
Many smokers are looking for a way to stop the habit for good. A popular approach to stop smoking is the quit smoking shot. It is an injection, or series of injections, administered in a doctor's office.

The success rate is very high, but the injection alone is not a quick fix. There are psychological symptoms that must be dealt with to be very successful.

There are three popular types of shots on the market. They are Welplex, Smart Shot, and Quit 123. Welplex and Quit 123 require three injections, and Smart Shot requires only one. They contain two drugs. One is a chemical that minimizes the craving for cigarettes and the other is a chemical that blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain. Doctor supervision is recommended as these drugs can have serious side effects.

The administration of the shot is quite painful and rather expensive. Taking into consideration the cost of cigarettes, the treatment can pay for itself in a few short months. The health benefits are priceless.

People who have tried everything else and failed might find the quit smoking shot to be the answer. There is only a short list of side effects in people who have received it, and they go away rather quickly.

The physical withdrawal symptoms are greatly reduced, allowing many people to stop smoking successfully. Support groups or counseling may still be necessary to deal with the psychological issues that arise with quit smoking shot that has been such a big part of a person's life.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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