
We all know that it is a good idea to stop smoking cigarettes. We have all been bombarded by the 'health nazis' telling us it is really bad for us and probably, the single most destructive pastime possible for your health. But somehow or other, with all this rational advice about how bad smoking is, we just seem to be unable to stop doing it.

In my opinion, the most important steps in how to stop smoking cigarettes are entirely to do with your attitude.

Firstly, smokers enjoy smoking, or at least they think they do. This is because the effects of nicotine on the brain and the effects of nicotine on hormone levels in your body have progressively re-wired your brain into believing that smoking is enjoyable.

Secondly, if you want to stop smoking cigarettes you must make a genuine decision to stop smoking cigarettes. Most smokers make a halfhearted attempt to stop smoking and often pretty much decide not to succeed before they try to stop. This is a massive handicap and pretty much dooms the smoker to failure.

Thirdly, understanding how to stop smoking also involves accepting a future without cigarettes. Without taking this obvious but often-overlooked point, smokers will always find it difficult to maintain being a non-smoker. If a smoker hasn't considered how they will live without tobacco as part of their life, confronting the future becomes difficult.

Fourthly, accepting that there is a fear of failure as well as a fear of success is another important element of learning how to stop smoking. If you fail, you must accept that some people will look down on you. My analogy for this is that people often behave like crabs in a bucket. The moment you have nearly escaped, there will be one that pulls you back into the bucket. It is just human nature.

Fifthly, making sure you are doing it for yourself is an integral element of how to stop smoking. You can only quit if you are doing it for yourself but you can do it for someone else if you 're-arrange' your reasoning.

For example, if you want to stop smoking for a family member, you have to do it for yourself because you love them, rather than because they love you. If you love someone, you should think "I need to stop smoking to save myself the guilt of causing them the anguish of losing me to a smoking related illness".

Sixthly, learning how to stop smoking is an important thing to understand. You can drive a car pretty easily but you need to learn how to drive a car safely and effectively otherwise you're on a hiding to nothing.

If you have tried to stop smoking before, you will have no doubt found it difficult. Learning all the best techniques and tactics before trying to stop, including changing your overall attitude and mindset, is an important realisation.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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