
Without medication, without nicotine patches, nicotine gum or other nicotine-based products, then what is the best way to quit smoking naturally? Many researchers reveal that smokers who take the task to stop smoking naturally literally get into the most difficult episode of their lifetime. There are a couple of ways to do so. You can either go cold turkey immediately and for good or you can reduce the nicotine intake coordinated with a pre-organised plan. So, let us have a closer inspection of these 2 ways to give up smoking naturally and identify how efficient they end up. Smokers who want to stop naturally are generally opposed to alternative replacements or are absolutely reluctant to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are often identified with them. For the cold turkey solution, probability of success are lower and you'll see why.

Firstly, the best way to quit smoking naturally and gradually, is to make a plan and stick to it by all means. By this I mean that you'll need to constantly decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to stop smoking naturally, you'll need to assist your body by alternative methods, making up for the lack of nicotine. Try to, minimize stress, and you won't have the urge to smoke so much. You can give up smoking naturally by increasing the quantity of sweet fruit you eat a day, since reduced nicotine equals lower sugar in the blood. The sugar you'll receive from the diet will compensate for the lack of nicotine, without exposing you to additional weight risks. In addition you may also assist your cause by lots of physical exercises and good water intake, since this assists you eradicate toxins from your body.

Alternatively if you think the best way to quit smoking is to just stop abruptly, you should well be prepared for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to your choice not to smoke, you may not succeed. As well, statistics show that this method to stop smoking naturally is likely to be distressful for your system as the nicotine reduction brings a number of cravings and is not generally thought of as the ideal way to quit. The fight to give up naturally can take you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and so on. You may reduce the cravings whilst you try to quit smoking naturally, by hydration, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even counseling.
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