medication you take should be administered under the care of a doctor who is familiar with your medical history.

Before beginning to take any anti-smoking medication, you will need to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you don't have any conditions that could be aggravated by the drugs, such as epilepsy and some other hereditary diseases.

Some of the anti-smoking drugs are available in the form of a short. Smart and Welplex are two of them. They each require just one shot. Another one, called 1-2-3, requires a series of three shots. The shot treatment is simple and helps you get over nicotine withdrawal quickly.

Drugs in tablet form are usually less expensive than the shots, but have to be taken for a longer period of time. Chantix is one of these drugs.

Some of the side effects reported by people taking medication to help them stop smoking include nausea, dry mouth, sleeplessness and unusual dreams. Smokers who combined stop smoking drugs with nicotine-based anti-smoking products often experienced an increase in blood pressure.

Drugs are useful tools to be considered as part of a plan to stop smoking, but they are generally not very successful unless they are administered in combination with behavioral counseling. So be very careful before using this method to stop smoking.
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